
Monday, April 24, 2017

France's Dilemma


Do they elect a far-right, possible bigot and antisemite who will do a lot to solve the immigration/terrorist problems France is experiencing or will they elect the centrist who won't? Macron supports an open door immigration policy and has expressed confidence in France's ability to absorb more immigrants and welcomes their arrival into Europe, asserting that the influx will have a positive economic impact. His proposal to provide each young adult a "Culture Pass" of 500 which may encourage young people to discover the culture of France and deter terrorism suggests he is somewhat of an idiot but what the heck; this is France after all and if they were that smart they wouldn't have the almost daily terrorism problems they now experience. It's so frequent, one would almost think they were occupying Palestine or something.

I suspect they will elect Macron and live with the consequences. I don't really care because I don't like Le Pen either and I have never forgot France's awful collusion during the Holocaust.


  1. Au revoir.

    (I couldn't write this on my iphone. The spell check fascists kept changing "au" to "sure.")

  2. Au revoir is right. No country wants to be the next Trumpist country. Even Jihad Merkel is gaining ground again in Germany after all her missteps. Unfortunately, I suspect only a right wing populist gov't can solve Jihad Europe's problems and it's a price no one wants to pay. Can't blame them really but they are the authors of their own misfortunes so it's hard to feel any real sympathy for them.

  3. why I don't live in Europe, in a nutshell.

  4. I'm getting "More Than A Feeling" this won't end well.

    1. Le Pen gets hit by lightning...da deep state did it!
      Macron gets hit by lightning...da Russkies did it!

  5. I have come to firmly believe that the Jewish people must - if they can - leave Europe. From what I can tell there are 3 places for Jews: Israel, North America, and Australia. And it's not as if those places are exactly "safe spaces" either.

  6. The indigenous Indian population, from what I can tell, is also friendly.
