
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anonymous Has Some Words:

Anonymous said...

When Meir Kahane would speak on college campuses, he would state that he does not hate Arabs and that he has much respect for Arabs.

When karmafish complains about anti-Arab or anti-Muslim racism, it has a very similar ring to it.

It is no surprise that right-wingers like karmafish, Bill Kristol, and others are desperately trying to discredit protests like occupy wall street. They realize that these protests have the potential to galvanize opposition to their extreme right-wing agenda.

October 16, 2011 12:50 PM

I like it when political opponents come in to have their say and I like to discuss what they are claiming, piece by piece:

When Meir Kahane would speak on college campuses, he would state that he does not hate Arabs and that he has much respect for Arabs.

When karmafish complains about anti-Arab or anti-Muslim racism, it has a very similar ring to it.

A similar ring? That is not much of an argument, I am afraid. If you wish to honestly engage than you must do better than that. As it is, by trying to associate me with Kahane, you are transparently trying to turn me into object of hatred.

Meir Kahane is, after all, an object of hatred on the left. They hate Kahane. They hate Sharon. They hate Netanyahu.  They hate Lieberman.  They hate Begin. And, needless to say, they loath Jabotinsky, which is kinda where it started.

On the American Left they hate Hannity and Limbaugh and all the rest of them.

What is with all this hatred?

What is with the conjuring up of all these demons?

Speaking for myself, I hate no major figures in Israeli or Jewish history. I do not hate Kahane and I do not hate Sharon, nor Begin, nor Netanyahu, nor Lieberman, nor Jabotinsky. I do not hate the right-wing, period, nor do I hate the Histadrut, Labour, or Meretz.

I thus also find no hatred in my heart for the left. What I feel in my heart for the left is just sadness.

It is no surprise that right-wingers like karmafish, Bill Kristol, and others are desperately trying to discredit protests like occupy wall street.

This is a typical mistake of my critics. They sometimes confuse me with the right. This is not surprising given that I am a liberal critic of the left on matters I-P. If you are going to criticize the left then people will necessarily assume that you are on the right.

But, left and right are a matter of issues. Where you stand on the issues is where you stand on the political spectrum. Mr. Anonymous, however, does not seem to care about anything that we would normally associate with truth. He cares about politics and defeating his political enemies. It is for that reason that he calls me a "right-winger."

Because the term "right-winger" (or right or conservative or Republican) is simply synonymous with "enemy," or "bad person," or "infidel,"or "heretic," or "outlander," someone to spit hatred at and dismiss.  One of those outlandish people.

This is the crudest form of politics possible.

They realize that these protests have the potential to galvanize opposition to their extreme right-wing agenda.

Our extreme right-wing agenda?

Mine and Bill Kristol's?

What nonsense.  In truth, what this guy is telling me is that as a liberal he thinks that my standing up for Israel represents the "extreme right-wing."

So, merely being pro-Israel is "extreme right wing" in the minds of very many "progressives"?

I seeeeee.

But that is pretty much the message that I want my readership to understand, so I thank this person.

Much of the progressive-left hates Israel.


They think that standing up for the Jewish people or the Jewish state makes one a bad person.

{And if they hate Israel then what can they honestly think of the Jews?}

It is time to move on, my friends.

It is long time past to move on.


  1. Yes.

    I, myself, am now horrified by the Left precisely because, for my entire life, I took for granted that I was liberal. I feel utterly abandoned by - and attacked by, and under siege by - the Left, which, as whole, has become racist anti-Jewish, and, as part of that, has become totalitarian and mean.

    And I am aware of the racist anti-Jewish and supremacist nature of the actual Nazi-supporting, and, in some cases, actual Nazi, governing "establishment" social class (the wealthy governing families and corporations; and governmental intelligence agencies) of the United States of America and Britain and Germany.

    And the only collective group of people in the West who are defending the Jewish people are evangelical Christians and, I think, religious Christian, and non-religious, grass-roots political Conservatives in general. And evangelical Christians are people whose world view, in general, I disagree with, and who are people who hold sympathetic condescending racist views toward the Jewish people. And grass-roots political Conservatives are people with whose world view I disagree in general, although with whose world-view I don't completely disagree.

    I feel frustrated and horrified and completely alone and trapped and under siege.

    Those of us who are Jewish, are, again, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    And it's because those of us who are Jewish have not verbally defended ourselves like normal human beings; that is: it's because those of us who are Jewish have not simply told the truth - and because Jewish people, in some cases, have joined ignorant bigoted anti-Jewish racists in attacking the Jewish people by joining ignorant bigoted indoctrinated Leftist anti-Jewish racists and Islamic supremacist anti-Jewish racists in propagating racist libels against the Jewish people.

    Explaining Jewish Political Behavior, by Barry Rubin; "The key to understanding contemporary Jewish political behavior in Europe and North America is the history of Jewish assimilation strategy."

  2. Hi Dan,

    we all feel a little like you do, I think.

    We feel under siege, because we are under siege.

    That is, the Jews of the Middle East are under actual physical siege, what with all those rockets continually being fired at them.

    Meanwhile us Jews in the diaspora are under a constant propaganda barrage which forces us into a never-ending defensive posture in defense of our brothers and sisters in Israel.

    BUT, remember that our position in the world is much, much better than it was even just 50 years ago.

    Much, much better.


    Good for us.

    So, try not to sweat it so heavily, eh?

