
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Question of the Whenever # 6: Would Obama have vetoed UNSC 2334 if Hillary had won?

Michael Lumish

Had Hillary won the election, would Obama still have abstained on UNSC 2334 (full text) which, among other things, nullifies the Oslo Accords and essentially defines the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem as part of "Occupied Palestinian territory"?

I can't know, of course, but I suspect not because, whatever anyone might think of the guy, he sincerely wanted Hillary to both win the election and succeed in the presidency in order to bolster his legacy... such as it is.

Therefore, I suspect that had Hillary won the resolution would never have come before the committee to begin with in order not to complicate her transition into power.

As it is, however, we are reading reports that the Obama administration actively lobbied UNSC countries, like Ukraine, and others, in order to assure that it came to a vote and passed with virtual unanimity.


  1. I'm pretty sure Obama wanted Hillary to lose. Clintons and Obamas loathe each other.
    Now that Hillary is gone, Obama will stay in Washington to oversee the new revamped DNC with Ellison in charge. He is setting a foundation to replace Clinton's (Clintons don't have anything to sell anymore, Obama does). They even announced that Michelle won't run (which means she surely will run in 2020). If Hillary won that would not be possible.

    1. Interesting.

      So, you're arguing that it was in Obama's interest for Hillary to lose so as to maintain his status of leader of the party.


      You may very well be right.

  2. It's academic. Obama has proven himself. If he had the ability, imagine what he would have done to Israel.

    An excellent article:

  3. Not a chance he would have done this if Hillary won. But he saw the opportunity to both start Trump off with yet another massive headache, and to give Bibi one more middle finger. Obama's spite and pettiness are the only things bigger than his ego. I guess he wanted to let us know that he was our first Kindergarten President, as well...

    1. JAY!!!!!! Yer alive!!!!! Yay!!!!

    2. Oh, he's alive alright, Doodad.

      Are you kidding me?

      The guy's been wandering the streets of Philadelphia like an amateur culinary urbanist... or something like that.

      You should check out Jay's fb page.

      It makes me hungry every time that I drop by.

      Also, it looks to me like he may have crossed over into the Dark Side with the rest of us pro-Israel miscreants.

    3. Yah, it's been a while. Hope youze are all well! :)

  4. (Too bad his actions have far more consequences than just kicking over other kids' Lego castles...)

  5. On a rare instance of having time to kill in the car I and my partner of 40 years, an attorney, listened to the first half of Kerry's speech on YouTube. I found at least 6 lies, another half dozen or so half truths or lawyer-ly hair splitting and a statement or two trotted out as 'facts' that were opinions not statements.

    I would ask you all to listen to it carefully and jot down where you think he's lying or is wrong. I believe there should be some effort to 'fact-check' Kerry's speech line by line. For example, when Kerry says Israel such and such does this and that in Area C.....he's lying because Israel has no legitimate authority or legal power IN Area C. And on and on.

  6. And no, if Hillary were our queen, Obama would not want to leave Her reign with the legal complexities of this resolution. He would hold fire and work behind the scenes to get an even worse one when she was in charge.

    1. He is a very deceitful and prejudiced man.

    2. Deceitful is right.

      I used to think that he was naive and ideologically blinkered, but now I think that he's a snake.

  7. I think he would have brought the resolution forward had Hillary won. He would have had her secret agreement to bring it prior to her inauguration (remember Hillary's 45 minute call screaming about building on Jerusalem). She would have gained surprise, maybe even outrage publically but agreed with Kerry that 'the settlements' were the root cause of the Middle East's unrest and concluded that her hands were tied by international law as created by the new UN resolution. This would then have created a new platform form which she would proceed to further weaken Israel's legitimacy.
