
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Racist Progressive Delegitmizes Israel on Daily Kos


how could it be otherwise? (0+ / 0-)

If I told you my ancestors lived on your property 2,000 years ago and we were now "home," I doubt you would move out , even if I assured you that my god had told me it belonged to me. And of course, the murder and theft required to achieve a Jewish majority has never ceased and continues today. I notice this has never bothered you or raised a cheep from the defenders of the holy state. That the vast majority of the world recognizes this should surprise no one.

by Anorish on Sat Nov 19, 2011 at 04:57:08 PM PST

Let's take this bit by bit.

If I told you my ancestors lived on your property 2,000 years ago and we were now "home," I doubt you would move out...

So, in his first sentence he seeks to decouple the Jews from the land of Israel (not to mention decouple Jews from Jewish history) by failing to acknowledge that Jews have lived on that land continuously for around 3,500 years.

He furthermore insinuates that as Europeans were chasing Jews out of Europe that Jews were chasing Arabs out of Palestine. This is false.

And of course, the murder and theft required to achieve a Jewish majority has never ceased and continues today.

This is a lie straight out of the "Palestinian narrative," straight out of Arab propaganda. Murder and theft? Really? The Arabs have been fighting a terror war against the Jews of the Middle East since the 1920s, before there even was a Jewish state and in November of 1947, directly after the passing of UN 181 and shortly after the Holocaust, the Palestinian-Arabs launched a genocidal civil war against the Jews which, thankfully, they lost, but this cannot fairly be represented as Jewish "murder and theft."

This is pure malice and lies and is no way reflective of the historical record. It is however reflective of the blood-libel which posits Jews as brutal murderers. The charge of theft, needless to say, reinforces the old anti-Semitic canard of the grasping and greedy Jew.

I notice this has never bothered you or raised a cheep from the defenders of the holy state.

Notice the mocking reference to "the holy state."

These are your progressive friends.

These are the people who claim that unless we support them then we are "Israel firsters" or that we have dual loyalty and are, thus, not real Americans.

This is your movement and it has, as a whole, betrayed the Jewish people.

Time to get the hell out of the progressive-left.

Time to give the Democratic Party a serious break, as well.

Open your eyes and recognize that today's progressive movement, and today's Democratic Party, are simply no longer friends to the Jewish people because they have made a home of themselves to anti-Semitic anti-Zionists.

Oh, and Anorish is a racist. Anyone who would seek to deny Jewish heritage on Jewish land is racist against Jews. Why are there so many anti-Jewish racists on the left, anyway? The Republicans have done a good job of marginalizing their anti-Semites, but the Democrats are cultivating theirs on the level of the activist base and the netroots / grassroots.

Acknowledge the obvious.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome posts Daniel. I can't remember where I read it but evidently a well known British journalist, after the 1967 war, reportedly said something to the effect of "Thank G-d, now we can criticize the Jews again."

    In related news Amazon is selling The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the customer reviews are mostly positive.
