
Friday, July 25, 2014



  1. Antisemites like him will do what antisemites will do. What needs to really be done, if you ask me, if to hold the administration of that site responsible for the hatred and racism that it promotes.

    You can rest assured that all Pennsylvania Democratic politicians will be informed of precisely what that place is. For those who do venture into there unwittingly, they will be informed that if they want my support, they will need to not post on that antisemitic hate site.

  2. I saw that POS diary and all the other POS diaries over at dHamas. Posters are trying to outdo each others' antisemitism as usual.It's a feeding frenzy Course the morons had little to say when the tens were kidnapped and killed did they?

  3. This post fits those obsessive, Jew-hating trash to a tee.

    "Marc Lynch, the Director of the Institute for Middle East Studies at GWU, put it succinctly when he said, “It must be so awkward having to check whether the dead child is from Gaza or Syria before deciding whether to be morally outraged.”"

  4. Sam Harris - Why Don't I Criticize Israel?

    Haven't listened yet (I hate audio 'blogs,' just write the damned words!), but I'll have to set some time aside this evening to do so.

    1. In answer to your complaint (or not), he has posted an audio transcript. Well-reasoned, fair (to both sides, actually), and complete.

    2. See, my complaining is good for something sometimes, too!

      (I'm hearing impaired, so audio blogs are a pain in the ass for me for that reason, too...)

  5. One of the things that I found interesting is that in one of those recent "I/P" diaries they have opened up a discussion on whether or not Markos made a mistake in declaring Israel-Nazi comparisons out of bounds.

    This says something to me... and not just about Daily Kos.

  6. Give 'em a few more months, the Israel diaries page there will only be distinguishable from Jeff Rense's site by the color scheme. It's a bunch of antisemites sitting around grumbling and decrying the fact that they're not allowed to be as publicly antisemitic as they want to be.

  7. A coupla months? Geeze, I'd say they are there already and have been for some time. This war just flushed out more of them. Crap, they are climbing up each others shoulders trying to outdo the last guy's antisemitism. It's a non-stop feeding frenzy.

  8. It's 'Mondoweiss With a Smile.' And I'll have no further part in doing the job that its moderators should be doing. I can't clean up somebody else's hate site, I can only monitor it and treat it the same way I do all other sites which advance antisemitism.

  9. Yeah, I was being generous Doodad. They don't use the same blatant language as the outright hate sites, but the intent and the effect is the same.

  10. See if you can spot the fucking antisemitism:

    "No, members of congress need to know (9+ / 0-)

    that their constituents care about what's happening to the Palestinians.
    And for sure, President Obama need to hear that people are demanding that he act on behalf of the most vulnerable.

    Maya Angelou: “There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure truth.”

    by JoanMar on Sun Jul 27, 2014 at 08:03:38 PM PDT

    [ Parent ]

    * [new] and they'll know as soon as (5+ / 0-)

    you can pay them competitively.

    Dogs from the street can have all the desirable qualities that one could want from pet dogs. Most adopted stray dogs are usually humble and exceptionally faithful to their owners as if they are grateful for this kindness. -- H.M. Bhumibol Adulyadej

    by corvo on Sun Jul 27, 2014 at 08:04:34 PM PDT

    [ Parent ]
    * [new] Pay who competitively? (2+ / 0-)

    Ok, I think I just got it.

    Maya Angelou: “There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure truth.”

    by JoanMar on Sun Jul 27, 2014 at 08:19:37 PM PDT

    [ Parent ]"

  11. Doodad, I seem to be missing some essential context because I do not see any anti-Semitism in the exchange above.

    I know that corvo has made himself into an enemy of the Jewish state and is therefore an enemy of the Jewish people, but I am just not seeing it.

    Will you elaborate?

  12. "and they'll know as soon as you can pay them competitively"

    The Jew lobby pays the best according to some. You know, they OWN congress and all.

  13. Yeah, I saw it right away. They're still speaking in semi-code, but getting roughly 10% more brazen every week.
