
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Someone who recognizes what the challenge is

Sar Shalom

Fathom Journal has a new interview up with Israeli Brigadier General (res.) Yossi Kupperwasser. Kupperwasser's major theme is that the chief impediment to the peaceful resolution is the Palestinians' insistence on a narrative in which the Jews are not a people and that the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is a fiction. Of particular note is that Kupperwasser responds to the notion that Naftali Bennett's opposition to a Palestinian state shows that he is opposed to any viable peace agreement by noting,
when these people say ‘we don’t want a Palestinian state’ what they are actually saying is: ‘We don’t believe the Palestinians are going to change their narrative. And as long as the Palestinians don’t change their narrative we don’t want a Palestinian state, because it is going to constitute a threat to Israel.’

If there was a change in the Palestinian narrative, ..., Israelis would see this as a wonderful move and be more forthcoming on the issue of peace.
The one flaw in Kupperwasser's understanding of the situation is he sees the momentum behind the Taylor Force Act, which would bar payments to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as long as the PA maintains on its books the law that pays salaries to those held in Israeli prisons for terrorist acts, as evidence that the United States, both the Administration and Congress, is starting to recognize that peace depends on a new narrative. This is not a criticism of the Taylor Force Act and ending US support for PA payments to terrorists is definitely to be praised, even if it is side effects of causing the PA to collapse. However, imposing consequences for supporting terror is not insistence on a new narrative. To see why, ask whether the Taylor Force Act would impose any consequence on the PA if it stops all payments to prisoners and then sends a resolution to UNESCO declaring that the ground underneath the Knesset is an Islamic heritage site and calling on Israel to give the "Islamic site" due deference.

In order to force the Palestinians to change their narrative, it will be necessary to demand the Palestinians ... change their narrative, and impose consequences if they fail to do so. As I have written previously, the Palestinians could demonstrate that they have a new narrative by making the following three-fold declaration:
  • The Jews are a people
  • The Jewish people are deeply connected to the Land of Israel in general and Jerusalem in particular
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forgery
If the Palestinians were to make that declaration, any subsequent bringing of resolutions to UNESCO declaring Jewish holy sites as exclusively Muslim would show that the declaration was insincere and thus justify revoking any privileges that were conditioned on making it. Anything short of making the declaration should be regarded as maintaining the narrative and result in treating the PA as a pariah.


  1. "Kupperwasser's major theme is that the chief impediment to the peaceful resolution is the Palestinians' insistence on a narrative in which the Jews are not a people and that the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is a fiction."


    Ancient Roman historians
    connected Jews with the Land of Israel

  2. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “Jewish failure is welcomed,
    even gloated over, by those
    who resent our success.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 4, page 100) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    Ida Nudel said this to Alan M. Dershowitz
    in year 1974 in Moscow:

    “The Jews are blamed for everything.
    Even in the current context of reform in the Soviet Union and throughout Eastern Europe, there is finger-pointing at the Jews and the Zionists.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 8, page 263) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “My father was once rudely ordered to remove his cap by a federal judge, when he came to court to watch me argue. The judge quickly apologized when he learned it was my father he was yelling at.

    But the fact that he yelled at all shows how intolerant and ignorant a judge can be of a minority religious practice, even in a city as Jewish as New York.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 10, page 328) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

    Why Muslims Hate Jews:

    How to Convict the New York Times
    of Unfair Bias Against Israel:

    Why Israel’s 1967 Borders
    are Undefendable

  3. They can change their narrative. After a couple of generations we can talk.
    There can be no peace with the "palestinians" currently alive.

  4. The "Palestinians" will not change their narrative until forced. They should be forced to recognize actual history. The only way to do that, I'm afraid, is to defeat them. Their insistence on pretending the Jews are not a people, etc., is perhaps due to a deep seeded feeling and knowledge that it is they themselves who are not really a people, etc., and as such have no ancient connection to the land or Jerusalem.
    Since the origins of the name Palestine has nothing whatsoever to do with them how can they claim to be the indigenous Palestinian people? Ignorance is a powerful tool in the hands of the malevolent.

    1. Saying that change will only happen if we defeat [the Palestinians] begs the question, what would it mean to defeat them?

      In the Palestinian mind, they are passing nearly every measure they bring before every UN body except the Security Council, and occasionally, they pass something there as well and thus they are winning. Defeating them would thus mean getting international bodies to stop accepting their lies.

      This suggests that the direct action should be directed not so much at inducing the Palestinians to change their narrative. Rather, what's needed is to convince the international community that the obstacle to peace is not Israeli intransigence on the settlements, but Palestinian intransigence on the narrative. Once that is accepted, the task would be to get the international community to say to the Palestinians that they can either maintain their narrative or have diplomatic support, but they cannot have both.

    2. When I say defeated I mean blown to smithereens if they don't straighten up and fly right, but I'm willing to entertain some other suggestions to pressure the Arabs west of the Jordan River who are not incorporated into Israel to behave, and acknowledge that they have lost, and to tell their people their true history as colonist settlers, and that, yes, the Jews were here first.

    3. Why is it our problem to worry about what our enemies construe to be to the conditions of their negotiated stalemate?

    4. What IS our problem is that those who actually can create meaningful consequence for us think that the only obstacle to a peaceful resolution is Israeli gluttony for "Palestinian" land. We have to get out the message that as long as the Palestinian narrative persists, there is no solution that leaves Israel existing in any form that will satisfy the PNM.

    5. The Arabs are utterly indifferent and unresponsive to any enticement, threat or consequence.

    6. There is one threat or consequence that might affect them, losing the ability to get whatever resolutions they want passed at the UN, and thus being forced to recognize that the UN will not deliver Israel to them on a silver platter. Getting Europe and Christian Africa to recognize the role of the Palestinian narrative and their enabling role in allowing that narrative to persist could lead to that change.

  5. The Arabs who call themselves 'palestinians' will never change. Never. And what is the downside to that? In 10 or 50 or a hundred years the 'palestinians' will be screaming and whining the same nonsense. Instead of 10 million self professed 'refugees' there will be 50 million, 100 million. Who knows, maybe they will convince the UN to declare every man woman and child on the planet a 'palestinian refugee'? 7 billion plus. And so one. It doesn't matter.

  6. Winston Churchill said [in year 1955 CE]:

    “You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem;
    it is they who made it famous.”

    SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews (chapter 26,
    page 292) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

    Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
    from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

    “[The] Olso [peace treaty] because the
    Palestinians, while talking peace in English,
    continued to build hate against Israelis
    in Arabic, in their mosques and textbooks.

    And they continued to draw maps of a future
    Palestinian state that erased Israel.”

    Longitudes and Attitudes (page 224)
    by Thomas L. Friedman, 2002 April 7

    How intermarriage harms
    Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel
    Ancient Roman historians
    connected Jews with the Land of Israel

  7. I found this tonight at Elder's joint. It ties in with the discussion.
