
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Middlesex University Event


Ken O'Keefe, of Mavi Marmara fame, calls Jews Nazis and demands the destruction of Israel.

The only reason that vicious nutbags like this guy get a platform is because progressives give people like him platforms from which to spew their hatred.

Is O'Keefe "fringe"?


But is Middlesex University "fringe"?

I do not think so.

{A Tip 'O the Kippa to CiF Watch.}

By the way, it should also be noted that anyone who calls out Jews as Nazis... is a Nazi.

Ken O'Keefe is entirely despicable.


  1. We should all note that the alleged 2 state pro-Palestinian advocates never take extremists like O'Keefe to task. It took years before Norman Finkelstein said something negative about the BDS posers. The question is why do the 2 state progressive pro-Palestinian advocates count O'Keefe, the Free Gaza Movement, Int'l Solidarity Movement, Israel Apartheid Week freaks, etc. as their colleagues?

    1. Because they do not actually want two states for two peoples.

      What they want is a 23rd Arab state in which Jews are a subjugated minority.

  2. British Mandate of Palestine

    Was constituted by what is now:
    O Jordan
    O Israel
    O "The West Bank" (Yehouda and Shomrom) (Currently governed by Fatah-PLO-PalestinianAuthority)
    O "The Gaza Strip" (Currently governed by Hamas)

    (Article with map)

    This article on Wikipedia is now being targeted for being taken down.


    Fascist Muslim thugs disrupt Jewish event at UC-Davis, police ordered not to stop them (article with video)

    Genocidal Liberalism: The University’s Jihad Against Israel & Jews


    Jewish people, wake up.

  3. O The British Mandate of Palestine included what is now Jordan.
    O There were more Jewish refugees from Muslim states than there were Arab refugees from Israel.
    O All of those refugees - Jewish and Arab - were caused by a self-declared "Jihadi" intendedly genocidal attack on Israel by Muslim Arab states in 1948.
    O Jordan occupied Yehouda and Shomron from 1949 to 1967, and Jordan renamed Yehouda and Shomron to the name "The West Bank" - referring to Yehouda and Shomron as "the west bank" of the Jordan river.
    O Egypt occupied what is now called "The Gaza Strip" from 1949 until 1967.
    O Between the years 1949 and 1967, the leaders of Muslim Arab states, and the leaders of what, in the 1960's, came to be called the 'Palestinian movement', had no intention of establishing any so-called 'Palestinian' Arab state in what Jordan renamed to the name "The West Bank" and in what is now called "The Gaza Strip", and made no effort to establish any so-called 'Palestinian' Arab state in what Jordan renamed to the name "The West Bank" and in what is now called "The Gaza Strip".

    O The Jewish refugees from Muslim states in the Middle East found refuge in Israel and in other countries. The Jewish refugees from Muslim states in the Middle East who found refuge in Israel became citizens of Israel, and the still living members of, and the descendants of, those Jewish refugees from Muslim states are citizens of Israel and constitute approximately 50 percent of the Jewish population of Israel, and refer to themselves as Mizrahi, which means "Eastern" in Hebrew.
    O The Arab refugees from the 1948 Muslim Arab attack on Israel, and the descendants of the Arab refugees from the Muslim Arab attack on Israel, began to be called the 'Palestinian' Arab refugees in the 1960's, and still living members of, and the currently several million descendants of, those Arab refugees from the 1948 Muslim Arab attack on Israel have come to now even be called 'the Palestinians', and do not live in Israel, and are not citizens of Israel, and live in what is now called "The West Bank", which is governed by Fatah-PLO-PalestinianAuthority, and in what is now called "The Gaza Strip", which is governed by Hamas, and in refugee camps in Muslim Arab states.
    O There have been tens of millions of refugees since the end of World War II, almost all of whom have been relocated to, and absorbed into, the countries to which they fled or were expelled - such as several million ethnically German people who lived in the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia (Sudeten Germans) who, immediately after World War II, were expelled from the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, and who were, subsequently, relocated to, and absorbed into, Germany.

    O British officials created the Arab state of Transjordan in The British Mandate of Palestine between 1922 and 1924.
    O In 1946, Britain granted autonomy to Transjordan, and Transjordan was renamed Jordan.
    O Jewish leaders in the British Mandate of Palestine accepted the 1947 partition plan and every other earlier similar proposition for the creation of one Arab state in, and one Jewish state in, the part of the British Mandate of Palestine which did not become Jordan. The Arab leaders in the Middle East refused the 1947 partition plan and every other earlier similar proposition for the creation of one Arab state in, and one Jewish state in, the part of the British Mandate of Palestine which did not become Jordan.

  4. Dan, where did all this material come from?

    Link, please?
