
Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Pesach

Michael L.

passover usa

This is just a quick and simple note to wish everyone a splendid Passover and a beautiful Easter.

I have a small group coming in tonight.

But where, oh where, should I hide the afikoman??


You guys have a great day!


  1. Replies
    1. This is probably my favorite holiday on the year.

      I love the whole thing, the ritual meal, the singing of Dayenu, the finding of the afikoman,.. and drink lounging to the left!

      I've got my briskit in the oven and I am ready to roll.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry Mike I was trying to add a photo to you site but it won't work. I think you have to do something with your settings

    2. I think it's a Blogger platform thing. Photos don't work in comments.

    3. I found something yesterday about it and it gave the code so people could add images.
      So glad I was told WordPress would be too difficult for me to handle. That was like waving a red flag at a bull. No one tell me I can't do something.
      My Blog was WordPress and so is my website which is even better with the addition of the WP Jet Pack.

  3. You *need* to check out this newest diary at the 'great" DK, if you've not seen it yet.

    I swear that place has reached a new low.

    1. Daily Kos is now a safe space for fringe whackos. But hey, at least they purged most of us pesky Joooz!

    2. After being away from the net for a while dealing with family issues, I see that the vermin at DSKF/DK continue to strive to reach the gutter of the net.

    3. Hope all is well, whatever it is, man.

  4. The double standard there is amazing. Someone, some Tommytotone, is going on and on about dual citizenship in point after point with upraters a -plenty, and defenders. I do a sarcastic "Yes, the Joooz control the government" and get a time out. Don't they realize they are?

    1. You're probably on some sort of list for occasionally commenting here. That's how those petty dictators roll.

      This is the 'totally-not-antisemitic-just-merely-critical-of-Israel' guy, I assume? I see he's getting a few troll rates, so he's probably slightly ahead of his time. Give it two more years, though, and maybe he'd be in line for a front page spot.


      I said Chuck was a Jew first and (0+ / 1-)
      an American second. It's what I believe. It is sure how he votes and how is insulting Jews? It's insulting Chuck for putting Israels interests ahead of ours.

      The chickens are in danger. Let's put the fox in charge.

      by tommy2tone on Tue Apr 07, 2015 at 08:37:56 AM PDT


      Btw, I love how they're still claiming Jooooz control our foreign policy, despite everything that's going on with Iran. But maybe the Joooooz control Iran, too. Everything of that sort makes sense, I guess, if you put it all together in those terms. I only wonder how these people function day to day when a large part of their conscious is so clearly taken up by obsessive Jew-hatred.

    2. Yes that's him. It is amazing that my good friend Brecht is always the first to report and HR me, for P-hate yet he knows nothing about my politics nor nothing about my views in real life. His/her behavior is fascinating when he sees one of our name his hate begins to fester to a boil, yet letting the true anti-minority hatred of his/her pals roam free.

    3. Is that loser still doing the 'post a 10,000-word reply with thirty seven links that 'prove' nothing other than how much of a creepy stalker he is' thing? Those were always good for a laugh...
