
Friday, May 12, 2017

I am starting to wish that I had voted for Trump

Michael Lumish


  1. Can't get that vid in Canada but can guess its intent. Meanwhile how could you vote for some devil who HOGS all the ice cream Mike?

    "Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream.

    According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump's White House staff has settled into Trump's routine and know his desires, sometimes before he does,

    For example: Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, TIME reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one."

    The fact that a two scoop hog has the nuclear codes should petrify every American. Thank G-d CNN et al are around to keep us informed about this monster especially when SNL videos aren't always available in other countries.

    1. The intent is for the initiated. Fortunately I'm a strict textualist. Love that dog. :0)

    2. "I'm going to shoot him with the gun I carry."
      Wow! Nothing awkward about that line, eh?
      I'm going to push the Publish button with the left index finger I have.

  2. Eric Idle once said the difference between life and a Saturday Night Live skit is that life eventually ends. Be that as it may, this one gave me chuckle.

  3. The major problem, from my perspective, is that the Wall of Hatred that they've created around this guy makes honest criticism almost impossible.
    It becomes exceedingly difficult to draw any fair conclusions about this president because everything is filtered through the Hatred Machine as created by the NYT, the WAPO, the Democratic Party, and the Social Justice Warrior Brigade.

    I've already wasted enough hours chasing after stupid stories filled with malice and innuendo to discover little or nothing upon looking at the primary sources. And the things of it is, I have no doubt that there are all sorts of things that this president can be upbraided for.

    Damn if I know what they are, tho, because when everything that the guy does is considered an atrocity on some level then, on some level, none of it is.

    It just all becomes white noise.

    1. Exactly.
      He seems to want to do peace processing. I don't know exactly what the game is yet, but if it is as it now seems, that is something he could be legitimately criticized for around here.
      There is a link at EoZ to a Melanie Phillips article imploring Trump to call the war on Israel what it is.

    2. I hate the idea of jumping on the braindead festival of Trump hatred, but if the guy ends up being Obama-lite on Middle East issues then what difference does it make?

      Y'know, I didn't think that I was capable of getting even more disgusted with American politics then I was prior to this last election campaign, but I was wrong.

      I just sat there in slack-jawed amazement watching as all these cultural elements came together in self-righteous hatred against this guy and how this indignation fed on itself (or off of one another) and pressured others into believing what they had come to believe until it became an absolute moral imperative.

      We were given a choice, either hate Donald Trump or sacrifice your reputation.

      But, I tell ya man, I do not take well to political bullying.

  4. Most American Jews who are pro-Israel voted for Donald Trump.

    The American Democratic Party has become the political home of: Arab Americans. Muslim Americans, Jew-hating Americans, Israel-bashing Americans, and the New York Times, which hates Israel with a fanatical and passionate hatred.

    How to Convict the New York Times
    of Unfair Bias Against Israel:

    Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:

  5. I don't lose any sleep over other people's madness. My children are quite left wing/liberal and drink deeply from whatever bucket of left wing Kool Aid that's popular now. And it's fine by me. They can believe what they like and tell each other they all furiously agree with each other. Their worldview doesn't jibe with mine and it never will, so there's little upside in antagonizing each other.

    1. Well, that's a friggin' excellent point, now, isn't it?

      I have to say that as a liberal I find myself increasingly uncomfortable with both Left and Right, Dems and Reps. It used to be that I was only uncomfortable with the latter, but now I am becoming even more uncomfortable with the former.

    2. well yea Mike, the Democrat Party is morphing into the Corbynite Labour Party.

  6. Well one can see why Mike. Dems are becoming increasingly incoherent and frankly, embarrassing. Some, but very few, are realizing the harm being done and doing an itsy bitsy something about it. See Grassley and Feinstein's recent comments.

    "The day before, on Thursday, Grassley and Feinstein made news when they strongly suggested that Comey told them President Trump is not under investigation in the Russia matter. In a public committee meeting, Grassley said that when Trump said recently he had been informed he is not under investigation, "Sen. Feinstein and I heard nothing that contradicted the president's statement."

    But I suspect it's too little too late.

  7. Have you read through any of the never-Trump material from the right? David Frum? Max Boot? James Kirchik? Jennifer Rubin? Glenn Beck?

    1. Max Boot bends over backwards too hard to apologize for Iraq; he overlooks the problems with Muslimism.

  8. Since they can't get him on the Russia stuff and on the constant impeachment chants, it looks like they are doubling down on his perceived vanity/ loyalty stuff. Morning Joe had a segment on Kelley-Anne Conway which claimed she hates Trump and is only doing it for the money.

    And Vanity Fair is suggesting a wedge between him and the First Lady

    1. This is the first time in my life wherein I find myself in a sort-of political void. I am neither of the left or the right. I lean left on economic issues, but it was the left that let us down in the end.

    2. Do you remember when you provided a link to that test that places your opinions along the political spectrum? What was the name of it?
      I'd like to take it again and see where I would wind up now, but my bet is that there would be no change, because I don't think it is I who have changed. That said I have had a growing disenchantment with the Left for a while now. Drip, drip, drip. Had the 2012 race been close in CT I could see myself pulling the lever for Romney over an issue he was upbraided for, namely, his stance on the difference in cultures and how it relates to the ME conflict.

  9. For those of us who support Israel, disenchantment with the Left was inevitable. I don't need to count the ways with this audience. For many of us, it has gone beyond that though.

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