
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Why Sam Harris Opposes the Temporary Ban


  1. They oppose a temporary ban while giving information that supports the ban.

    Some Arab states support the need to better weed out militants. Raising the issue allows moderates to come forth. They understand the problem. The Sisi speech comes to mind.

    Trump is also talking to the Saudis about taking the refugees.

    Maybe a projection of strength, which is soft power, will be positive. Maher and Harris explained over and over why oil and water don't mix and there is cause for scrutiny when large numbers prefer their ideology over democracy.

    Much of the frenzy appears inauthentic because the voices sound of unmasked hate and actions that will ruin society, even for them, until the idea of America no longer exists.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "They oppose a temporary ban"
      Actually, they seem to have swallowed the koolaid about it being a Muslim ban. Since they are fairly smart guys, that can only proceed from their innate disdain of Trump evident from the initial remarks about him. It's the old chestnut about how great the world would be if only it were ruled by an elite intelligentsia. Being a fairly smart guy myself when younger (snort,) I used to admire that idea. Then I grew up.

  2. then opposing the ban is sports team politics; opposing policies or a politician who is a member of a specific party solely because he's a member of a specific party (ie Trump's on the "wrong team")

    1. If that's the case, why have none of them opposed Trump's plan to create safe areas in Syria?

    2. because that's not his signature issue or stance; his stance on Muslim immigration is bold and more strongly associated with Trump than safe zones. But then again, its only a matter of time before safe zones, for the rest of the left, are "racist."

    3. That's a good question, but there is also no doubt they hate Trump in large part, because he is on the wrong team. I will give Harris credit at least for being critical of Obama. However, when Harris calls Trump Chauncy Gardiner's evil twin, I find it gratuitous and uncalled for.

      Let's first stop them from fucking with us, then we can go win all the hearts and minds you want.
      As Brecht wrote, "Zuerst kommt das Fressen, denn der moral."

  3. These are the people of Laura in Gulliver's Travels who are so smart they have to hit in the head with a pig's bladder to remind them it's their turn to speak. They're so enamored of hearing themselves debate they'd give equal time for cancer to make its case.

  4. Replies
    1. I hate the spellchecker. It works on the assumption that I don't know how to spell and am incapable of checking my own spelling. I hate it like Big Brother.
