
Thursday, November 12, 2015

All of Israel is a "Settlement"

Michael L.

Empress Trudy has an interesting idea on how to deal with the European labeling of Israeli goods:
 "Germans, defend yourselves against the Jewish atrocity propaganda..."
Every single Israeli company and government agency should label their products and services as 'from the settlements'. Every medical device, every laser, every piece of software, every computer, every piece of agricultural technology, every patent.

Then, if they want to boycott it, fine. Do without, Allah and Marx will provide. 
If not, then bang that point home loudly.
If the Euros want to boycott part of Israel, let them boycott all of Israel.

Let them boycott their own ability to communicate with the very electronic devices wherein they defame Israel and call for its boycott.  Let them boycott the Israeli health sciences community and thereby potentially boycott their own health and well-being.

I do not think that Israelis should remain passive in the face of Euro hostility.

The Euros do not respect the Israelis because they recognize Israeli self-doubt and they exploit it.  Decade upon decade, the Arabs scream from the rafters that the Jews are evil, that they have stolen "Palestinian" land, that they are practicing ethnic-cleansing, genocide, apartheid, and devil worship.  And decade after decade the Israelis basically send the message, "We don't mean to be bad.  This is a rough neighborhood.  We're trying to be better.  Truly we are.  Do you want us to free some murderers of Jews?

Here let us free some murderers of Jews."

No wonder the Euros tend to think that Israel is guilty of every vile thing that the Arabs accuse it of.  The heinous British Parliamentarian, Baroness Jenny Tonge, has even called for an inquiry into whether Israel used the Haitian earthquake as an excuse to harvest organs from the victims.  Jeez, why not suggest an investigation into whether Jews in Israel kidnap young delicious Arab boys for the purpose of baking their blood into matzohs?

Perhaps Baroness Tonge could call for an investigation to determine if Jewish people are actually even human beings.

The ongoing European assault upon the Jewish people should not be met with passivity.

On the contrary, it needs to be flung directly back into their faces.

They will only ever respect the Jewish people if the Jewish people stand up and fight back.  The first thing that we need to let the Boycotting-Euro-Schmucks know is that all of Israel is Israel and that includes Judea and Samaria.  The Jewish people may - upon the civilizing of the Palestinian-Arabs - be willing to share our historical homeland with a Palestinian-Arab statelet next door, but it is the historical homeland of the Jewish people and Boycotting-Euro-Schmucks do not get to say otherwise.


  1. What a surprise.....NOT!


    Photo: AFP
    Photo: AFP

    A Palestinian worker in a West Bank factory. (Photo: AFP)
    A Palestinian worker in a West Bank factory. (Photo: AFP)

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    US: EU's labeling of West Bank products not a boycott

    Obama administration expresses support for EU decision to label products from settlements in West Bank; 'Objective is to provide consumers with correct information on origin of products.',7340,L-4724850,00.html

    With friends like this.....

    1. Well, there you have it.

      "The Obama administration said Thursday it doesn't consider a new European Union rule outlawing "Made in Israel" tags on goods from the West Bank as a boycott of the Jewish state, only a technical guideline for consumers."

      The Obama administration is the most anti-Jewish / anti-Israel administration in the history of the United States.

    2. Speaking as a British person, it is impossible to describe how utterly loathsome Jenny Tonge is. The Liberal Democrat Party has a serious problem with MPs ( and peers) who are obsessively anti-Israel. Or, just plain Jew-haters. Google David Ward. It's not pretty. For a small party they certainly punch above their weight on Jew-hating.

      In comment further down, there is delightful news re Seamus Milne.
      British politics is becoming a sewer.

    3. There was a time when I held a great deal of admiration for Europe.

      Today I have non-Jewish friends who go to Europe for extended business trips and they come back and tell me how great the food is in Paris, or how weird and interesting the old Soviet architecture is in east Berlin, and I always think, "Sure, for you Europe is terrific, but for me other connotations leap to mind."

      I can forgive them the Holocaust, because most Euros were not even alive when they did it, but I cannot forgive them for siding with Hez or Hamas over the Israelis and I will not forgive them for sticking a yellow star, figuratively speaking, on Israeli goods.

      Today I can hardly even think of Europe without thinking of the kosher market massacre in Paris.

      btw, I once gave a paper in Dublin.

      The food in Ireland sucks.

    4. 'Objective is to provide consumers with correct information on origin of products.'
      What label should be affix to Obama?

  2. Israel needs to hold a good old fashioned Boston Tea Party. Grab the next freighter from Europe and blow it up.

    1. A Tea Party!

      I like it.

      They do not need to blow anything up, but merely dress up like "Indians," commandeer the vessel, and throw all the crap overboard.

      That should send a message.

  3. I am also a proponent of breaking every single agreement, contract, license and relationship with every single UK academic institution including all research & every piece of intellectual property and banning 100% of their students and staff from entry to Israel for as long as they are associated with those institutions. Then widen that to target specific places, like the entire UC system, U Mass Amherst, Brandeis, Concord - Toronto and other places.

    1. Brandeis.

      As much as I despise SFSU for putting up that mural of the anti-Semite Edward Said, Brandeis just breaks my heart.

  4. As Carolyn Glick said a few years ago, "stop apologizing."

  5. Baroness Tonge has, you'll be unsurprised to hear, been told she is welcome to join the Labour Party now that Corbyn is in charge.
    She'll fit right in.

    Also: Seamus Milne was apparently for a while at a PLFP training camp during his gap year.

    Re Obama administration on EU branding of Israeli goods not being a boycott: there are several political commentators in the UK , including people on the Left, who have expressed horror at this ruling. So the Obama administration is really being atrocious on this. No surprise there.
    Perhaps he'd like to give the European Union a list of other suitable candidate countries who deserve their goods to be labelled. Just so consumers can have the "correct" information before choosing to buy.
    I won't hold my breath.

    1. There was an interesting article the other day which espoused the view that now that Obama has said he will not push for the peace process anymore during his time in office, that what he and his administration are planning to do will be really unpleasant. More pressure and hostility via the UN etc.Really unpleasant stuff. He is, by no means, finished with Israel yet.
      I think I linked to it on a previous thread. Think it's called something like "How much more can Obama extract from Israel." It's at the National Review Online.
      It's really quite frightening. Should read it.

  6. That's not surprising. The media coverage here completely takes that line. It never discusses whether there are obstacles on the other side. It simply doesn't happen. Ever.

  7. That's right. British media as a whole provides slanted and very incomplete information on Israel. There are some writers putting up the good fight, but they are outnumbered. The BBC and Guardian lead the charge on depriving the public of good and complete information in favor of a certain "narrative," i.e., a fairy tale.

  8. The Soviets quite correctly understood the power of mass movements in that they could be pushed to the point where reality no longer mattered, where facts are irrelevant, were what they see face to face isn't what they believe it to be. Recently I saw a piece on the woes of illegal immigration to Europe and it was a few minutes of an KGB staffer blase in his assessment that no matter what happens in Europe now, the people who want to flood Europe with Muslims will never change their beliefs. Never. It will never occur them even the sword is cutting their head off and someone's screaming allahu akbar at them. It used to be here but as predicted it was removed

    In any case BDS, Islam to Europe, Jew hate, Mizzou, Million Student March, BLM, are all of the same thing. The fact that it's irrational is only a stronger draw not a weaker one. Of course it's nonsense, that's why it's so powerful. Facts are suspect, rational thinking is distrusted.

  9. There's a great article at Mick Hartley's place: " Israel and the streetlight effect."
    It's about all of this. And links to recent comments by Ben Rhodes and Martin Indyk. It's really interesting.
    I haven't got a pen on me so I can't put the link in. But it's really easy to find.

  10. Mass attacks in Paris going on, dozens dead, possibly a hundred hostages, multiple explosions.

    1. Yes. Terrible and terrifying for the people of France.

    2. Seems to be ISIS from what they have posted on social media.
      Everything still developing.

    3. Get used to it France. Pay attention Europe; you will be next as the hordes assemble.

    4. Just some random folks shooting some random folks.

    5. random.....that's the ticket!

    6. What we do know for sure is that it has nothing to do with Islam. Perhaps settler violence?

  11. Go to @conflicts.
    for breaking news on twitter.

  12. k,
    I think you've become link shy. Time to get back on that horse! :0)

  13. Terrible.

    But is anyone the least bit surprised?

  14. You don't need a pen, k. Just hilite the url; press Ctrl+C to copy it; and press Ctrl+V to paste it,
