
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Michael L.

This is as concise as it gets.

dry bonesI

Yaakov Kirschen has written Dry Bones since 1973.


  1. Concise but also dead wrong. Here is President Obama from earlier this year:

    “As we speak, American diplomacy is supporting Israelis and Palestinians as they engage in difficult but necessary talks to end the conflict there; to achieve dignity and an independent state for Palestinians, and lasting peace and security for the State of Israel – a Jewish state that knows America will always be at their side,” Obama told both houses of Congress, gathered for the annual report.

    or there is this:

    From the National Review:

    In a typical declaration, Obama in 2011 sketched the ultimate diplomatic goal as “two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people.”

    Then, in his Jerusalem speech last week, Obama suddenly and unexpectedly adopted in full the Israeli demand: “Palestinians must recognize that Israel will be a Jewish state.”

    Read more at:

    I used to read Dry Bones all the time when I lived in Jerusalem. It is funny at times. But this time Yaakov gets it wrong. Oh well.

    1. VB, the problem is President Obama never seriously pressured the PA to accept the basic principle of a Jewish state, nor did he object to a Judenrein Palestinian-Arab state.

    2. Mike - He may or may not have pressured the Palestinians but that is not what the comic talks about. The comic makes a statement that is false and and adds a false meme's about President Obama and Israel. Unfortunately, people think this cartoon is based in fact when it is not.

    3. Who cares if anyone recognizes Israel as a Jewish state. It is a Jewish state.
      What's important is that proposed Palestine will be Judenrein, and progressives seem to have no problem with that. The only way a "two state solution" could work long term is if both states had a sizeable minority from the other side that enjoyed equal rights with the majority. Alternatively a complete population exchange (but of course uprooting Muslims is immoral, Jews not so much).

    4. "He may or may not have pressured the Palestinians"
      This is a big deal. So why don't we know? Why wouldn't such pressure be as well-publicized as building tenders in a Jerusalem neighborhood, or not caring enough about children in Ramallah (who recite poetry calling Jews filth)? Peace won't come by screaming at the Jews while tiptoeing around the Arabs.

    5. Depending on what suits his needs at the time, it seems he will say ANYTHING. The manipulation of the people, along with the disdain for dissent, is obvious. It kind of reminds me of The Troubador in its cynicism. Just win baby!

      The few pro-Israel statements are grossly outnumbered by the criticisms and failures to follow through in public ways to move the curve. He has also threatened Israel at the UN and lectures to Israel about Jewish values. Ironically, these are akin to progressive values, ignorant and neglectful to the experience of most Israelis.

      The progressive approach, now based on identity politics, may bring short electoral gains, but in the end maybe not so good or well thought out. Time will tell. But look at the social dissension that has grown in America. It is a state of perpetual conflict against a needed enemy. It creates a chilling environment filled with conformists and cowards.

      Pat Condell's latest, on the American exceptionalism of the First Amendment, is worth thinking about.

    6. I think it must be noted that, obviously, Kirschen is an artist and is thereby given a certain latitude that others might not enjoy.

      Is Barack Obama opposed to the idea of a Jewish state? Perhaps not.

      But there is no question that Obama has continually pressured Israel in a very public manner and refuses to do likewise with the Palstinian-Arab leadership. Abbas demands a Judenrein "Palestinian" state and no one, including the President of the United States, seems to mind.

      At the very least, we should mind.

    7. Mike... "No one" minds because there is nothing to pressure the Palestinians with. What will he do to pressure them? Withhold support at the U.N., the U.S. has supported Israel up and down the line.. and despite the Republican propaganda and nonsense that seems to keep coming up, to this point, the U.S. has supported Israel in the U.N. almost every. single. time. Not too mention financial, security, and military support. Veiled threats over the occasional U.N. vote aside, the reality is that there has been no/zero/nada/effes/ moves against Israel in any real terms period. Perception is not reality, and reality does not support the rhetoric of the American or Israeli Right on this subject. Period.

      Maybe he can withhold arms sales to the Palestinians? Oh right, there are none. I suppose they can cut humanitarian or security aid to the P.A.? Of course they have done that in the past, but more to the point, if they keep that up who do you think will fill in the power vacuum there? I will give you three guesses and the most obvious first guess starts with an "H" and ends with an "S". Oh and who is their sponsor? That would be Iran. Even the Israeli Hard line Rightists don't want that to happen. Because honestly as bad as the P.A. is (and they are bad), they are not Hamas (and their sponsors in Hizballah, and Iran), and no one... not even Minister Bennett wants Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad running the West Bank / Occupied Territories / Judea and Samaria. Which is exactly what would happen if the P.A. were not around.

      So what exactly can the U.S. do to the Palestinians? Would you like President Obama to speak against P.A. rhetoric. He does that. BUT he doesn't do it every time. Nor does he have too. He is President of the U.S., not President of the Jewish People, and more than that he is not required to jump every time the Israeli or American Right sees a slight against them.

      As for Abbas... We all know the Palestinians want a "Judenrein" state, they have said that many times. It's not that no one minds. It's that what the hell can anyone do about it? Complaining over and over and over and over about it achieves nothing. It starts to simply become "background noise". What you want to prove the 10 people on DKos wrong? Sure, that is easy. But in real life terms everyone knows it. It's just that the world hates Jews more than anyone else so really, and they simply don't care. Given that, what is that really accomplishing?

      And, if you ask me... "Do I mind?" Yes, yes I do... but that and $ 5.00 gets me a Starbucks coffee. I am not going to beat my head against the wall over something I cannot do anything about. The Palestinian political establishment is horrible - just like every other Arab government. But that is not going to change for another 100 years if not longer.

      You ask: Is Barack Obama opposed to the idea of a Jewish state? Perhaps not.

      The answer is not "Perhaps not". I just showed you above that he expressly supports a "Jewish" State. It is just not the version of the State that you, or the Republican Party, or Conservative Americans, or the Israeli Right might support, but that does not make him wrong. It just means that you folks support different visions of the same idea.

    8. Oldschool... all there is to say is "Of Course..."

      If President Obama doesn't say he supports a Jewish State - you go running around saying "See... he hates Israel"

      And when he does specifically say he supports a Jewish State you say: Depending on what suits his needs at the time, it seems he will say ANYTHING.


      It's like when America's dumbest Senator John Thune (R-SD) (who just stole the title from Iowa's Joni Ernst), tweets referring to the King vs. Burwell case on the ACA ...

      Six million people risk losing their health care subsidies, yet @POTUS continues to deny that Obamacare is bad for the American people.

      Oh.. Ok then. It's silly time on the Right.

    9. Correction to the above, oldschool to my knowledge has not said specifically "See... he hates Israel".. That sentence should read:

      "If President Obama doesn't say he supports a Jewish State - you usually say something along the lines of; See.... he hates Israel"

      I should not have put that in quotes because I cannot attribute those direct words to oldschool.

    10. I suppose it's just in the imagination of Israelis and many Jews that he does not like Israel. The fact is that he does not like ANY opposition, and we see how he reacts to any dissent.

      It is not just on Middle East matters that he engages in the small politics he once derided.

      Silly time is preferable to deceit time. You may not agree with Thune, but he did not make an outright falsehood that you could keep your doctor or your plan. Oh yeah, some rate increases will be in the double digits next year. Hooray!

      Let's see the positions he takes after he leaves office. Why do I feel like he will align with the anti-Israel J Street and the European NGO's that want to save Israel in spite of itself, with a love for Palestinians that is a smokescreen.

    11. I suppose it's just in the imagination of Israelis and many Jews that he does not like Israel.

      Yeah, it pretty much is in their imagination because it has no basis in reality. I tell my Israeli friends just that when they start babbling about President Obama. But reading "Israel Hayom" and "Arutz Sheva" will do that to you.

      Silly time is preferable to deceit time. You may not agree with Thune, but he did not make an outright falsehood that you could keep your doctor or your plan.

      Actually as we discussed the "Doctor thing" was not a "falsehood". Because remember, you were able to keep your doctor or insurance as long as he/she conformed to the new patient and consumer friendly guidelines. Thune actually engaged directly in a "falsehood". He blamed ACA for taking away subsidies, when they are subsidies that COME FROM the ACA.. AND it is his parties lawsuit that is specifically AGAINST the subsidies. But hey... why let facts get in the way. Right?

    12. Good to see that you take it on yourself to determine what has basis of reality.

      That the doctor thing was not false.

      Next you will tell us Benghazi was about a movie.

      I wonder if you have a picture of Obama as Superman on your desk.

    13. LOL...

      Good to see that you take it on yourself to determine what has basis of reality.

      I am not blind to reality just because I don't like something. It's pretty easy to see, but, first you have to take the blinders of hate off. Then maybe you will give credit where credit is due.

      That the doctor thing was not false.

      It is absolutely false. The rules of the ACA are clear, either doctors can work within those guidelines or they don't. Those guidelines are beneficial to the patients as both patients as well as consumers. No one was forced to switch doctors UNLESS insurance carriers did not want to conform to those rules. If those carriers did not want conform to the law then there was an issue. BUT NO ONE was told as long as their doctors and insurance carriers conformed to the Law that they had to switch.

      Next you will tell us Benghazi was about a movie.

      It was not, but the movie did play a role. You know what played even more of a role.... The fact that the Republicans were responsible for budgetary cuts in Embassy Security that started in the Bush Administration and were simply continued. It's amazing to me that when your boy Bush was in office, you guys were silent about all the Americans killed in attacks on embassies around the world. I believe 69 Americans died in those attacks and that does not count Iraq. And now all of a sudden, four Americans die in a tragedy in Benghazi and it is the biggest scandal ever. I guess those other 69 people were just in embassies at the wrong time for you guys to care... eh?

      I wonder if you have a picture of Obama as Superman on your desk

      No... I have him in Jesus' robes with a Golden Light behind him preaching to a flock of people and lambs. Let's get these things right shall we?

    14. When you tell people dismissively that what they believe is in their imagination without basis in reality, what good reason to engage further?

      If only you did not defend Obama no matter what, it might not seem like you are a sycophant.

    15. VB, suffice it to say that I find it rather unusual that you think that the US and the EU have nothing to pressure the Palestinian-Arabs with.

      So, you're saying that the reason Obama pressures Israel, but does not pressure the PA or Hamas is because he has no such ability?

      The Palestinian-Arabs are beyond, or above, pressure?

      What an unusual thing to say.

    16. Well Ok Mike.. What can the U.S. pressure the P.A. or Hamas with? Better question.. HOW should they pressure them?

      It's not a matter of what they are "above" or "beyond", I mean anyone CAN be pressured in theory - it is specific to what can the U.S. do to pressure them.

      What do you think would be effective?

    17. So, you agree that the PA or Hamas or, just, the Palestinian-Arab polity, can be pressured in theory, but not in actuality?

      VB, you must understand that this is a highly unusual point of view.

      I have never heard of any political entity, or of any people, who are almost entirely impervious to political pressures.

      Are there others that are likewise impervious?

      One thing is certain, Israel is not.

    18. Mike, I don't think you are reading what I am writing. You said:

      So, you agree that the PA or Hamas or, just, the Palestinian-Arab polity, can be pressured in theory, but not in actuality?

      No, Mike that is not at all what I said.

      It's not a matter of what they are "above" or "beyond", I mean anyone CAN be pressured in theory - it is specific to what can the U.S. do to pressure them.

      That is a very different thing than saying that they are "impervious" to political pressure.

      So I ask you again? What specifically can the U.S. do to pressure the Palestinians and more to the point not only what can we do, but HOW should we pressure them.

      How is this an "unusual" point of view?

    19. I think the US can pressure them in several ways both directly AND indirectly by pressuring those who support them with both monetary and political largesse, were the US willing to do so. Obama apparently isn't willing, the Congress is at least somewhat willing.
      Obama's policies have been bad for Israel, diplomatically, and strategically. There's no getting around that.
      If the western nations think that a two state solution with two states living side by side in peace is an ideal outcome, it's one they certainly don't really want. Proof? Just look at their behavior, i.e., it is imperialistic, chauvinistic, racist, anti-Semitic, and altogether counterproductive to its core.

  2. Liberals like to pretend on the one hand they understand fully the inner heart and mind of their god Obama but then turn around and assert that as 'hard headed pragmatists' they don't need to consider in the least what the Jews 'feel what need or worry about'.

    Me? I admit I'm a strict behaviorist. I don't care what you believe or think. I don't worry about the inner child, only the outer adult. Show me - do it.

    BTW have you ever notices how Dear Leader Barry never actually has ever made a concrete statement that says 'this what we'll do and this is how it will succeed and this is why it's a good and great thing!'. No, instead he bores you to death with long pointless explanations of HIS OWN thought process on the matter. Why do we care how he arrived at a given decision? Wouldn't a leader simply announce that decision first and they worry about defending it?

    Maybe Obama hates Israel or is a closet antisemite. Maybe not. It doesn't matter since all have to go by is results. If Hezbollah drops chemical weapons on Israel, what will Dear Maximum Ruler Obama's response be then? "I was just following orders, and let me tell you how I reconciled that in my own mind".

    1. Good Lord...

      Me? I admit I'm a strict behaviorist. I don't care what you believe or think. I don't worry about the inner child, only the outer adult. Show me - do it.

      No you're not.. You are some blow hard on the Internet who talks a lot about violent solutions but who if actually saw violence would piss in your pants and run screaming to mommy. It's pretty freakin' obvious by the way.

      And as for being a "behaviorist" BULLSHIT - because if you are then you might be the fucking blindest "behaviorist" in the U.S. Why?

      Because the reality of things is that:

      1. The U.S. has supported Israel in the U.N. almost every single time and on almost every major issue. That is the voting record. look it up.

      2. U.S. aid and actual security cooperation with Israel is at an all time high. WE funded Iron Dome, and we continue to fund Arrow, Magic Wand, and David's Sling systems on top of the aid that we continue to give and btw, that is being re-negotiated to even higher levels. That is the reality of things. And in the end that is the only thing that matters. That the U.S. and IDF work together is the most important thing in terms of reality. All the rest is window dressing.

      Let's not forget intelligence sharing across the board that is at an unprecedented level. SO if you are such a behaviorist then you might see THAT as the important thing, not your weird paranoid fantasies about "Dear Leader" (and who the fuck thinks that you fucking Neanderthal.. No one I know).

      As for this:

      If Hezbollah drops chemical weapons on Israel, what will Dear Maximum Ruler Obama's response be then? "I was just following orders, and let me tell you how I reconciled that in my own mind".

      No, you g-d-damned retard... Israel is resupplied from the summer war COMPLETELY. How's that for results and reality? Sucks for your narrative, eh, Trudy?

      And btw, I personally disagree with how President Obama handled the summer war. I think he fucked it up by not supporting the Israeli, Egyptian efforts to get a cease-fire at the beginning and instead supported that human shit stain Erdogan. I fully believe the President blew it on Gaza last summer, but that said... if you want results... well then judge them fairly and not through the lens of some derangement you have about myself or any other lib'rul...

      As for this:

      No, instead he bores you to death with long pointless explanations of HIS OWN thought process on the matter. Why do we care how he arrived at a given decision? Wouldn't a leader simply announce that decision first and they worry about defending it?

      I like a leader who actually explains his decision making and trusts me and other Americans to be adults and informed about what happens in our polity. Sorry if that is too much for you to think on. We certainly wouldn't want you to sprain your brain actually thinking about what goes into decision making.

      Oh and I am not "yelling at you until my head explodes". I am not actually mad... This is kind of fun to be honest. Sometimes... it is just fun to call "Bullshit" on people. I have to admit it.

  3. Trudy... I know that you get off on making people think you are some edgy, modern day Hunter S. Thompson. And maybe one or two people buy that act. But I don't.

    You're a fool.

    You are just some big mouth Yenta who probably makes her husband want to kill himself every time he walks into the room and sees you sitting there (if he hasn't already).

    So really... This drivel:

    ....then I would submit your God and Savior He Who is Obama is either retarded, delusional or evil. Pick one or two. Because by your very own words you assert that the Jews are basically dealing with a crocodile. And since that's the case we don't have to include the Arabs in any discussions at all; simply terrorize and sanction the Jews until they die, move or convert.

    Is seriously and completely delusional. There really isn't much to say here... this is so twisted, I gotta ask you... When you have to put your pants on the AM do you have to screw them on?

    1. Yep... Forever and ever. And after we fix the rules so that in 2016 he can be Dictator for Life we should be all good!..

      All Hail Obama... Oh and he is not just the Sun God Trudy.. He is everything in the world to me. Now let me get back to my line of Barack Obama action figures.... ;-)

    2. to each their own I guess. enjoy

    3. You do realize I am being sarcastic... Right?

  4. The state department's consulate in 'al Quds' is in 'east al Quds' and is staffed by the PLO. You really can't more fucking pro Israeli than that. Because after all. The Bringer of Peace, the Kosher motherfucking King of the Jews, Barackus Herrod Obama the Great can't even agree that the Israelis are so much as permitted by his unblinking solar flare of divine grace to even name their own capital city. Again. Probably the most pro Jewish thing I have ever heard. I think that's even in the Torah.

    1. Long live Masada, right Trudy?

      The state department's consulate in 'al Quds' is in 'east al Quds' and is staffed by the PLO. You really can't more fucking pro Israeli than that.

      So forget everything done up to that point because you know,... until then you actually supported the President. Right? Oh and forget all the Military cooperation and forget the increased funding, don't worry about the intelligence sharing or defending Israel at the U.N. None of that matters, right "behaviorist"? LOL

      Oh, and for the record I think that was a stupid thing to do as well. I can see it in Ramallah, but, not East Jerusalem.

      But as someone who claims to be a realist, why let the actual reality of the situation rule, let's go with those symbols as the really important thing.

      Now let me get back to lighting my candles at my Barak "Oh hero of my life and every other Liberals Life" Obama Shrine.

      BTW Trudy - you better watch out for those FEMA camp people and black helicopters. They're coming for your .22 (they have been for six years so far, it's just taking a while). I would bar the door and hunker down if I were you, because after Jade Helm... then what?

    2. You should stick to Salon or Buzzfeed. Sorry.

    3. LOL what should I read if I really want to be informed? The Blaze? Breitbart? Maybe Patriot Daily?

  5. Jack Lew BOOED at the Jerusalem Post conference. My man, those willy Jews have redefined what roaring applause it. They're booing in support.

    1. Huh... Lew got booed by a bunch of Right Wingers. So what.

      What are you talking about "willy Jews" or do you mean "wily"...

    2. We still vote. I guess that really irritates the hell out you. Sorry.

    3. We still vote. I guess that really irritates the hell out you. Sorry.

      Ummm what? You vote? Fantastic. Everyone should vote. I am a big fan of voting. It's one of the reasons I really dislike the Republican Party as they are actively engaged in voter suppression.

      I think voting is great.. why would it irritate me? I usually work for GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts.

      No need to apologize Trudy. It's just a simple mistake you made. I won't hold it against you.

    4. "It's one of the reasons I really dislike the Republican Party as they are actively engaged in voter suppression. "

      Whereas the Democrats only passively engage in voter suppression while pretending they want every citizen to vote? There is a long and ugly history to this sort of thing and neither party is innocent.

      I do not think Obama is against the existence of Israel. But with all due respect, I do think his judgment, policies, and orientation leave much to be desired in the area of diplomacy, I do believe he tried to pressure Israel in the past for continued support at the UN and has used it as a threat recently. I don't think that is right. I think much of his policy comes from a part of the left that simply has it wrong.
      Support for Israel at the UN should really be a no-brainer. A moral, and cleared-eyed policy would be to simply call out in no uncertain terms what goes on at the UN vis a vis Israel for what it is, absolutely refuse to cooperate with it in any way, and get that nonsense off the table once and for all. Show some leadership, and give the EU a moral spanking for their own part of the "human rights" masquerade. It shouldn't be too hard to get them to back down since they have no spine in the first place, only some old tall tales about Jews.

    5. Jeff, of course you are right that BOTH parties have a history of voter suppression but only one party is actively engaged in it at the current time and that is what I am going with. It's not the Dems. currently trying to subvert the Voting Rights Act.

      I know you will read this unlike oldschool or Trudy, so not only do I appreciate that but I will tell you, I don't think President Obama or Current Democrats are the "be all, end all" of politics. Frankly, I put Pres. Obama 4th or 5th on my "favorites" list behind Roosevelt, Lincoln, Clinton, and maybe Jefferson (though I actually like Eisenhower). But while I think there are legitimate criticisms of him, I don't think the one raised here most of the time are, and certainly not the one raised in this cartoon.

      If one wants to get on him for his treatment of Israel - criticize his handling of the Gaza Conflict last summer. OR criticize him for caving on the Iran deal. You will hear no complaints from me as long as the critiques are reality based. Criticize him as you are doing here - and btw, I cannot argue with much of what you have written.

      BUT if one wants to trade in "well he called Abbas first" (which by the way may not even be true), or he insults Israel because he doesn't do what the Israeli Right thinks he should do.. I think that is worth calling out. In this case, that cartoon is dead wrong and it's provable. It's not just an interpretation. It is just factually wrong.

      The other thing that gets me Jeff, is that IF one is going to criticize him, back it up with something better. You don't like what he is doing fine. So criticize and propose a better action. That is something else Republicans sorely lack. For example, criticize the ACA all you want, but, do it with honest criticisms not some Palinesque death panel bullshit. Then propose what are you going to do to replace it and provide specifics OR simply say that you feel the system was working before that or that you simply feel people should die in the streets because they were either too poor or too irresponsible to provide healthcare. If one wants to take a Social Darwinist view then own it. You may come off like a prick but it is what you believe. And that's fine. (I don't mean you Jeff, I am using the you as interchangeable with "One").

      Anyway, that is my point here. Unlike the silly fantasies that Trudy or oldschool actually believe (because they just argue with the character of volleyboy in their head and don't actually read or understand what I write), the President is just a guy who I think is doing a damn good job in face of incredible Republican obstructionism and I blame them for 90% of the problems there. He is not perfect, and he is not Superman, but I am damn glad he is our President now, and while I hope Bernie Sanders is our next Pres. I will gladly vote for HRC because she is light years ahead of that insane Clown Posse that the Republicans are tossing up for office.

  6. Intelligence sharing ended nearly a year ago. In fact not only is the US's X-band installation in the Negev off limits to the nefarious Jews, Obama refuses to share any information derived from it and told those ungrateful Jews that he'd have to consider the ramifications of even alerting them if missiles were flying into Israel. Because the other Jew loving nation, Turkey, told him it would make them very angry if they did.

    1. Yeah,.... NO...

      Just because Glen Beck's piece of toilet paper "The Blaze" reported on an anonymous source that said the U.S. was not sharing info. on only Iran's Nuclear program (not anything else) does not make it true. But sure if your only source of info. are Patriot News Daily headlines... I can kind of see where you are coming from.

    2. The White House and the Pentagon said it.

    3. Err no they didn't. They said that allegations of Israeli / U.S. Military and Intelligence cooperation not happening were "Completely False" (direct quote there).

      Trudy, you have to read beyond the headlines. Now I know that is tough to do but... what you are referring to, is that the U.S. has claimed that they have reduced the level of intelligence sharing with Israel on ONE ISSUE and one issue only. They are reducing some of the info. on the Iranian Arms talks because the Israelis were going out and spilling secrets to Congressional Republicans (only) and the Press. PM Netanyahu denied that claim but the NSA has them dead to rights on it.

      Anyway, That is hardly the same thing as saying they cut off cooperation a year ago. I thought you were a "realist". Or are you only a Headline Realist?

  7. FWIW you can have your Supreme Being and I agree that Israel needs to downgrade all ties to the US. They don't need us and it's simply too much of risk to struggle with. I would expect that current course and speed Barack the Sun God simply withdraws His ambassador soon. Because that's how you love the Jews.

    1. You agree with who about Israel and the U.S. "downgrading ties". Certainly not me. I want to see the U.S. and Israel be great friends.

      You know Barak and his buddies Ra and Al-lat (the primitive Arabian Sun God), were chatting the other day, (I know this because the master himself lets me in on those conversations) were discussing this issue, just the other day. Look for the the U.S. to withdraw Ambassador Shapiro any day now and cut relations. Anytime now.....

    2. That's something I've pushed for. Israel should downgrade relations with the US - perhaps to a trade mission.

    3. Yeah ok... I disagree with that. I think Israel and the U.S. should be in full strategic alliance. Not only that but I think our commitment of aid should be more than it is now. I would like it if we were friends with Israel like we were with Canada or the U.K.

  8. What's Barack Obama The Great and Loving Dictator's approval rating in Israel now? 9% That's it! suspend all elections and round them up into camps until morale improves.

    1. LOL, I didn't know that President Obama was President of Israel. You better tell President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu about that.

      Hey Trudy, where are our camps going to be.. oh wait.. are they already at the FEMA sites?

    2. He seems to think he is. After all, you're the one screaming he more or less should be. I guess what irritates you the most is that your own view of Obama is a minority inside a minority in the very country you're shouting at me about to extol his greatness. If he was really, as you say, the every loving Messiah of the Jews, which is what you're alluding to, then why is it that 91 out every one hundred people there think you're either insane or lying? Go ask THEM. Not me. THEM.

  9. I guess what irritates you the most is that your own view of Obama is a minority inside a minority in the very country you're shouting at me about to extol his greatness.

    I am not irritated Trudy... truly I am not. It's just internet blather.

    I am not "shouting" at you either Trudy. I am mocking you. Big Difference.

    To be totally honest with you... I don't really care what the Israelis think about President Obama. He is not President of Israel. He is President of the U.S. AND honestly I don't think he is the best thing under the sun... that is you who keeps saying I think that.

    Given the metric of President Obama vs. what could be. I think he is the best option out there (except for Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren or Russ Feingold). But that is against a weak field.

    As for this nonsense:

    If he was really, as you say, the every loving Messiah of the Jews...

    I said he was the Messiah of the Jews???? Huh???? Are you high? When did I ever say that.

    then why is it that 91 out every one hundred people there think you're either insane or lying? Go ask THEM. Not me. THEM.

    You know Trudy.. I actually know and hang out with Israelis. I lived there for a year. I met a few who thought I was insane (very few) and no one who thought I was a liar. Now, I get that you are ignorant on this subject, and that's ok. I get that you actually know very little about Israel. That's ok as well. But really.. what's with the delusions about what I believe? Are you proud of this?

  10. You seem to demand little more than the last word.
