
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone


Why do I get a strong sense of disconnect between the style and subject of this blog versus the goofy graphic above?

In any case, Laurie and I are having friends over tomorrow and I am going to roast the bird. I suggested that maybe we should cut the thing up before roasting, which is what I do with chickens, but Laurie is having none of it.

A buddy of mine said something like, "Well, y'know, she wants a picture of her with a whole bird, setting it down for a Thanksgiving meal."

Fair enough!

So, I want each and every one of you guys to have an absolutely terrific Thanksgiving and not to concern yourselves with I-P until Friday... if not Monday.

Those of you who care about the Jewish people and the Jewish state, give yourself leave to not give things a moment's thought. Enjoy your friends and family and all that food (and wine.)

Those of you who despise Israel and would, via your hatred, harm the Jewish people, you should take a break, as well!


If you'll take my humble advice you will see that a day without anti-Zionism can be a very beautiful thing. You should give it a shot.


  1. Indeed. All of my days now are actually free of dealing with vicious, hate-filled scumbags online, and I have to say - things look sharper, food tastes better, flowers smell nicer...

    Every day is a thankful one lately!


  2. Good for you, mister.

    btw, can you imagine what we might have been able to do for the movement and the party if we did not feel like we were getting a raw deal?

    Holy shit.

    What a waste of talent.

  3. Well, that's what I'm doing now. Ignoring a certain crew of hatemongers at a blog run by a group of country club bigots has done wonders for my mental state and my attitude of late, and will have me back to once again working on and advocating for urban planning, active transportation and food politics (and etc) issues in my city as soon as I get back home.

    The long break and this trip back East (though I can't wait to get back home to Portland next week!) have been fantastic, like pressing the 'reset' button from the last year or so, and I'm feeling fully refreshed and ready to go again.

    I'll be a little wary from now on, unfortunately, from the hideous and abusive experience of dealing with certain types online recently, but I'm not yet convinced these folks are as numerous as they are screechy, boorish and obnoxious.

    In the end though, the experience was, if not a good one, at least a useful one. When or if I come across these types again, my naivete is gone and I will... whip them good. Heh.

    Sorry, early morning ponderings prior to coffee. Hope I'm making some sense...

  4. Well, good for you, mister.

    I find it sad when I see, on more or less a daily basis, liberal Jews who, were they not forced to defend the Jewish state against progressive-left hate-mongers, might actually be able to do some work advancing liberal causes.

    I have to say, tho, it is not that anti-Zionists are so numerous as that:

    1) they have been accepted as part of the progressive coalition - thus, the left's betrayal of the Jews.

    2) they drive the discussion when it comes to I-P

    3) they are part of the larger BDS and anti-Semitic movement which includes the Radical Jihad (thus Iran, Hez, Hamas, and much of the Arab and Muslim world), and progressive outlets and NGOs. All those hate-filled European newspapers who inevitably take the side of the Arabs against the Jews.

    Anyways, your a smart man to go focus on other things.

    I-P is death.

  5. Heh. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not ending my online pro-Israel advocacy by any means. Just not going to bother doing it at ultimately insignificant hate-friendly sites, like the one I just wasted a year doing so at, is all...

