
Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama Throws Israel Under The Bus.


Did we really expect him to do otherwise as his presidency ends?

U.S. Abstains as U.N. Security Council Votes to Condemn Israeli Settlements


UNITED NATIONS — Defying extraordinary pressure from President-elect Donald J. Trump and furious lobbying by Israel, the Obama administration on Friday allowed the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction.
The administration’s decision not to veto the measure reflected its growing frustration over Israeli settlements, and broke a longstanding American policy of serving as Israel’s sturdiest diplomatic shield at the United Nations.
This is disgraceful. Trump nearly stopped it by appealing to Sisi but several other nations (Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela ) did an end run around that and introduced the motion themselves allowing the Obama admin to take their cowardly revenge on Israel.

Shame on them, the UN and the traitorous Obama. I really thought he had more class than that. Boy was I wrong.

Trump in the meantime has said:

As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.
6:14 AM - 24 Dec 2016
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Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says "With friends like these, #Israel doesn't need any enemies."

Kossaks are thrilled; another reason I consider it a badge of honour to have been banned from that anti-semitic swamp.

I for one will glad to see the back end of Obama.


  1. I wonder what all the Jewish people in the US who support Israel-and Obama- are thinking now?

    O yee suckers.


    1. A FEW posters at dKos and elsewhere (eg former Obama supporters,) have admitted they were wrong about Obama but not many.

    2. Give or take 40% of American liberal as-a-Jews are lockstep in agreement with Obama.

      Let's be clear, Obama is not an opinion leader, he's a follower of polls.

  2. Doodad,
    I really can't understand why you or anyone would be shocked by this. I had been expecting it. I even predicted it on this very blog a couple months ago. The UN is run by and for the pleasure of antisemites. It has violated its own charter.
    Kiss the two state solution goodbye. It's over. There is nothing left to negotiate. War is on the way.

    1. Oh, I'm not shocked but I can sometimes be a bit of a Pollyanna and HOPED Obama would have more class than that. The two state solution has been over for a long time IMO. War? Geeze I hope not but for sure this action will energize Israel's enemies and any blood will be on Obama's hands.

    2. I'm sure Hamas is gearing up already and the other terrorist organization, Fatah, probably is as well.
      The UN vote essentially says that any Israeli living beyond the 1949 armistice lines drawn between Israel and JORDAN is illegally trespassing on "Palestinian" territory, an ahistorical fantasy nation, and even committing a war crime, and it is saying this in contradiction of UNSC 242 which BTW mentions "Palestinians" not at all. Tell me, what is left to negotiate? What can Israel offer in return for peace and security? How will it ever be able to defend such indefensible borders? And how could it ever allow the abrogation of Jewish property rights and access to Jewish holy sites such as the Temple Mount? The UN vote is saying that Israel is something less than a sovereign nation and its citizens are less than deserving of their own rights. They are reinstituting an old illiberal habit, i.e., spitting on the Jews.
      Obama has been working against Israel's survival by empowering its enemies. And he has being doing so in a deceitful and subversive way, and Jews who say they support Israel who voted to give him a second term were either cowardly, stupid or in complete denial, IMV.

      Now, I want everyone to think back to the video locked in the vault at the LA Times.

  3. What can you say? Sometimes it seems like even 15 million Jews are too many. So much hatred and disregard, especially by people who lecture on morality and the meaning of Jewish values.

  4. Lovely, Kossaks are appalled by Israeli "apartheid", but consider ethnic cleansing of 750000 Jews both legal and desirable. No one is surprised by Obama, we knew the scumbag attended "reverend" Wright's conventicle for 20 years, and agreed with every word. He just doesn't have to pretend anymore.

  5. This is from some guy on FB.

    Joseph Biener First of all, settlements are not and cannot be a violation of international law. The UN claiming they are in a non-binding resolution has no effect other than to further whip up hate and give legitimacy to Arab terrorists in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. By giving terrorists the patina of acceptability, it guarantees further attacks on Israeli civilians and continued intransigence on the part of the PA and Hamas. The result will at some point lead to another war.

    That rings true to my ear.

    1. True words. Obama has given Israel's enemies a green light. He might just as well lined them up against a wall and shot the Jews himself. He disgusts me.

  6. "No longer needing Jewish votes, Mr. Obama was free, finally, to punish the Jewish state in a way no previous President has done."

    This just reinforces all the petty vindictiveness we have heard bantered around all these years which were pooh-poohed by Obama supporters. The ramifications for Israel and Israelis and even Jews worldwide are enormous and too horrible to contemplate.

    The resolution can never be rescinded because of f***ing China and Russia so what can be done?

    1. I thought the point of Zionism was to stop caring what others think?
      Israel should leave the UN. In case anyone noticed, WWII is long over. Why does the UN still exist?

    2. Jacob, I would venture to say that the UN exists for the purpose of raising funds from the international community for the purpose of doing with that money whatever they wish.

  7. "It is now illegal for Jews to pray at the Western Wall, live in certain Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem or attend Hebrew University on Mt. Scopus.

    All of these actions require Israelis to enter areas that were captured from Jordan during Israel's defensive war of 1967. According to the Security Council resolution that the U.S. did not veto, any area that was not part of Israel before June of 1967 is now illegally occupied.... This is only one of the absurd results of this benighted resolution, which also encourages boycotts of Israeli products manufactured beyond the so-called Green Line, and pressures the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials. In addition, the resolution makes illegal Israel's security barrier, which has saved numerous lives."

    F***ing Obama.

    1. And, yet, to this day there are still some progressive Zionists who stand by their man.

    2. Yes, of course, Mike. There is Peter Beinart who doesn't even make the smallest effort not to sound like Bugs Bunny. He was on CNN (I saw it courtesy of a link to Breitbart in the comments at Elder's joint), and he was saying that all Palestinians live under military rule, have no right to vote and it's all Israel's fault. A bit hysterical and exaggerated as usual. He also pointed out that there are some Mossad officials that agree with his own assessments, not to let an opportunity to use an appeal to authority go to waste in buttressing his misleading arguments. He also equated Obama's abandonment - which means that Jews in "east" Jerusalem are illegal squatters - with Reagan allowing a resolution to go through against Israel's bombing of the nuclear reactor in Iraq (which everyone was actually quite grateful for).

    3. And now to the footage:

  8. The vote reflects the fact that Britain and France voted FOR the resolution. The hypocritical anti-semitic bastards.

  9. Democratic operative Mark Mellman has some info that suggests Obama's action here is not that unusual.

  10. The worst US president in all of history. Even worse than Carter.

    May he rot in hell.

  11. Britain and France can always be counted on to shove a knife in your back when you are not looking.

    That is what makes them Britain and France.

  12. Jesus, Geoff, don't sugar-coat it. Tell us what you really think.


  13. Well, if LOTR is any indication the countryside looks beautiful.

    How's the fishing?

  14. Such high minded people, so principled in opposition to settler colonialism.
    I wonder what do Maoris think of it.

  15. "President Obama personally directed Friday that the U.S. abstain from a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity, seeing the escalation of settlement building as an increasing threat to the viability of a two-state solution to the region's problems. "

    PERSONALLY....the stinkin' rat.

  16. The ramifications of this move are huge if the various pundits are to believed. I'm having a hard time wrapping my noggin around it all as I go through all the Christmas prep and rituals and visits.

    Hopefully some of you will put up some of your own posts on this topic to help me better understand it. Happy Holidays one and all!!!

  17. Oh, and an especially Happy Hanukkah to all the Israelis who that rat has just helped make criminals for living in their own land. Just remember that you have the love and support of many around the world (especially me,)despite how it sometimes seems.

    1. Never doubted you. Have a merry...whatever it is you have. :0)

  18. This is going to backfire, and it is the Palestinians who will suffer the brunt.

    Another illustration of the poor judgment of Obama, out of touch, arrogant, trying to come off as wise.

    History will treat this man badly because almost everything he wanted and touched turned out worse than expected. He is the personification of the Emperor lacking any clothes.

  19. Israel is studying whether to fund the UN anymore. I would suggest all UN be expelled from Israel immediately. I would break all diplomatic relations with the US until the current administration is out. Lastly I would bar Obama and senior White House staff by name from entry to Israel for life. Based on John Kerry's additional hate speech today I would open an arrest warrant in Israel against him.

    1. What are the real world consequences of Israeli withdrawal from the UN? That's my question, because I would love to see them do it.

      But what are the consequences?

      That's the question that must be answered.

    2. I would say it's not practical to be outside the tent. Better to be inside but not support or participate. Were Israel to somehow withdrawal the UN would on that instant declare 'palestine' from the river to the sea. The EU would declare a 100% complete boycott heading toward military intervention. Hamas would be given legitimate nation state status.

      I'd prefer to see Israel withdraw support from the inside out. Any states who wish to deal with Israel can do so outside the scope of the UN entirely. Where Israel does in fact contribute to and support the UN, in various health, education, science and technology programs, that shuts down immediately. All nations that voted against Israel...pull all economic, academic, scientific, etc dealings with. Importantly, all those institutions that have or license any intellectual property from or with Israel should be canceled or increased in cost by 20x.

  20. I don't think Israel will leave the UN; just withdraw funding from various areas where it can and withdraw participation,co-operation as necessary. I personally feel the UN should be scraped as the ineffective political dinosaur it has become. Replace it with something that works.

    1. Just get rid of it. Whatever replaces it would be just as bad. What's so great about a bunch of third world savages democratically deciding world affairs?
