
Monday, March 5, 2012

Daily Kos Comment of the Day: The Rise of AIPAC


This is the most successful AIPAC conference (0+ / 0-)

in history, with the largest number of attendees ever.

Virtually every Democratic member of Congress is in attendance.

Seems to me that AIPAC is on the rise, hardly moving towards irrelevance.

by Hoodoo Man on Sun Mar 04, 2012 at 05:28:29 PM PST

Given how much hatred and vitriol there is on the left for almost any Jewish organization, particular AIPAC, this comment just gave me a smile.

Good for the Hoodoo Man, standing up to "progressives" in favor of Israel.


  1. I read that the bulk of increased U.S. funding for Israeli defense programs comes from Obama maintaining a 10-year commitment made by Bush to Israel's government in 2007.

    I wonder what it would like like if that commitment had not occurred.

  2. So, do you guys suppose that Barack Obama allowed Netanyahu through the front door of the White House?

    Do you suppose that Obama offered Netanyahu a beverage?
