
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Geoffff's Joint Peace Prize

Feel confident that the esteemed committee in Oslo will see to it that the right guy gets the gong at City Hall this 10 December, given who they have given it to in the past?

Would you put your money on the Sydney Peace Prize going in the right direction this year given that the Sydney Peace Foundation gave their cheque to Noam Chomsky last year and earlier winners include John Pilger and Hanan Ashrawi for her work in putting a smiling human face to Arafat's attacks on family restaurants and teenage nightclubs during the Second Intifada?

You could look East and go for the Confucius Peace Prize. But given that the first winner in 2010 was a former Deputy Premier of the Republic of China who didn't hear about it until after the presentation and last year's winner was Vladimir Putin you may well the only person in the world to take it seriously.

Know of any other peace prizes that would command respect for itself and bestow any on a recipient? Know of any other peace prizes at all? I'm sure they're out there. I want to believe.

In order to tackle this acute crediblity deficit in the global peace prize business head on and to fill a yawning gap in this tired market I have decided to introduce my own peace prize. The Geoffff's Joint Peace Prize will be awarded periodically as the mood takes me.

The nominations for the inaugural Geoffff's Joint Peace Prize are:

The Fence was a winner from the very start. It attracted condemnation from every left/liberal hand wringing wanker across the globe, really got up the nose of the PA and was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice so you could be certain this had acres of potential. And so it was to be. In 2002 there were 220 people killed in suicide terror attacks. In 2003 Hanan Ashrawi got the Sydney Peace Prize for all this good work. By 2007 the number had dropped to three. Now seriously, in any sane world, who do you think deseves the peace prize?

  • The USAF Stealth Drone Avenger that took out this guy
Terror gang bosses are happy to send others to their deaths but they are not suicidal themselves. To make their jobs as suicidal as possible is a proven technique in keeping them down. Nothing like that feeling that at any moment you may be blown to paradise to keep them jittery and the paranoia flowing. The drones do good and important work.

How can you not but admire the skill and precision in that? Awesome. It leaves you lost for words. That sure got the rockets stopped.

And the winner is:

Drum Roll

Israel's Security Fence !!

Without question the most successful and enduring peace initative since Begin and Sadat.

Congratulations State of Israel.

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