
Saturday, September 27, 2014



  1. Just when you think Israel hating asaJew Gershon can get no more ridickulous, he posts a diary accusing Bibi of being antisemitic:

    wherein he castigates Bibi for complaining about "a smattering of anti-Semitic incidents in recent months," which Jewish leaders have " for political purposes, exaggerated the level of anti-Semitism which exists globally..."

    dHonig rips Gershon a new one in the comments. All I could think about when I read Gershon's nonsense was the latest Drudge headline that "POPE: Satan seduces by disguising evil as good..."

    Wonder if the Pope knows Gershon?

    1. I almost feel bad for the guy.

    2. Don't feel bad for him. He's doing what he does consciously. Kapos deserve no pity.

    3. Checked it out. Good to see some truth emerge in the comments. Usually, this "troubadour" of hate seeks out places where criticism is not tolerated well and even censored.

      The defenders were also exposed. They are so off that they cannot understand how wrong and antisemitic they are acting, as they abuse the causes they pretend to be all about.

    4. I remember David from back in the day, both from dkos and My Left Wing.

      He's a good man.

  2. "Kapos deserve no pity."

    Comment of the year!

  3. Do you guys think that H-G is insincere?

    1. What does it mean to be sincere? Moral narcissists are quite sincere, trying to shove utopia down our throats.

      Sincere people can be so blinded by a fundamentalist, intolerant ideology, that they cannot see how illiberal they are in the matter of human rights and dignity. Yet they lecture and chastise from platforms of hypocrisy.

      With HG there is dissembling, but his intended audience of fellow moral narcissists see him as speaking truth to power. He hides from criticism, however, so one might question the courage of his convictions. This latest posting showed that others are now seeing through the schtick, that he is promoting a less than altruistic agenda. Hope that trend will continue, but it really does not matter. He and his group at Daily Kos are unimportant.

      In the end I believe he will be known more for his anti-Zionism Israel and promotion of antisemitism than for all his lofty proclamations of wanting peace. After all, anyone can say they are for peace.

    2. Good points oldschool and of course we have his initial shameless self promotion of his book which led to the insincere label. What was it Barnum said?

    3. Ultimately, sincerity is irrelevant since the clear result of his 'activism' online, intended or not, is to spread, excuse, minimize and / or legitimize antisemitism.

      If people are finally beginning to see through him, great. Sure took long enough. Should have only been a matter of time, considering the vile bigots he associates with there.

      I doubt he'll lose too much support there, though. There's an endless hunger at that site for the sort of squishy, fuzzy, gives-you-that-tingly-feeling-in-the-belly, softcore 'progressive' antisemitism that David is so 'good' at.

      Perhaps he's searching for the boundaries. Either way, though, the guy clearly flunks Sharansky's 3D test, even when he's not being so blatant.

    4. Sharansky's 3D test should always be kept in mind with such questions:

      "I propose the following test for differentiating legitimate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism. The 3D test, as I call it, is not a new one. It merely applies to the new anti-Semitism the same criteria that for centuries identified the different dimensions of classical anti-Semitism."


      Double Standards


  4. Insincere? I don't think so. He's a true believer; a fanatic. But he's doing the devil's work. Course I don't really believe in the devil but you get my drift. I like Jay's characterization of him as a Kapo. Who knows what real Kapo's motives were? Saving their own lives? Protecting fellow prisoners from camp officials? Gershon does both metaphorically I suppose.

    Regardless, when you look at his body of work, it is ideologically driven and therefore derives almost nothing from the real facts on the ground in Israel. His head is in Utopia while reality says Fogels, 3 Israeli teens, etc and now, today, preschoolers are attacked by 10 masked Arabs in Jerusalem. Gershon is fiddling while Rome burns.
