
Friday, July 26, 2013

Return of the Pretty Lady with Candles


  1. Welcome back, Pretty Lady With Candles.

    Oops, my mother's coming down for the day tomorrow and I haven't planned anything. I can always swing the tourist-y tour on a play-it-by-ear basis, but I should have put more thought on where to go for lunch! Vietnamese sounds like a decent idea. And I haven't hit my favorite Kensington Ave pho spot in months, now that I think of it. Hmm...

  2. Well, that was rather anticlimactic. I managed to find the roving pizza truck down in Fishtown, while out on a walk, for the first time this summer. Their pizza looks... not good. Perhaps looks are deceiving in this case, but I'm glad I was able to spy someone else's slice before I bought one. Decided to pass tonight. Maybe next time! Wasn't too hungry, anyway. Heh.
