
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Oh, Zoabi

Michael L.

The video above was recently put out by conservative Israeli parliamentarian Danny Danon.

It is played to the music of the old-timey American country tune "Oh, Sussana" and depicts Danon as a sheriff in the Old West arresting anti-Zionist Balad MK Hanin Zoabi.

Writing in Israel Hayom, Daniel Siryoti tells us:
In the video, set in the Wild West, Danon, the former deputy defense minister, is depicted as a sheriff and Zoabi, dressed in a kaffiyeh, is told to start crying because the "real Right" -- Danon -- has arrived. She is tossed out of a bar named "The Knesset" and put behind bars with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and former Balad chairman Azmi Bishara, who fled the country after the Second Lebanon War, in which he was suspected of spying for Hezbollah.

Music to the tune of "Oh, Susanna" accompanies the video, but the words are changed to convey a message to Zoabi: "You partied in the Knesset and sailed with terrorists, your support is guaranteed to anyone who murders Israelis. There is a limit to how much of a traitor you can be, so say goodbye, because sometimes you need to know when to shut your mouth." 
Zoabi, needless to say, is not the least bit happy about the video and has, in fact, filed a formal complaint against Danon with the Nazareth police for incitement.

The truth is, however, Zoabi is an enemy of the Jewish State of Israel and, therefore, should not be qualified to sit in the Knesset.  Israel may be the only country on the planet that is so open-minded - or so foolish - that they actually allow enemies of the state to be part of the parliament.

We need to remember that Zoabi favors violence against Jews, opposes Israel as the national home of the Jewish people, and participated in the Gaza flotilla.  She was on the Turkish vessel, Mavi Marmara, when Jihadis sought to kill Israeli soldiers who foolishly tried to board that vessel without proper measures of self-defense in May of 2010.

Therefore, indeed, the Knesset needs to rid itself of this individual.

In my opinion, Israel should make it a law that no enemies of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel, aka, anti-Zionists, should be allowed membership in the Knesset.

Whatever anyone may think of Danny Danon's politics, on this question he is most certainly correct and I wish him nothing but the very best in his efforts to rid the government of this heinous individual.


Oh, and by the way, the video also shows how plain weird Israeli politics can get.

I mean, the American Old West?


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