
Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Predictions Stink

Michael L.

Kate Mc Kinnon as Hillary
SNL's Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton
Just in general - just in life - it is better to admit one's mistakes rather than deny them or try to cover them up.

I have recently made two mistakes, live and in public, that I need to own up to... not that anyone really cares, but what the hell?

The first is that at the beginning of this horrendous political season I predicted a Clinton / Bush fight to the death.

In my sexist imagination, I presumed that Hillary Clinton, as played by Kate McKinnon, would scratch Jeb Bush's eyes out.

I was wrong.

What I did not foresee was Jeb's actual disinterest in the job... his laziness and boredom. He seemed to wake up maybe a month ago with some tough-punching TV ads, but it is far too little and far too late.

Jeb is as uninteresting as a bucket of warm porridge sitting on the side of the road on a hot summer Sunday afternoon with nowhere to go.

Nobody cares more about the political future of Jeb Bush more than does Jeb, himself, which is apparently not very much. One of the few things that I liked about George W. is that when he finally left office he knew to shut the hell up. The problem with Jeb is that he shut the hell up before he even started running for the position.

Most Americans aren't any more interested in the name Bush than they are in the name Clinton.

But, in any case, I got that one wrong in August of last year with Michael Burd on Melbourn's J-AIR.

My second misprediction, which I expressed on a recent podcast, was that The Donald would win Iowa.

Not so much!

This is probably for the best. Whoever eventually wins the presidency, I do not want to see Trump's trembling finger above the button. I generally prefer to judge candidates on their positions, rather than on their looks or personality, but Trump is a bit scary.

I mean, once in real power, G-d only knows what the guy would do. I don't think that I want a gentleman who believes that he is above regular social standards to be among the most powerful people in the world.

Do you?

By the way, I apologize for continuing to promote this SNL skit, but it slays me.

Kate McKinnon is just brilliant as Hillary and Larry David as Uncle Bernie is spot-on.

I am telling you guys that I can easily see him sitting around my mother's dining room table eating her ruggelach and kvetching about whatever.

I don't make this stuff up... other people do.


  1. lets keep that self-hating Bernie Sanders and his far-left BDS/safespace supporters away from the White House.

  2. "I was a stranger and you didn’t welcome me. I was naked and you didn’t give me clothes to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me"
    Matthew 25:43

    When the Lord Jesus Christ was prophetising this words about reasons of the final judgment he was not even imagining that he will be put into prison but it is not first such time. In modern days Kabbalah notes two such cases:

  3. "I was a stranger and you didn’t welcome me. I was naked and you didn’t give me clothes to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me"
    Matthew 25:43

    When the Lord Jesus Christ was prophetising this words about reasons of the final judgment he was not even imagining that he will be put into prison but it is not first such time. In modern days Kabbalah notes two such cases:
