
Friday, July 21, 2017


  1. I can even tell you what he is saying. "Hi, I'm Johnny Cash."

  2. It's actually antisemitism coming out the rear end of a trojan horse.

  3. Israel set to remove the metal detectors. Terrorists win again. :(


    Temple Mount: What's the point in praying if you can't bring your gun?

  5. Imagine posting this for progressives to watch.

    Though it should be required.

    1. All of it. Especially the emphasis on cheap goods over fair wages. Also the focus on cheap goods for Americans while not even mentioning decent American jobs.

    2. He wasn't even addressing the subject. He was admonishing the arrogance of anti-capitalists who try to inject their values as those of poor people. Easy to sit on one's ass in wealth and tell others how they should live.

      In his view, the best, perhaps only system that truly creates wealth for the masses is capitalism. You still have to create it, but under the other systems you cannot. That is the secret sauce.

      His example of South Korea, which was as poor as North Korea 70 years ago, and how it went to wealth was factual and not the only example her provided in the few minutes. What all that had to do with American jobs, you will have to explain. Thought he was refuting a Marxist argument and speaking about poor people that work in places where they earn what is paltry to rich Western students, in this case, European students.

      By the way, "All of it" is hardly a substantive response.

      One reason it was offered is because progressives are guilty of the same conduct in different contexts. Also, he is an American born in Israel.

    3. I liked it. Never heard him mention free trade. He made a case for capitalism, and there is a strong case to made.

  6. I never thought of it quite in those terms. I have no idea what you mean, but you're probably right!

  7. I basically see myself as a social libertarian and an economic moderate.
