
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Change in Style

Mike L.

Regular readers and participants of Israel Thrives know that I like to publish something pretty much every day.  Typically, as I read the Jewish press and journals something will leap out at me and I will give my two cents on whatever the issue happens to be.

I've decided, however, that it is time for a change in style, at least in regards my own contributions.

Going forward I will publish less, but what I do publish will be longer and somewhat more formal in nature.  My purpose will be to consolidate the arguments that we have already made with the intention of bolstering the central assertions.  Such assertions include the progressive-left betrayal of its Jewish constituency through the acceptance of anti-Semitic anti-Zionism within the larger progressive and Democratic Party coalition; the various failures of the Jewish left, particularly its unwillingness to stand up to political Islam and the role it plays in justifying hatred toward their fellow Jews in Judea and Samaria; the support of the Obama administration for the rise of political Islam throughout the Middle East as easily demonstrated by reviewing its support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the parent organization of both Hamas and al-Qaeda; and, of course, the Arab appropriation and dismissal of Jewish history on historically Jewish land as part of the delegitimization effort in the long Arab war against the Jews.

Among others.

My only real concern is that by publishing less we will likely see something of a drop-off in user participation.

I would prefer not to see that happen, but if it does happen it will be, at least in part, a consequence of the change in style of Israel Thrives.

In the mean time, I very much encourage my readers, participants, and friends to continue to think "outside of the box" on the Arab-Israel conflict.  The old ways of thinking on the conflict represent what has been called The Oslo Delusion.  The Oslo Delusion is the mistaken belief among many, if not most, progressive-left Jews that if only Israel were to do this that or the other than the Arabs would leave us in peace.  If only Israel were to rip perhaps hundreds of thousands of Jews out of their homes in Judea and Samaria then there will be peace.  The Oslo Delusion is what is behind this exceedingly disgraceful and humiliating release of murderers so that they can be celebrated as heroes by the local Arabs and their leadership within Fatah and Hamas.

For those of you with names on the masthead, my only request is that you continue to publish and ponder and discuss.  I will be around, as well, but you will see less front page material from me on a daily basis.

The only other thing to say is Am Yisrael Chai!

The Day of the Dhimmi is Done.


  1. Phew !! I meant to write last night to ask if you were OK, as nothing had been posted for days.

    I figured you were fine personally though, as I had received emails from you AND you had posted on

    Can't miss a free plug now, can I?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "I guess change is good for any of us." Sounds good, Mike. I very much look forward to reading your next-level pieces.

    I hope my own imminent scarcity isn't too much of a disappointment to anyone. Even though I won't be online much, my friends know how to get in touch with me (and they'd better!), if they ever find themselves in Philly or the Newark / NYC area.

    Keep up the good fight, everybody!

    1. My "next-level pieces."


      I don't know. I feel like I need to slow down a bit. I have been reacting very hard and fast to events as they arose over the last few years and now am starting to feel a need to be more contemplative and less reactive.

      Something like that.

      Of course, I am not under any actual obligation to do that if I find that it doesn't suit me. So please don't be terrifically surprised if I quickly revert back to arguing with my monitor on a daily basis.

      By the way, I still very much believe that Netanyahu made a terrible mistake with this release of murderers of Jews.

      It's like telling the world that it's open season.

      Very, very disappointing and it does, in fact, make me wonder about standing up for Israel if Israel refuses to stand up for itself.

      It's just sad.
