
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

This was my contact with woman who wants me in court

Michael Lumish

Dear Reem,

My name is Michael Lumish and I would like to speak with you.

I am the proprietor of Israel Thrives, a regular contributor to Daniel Pipes' Middle East Forum and Campus Watch, as well as various other pro-Jewish / pro-Israel venues such as The Algemeiner, the Times of Israel, the Elder of Ziyon, and elsewhere.

As a Jewish Oaklander, I am intending to write an article concerning your mural of Rasmea Odeh and what it suggests about ethnic relations in the United States.

What I would like to do, if you are willing, is meet for a snack and a cup of coffee at Reem's for a discussion concerning this.

I know that you are a Palestinian woman standing up for the rights of the Palestinian people, just as I am a Jewish man standing up for the rights of the Jewish people.

Will you meet with me for 10 or 15 to discuss it?

Say, sometime in the morning this week or next?

I very much appreciate your consideration and you have my thanks.

Michael Lumish


  1. I would say she didn't want to have a friendly discussion with you, and then some.

    1. I'm telling ya, man, the coppers got nothing on me.

  2. Collective PunishmentAugust 22, 2017 at 8:02 PM

    Why should an Arab in California be punished by having to speak with a najis Yahood?

    This is almost as bad as the Palestinians, who were punished for the Holocaust by having Yahood move into the neighborhood.

    Free Speech and tolerance of others is a Zionist conspiracy.

    1. The thing of it is, I would have been more than happy to speak with her as between normal human beings.

      I honestly do not know what her end game is here.

      If Assil and her attorneys think that they are going to shut me up then they are sadly mistaken.

      This is still the United States and the First Amendment to the Constitution rules.

    2. Her end game? It ain't rachmones, that's for sure.
      It's most likely end is to crush you, slander you, ruin your good name and reputation, and silence you.

    3. Crush me? Slander me? Ruin my good name and reputation?

      She's too late!

      But silence me no one will.

  3. Dear Michael Lumish:

    If you were a Jewish woman,
    then how would you react if you
    received a letter from a male Nazi,
    asking that you meet for a snack
    and a cup of coffee?

    Evil Logic Explained

    (why many people like the "Two State Solution"):

    Ancient Roman historians
    connected Jews with the Land of Israel

    American anti-Semitism:

    How to Convict the New York Times
    of Unfair Bias Against Israel:

    Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:

    1. I think that is a deranged interpretation, even as sarcasm.

    2. It may be deranged, but from HER perspective, from Reem's perspective, it is 100% true.

      If you want to negotiate with Muslims [or with anyone else] you must view the situation from THEIR perspective, not only from your own perspective.

    3. Perhaps I am naive, but I suspect that people honestly believe what they believe.

      My suspicion is that when I walk into that courtroom on Monday that Assil will look at me as something akin to a Nazi and mean it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. When you walk into that courtroom on Monday she will look at you exactly as a Nazi would look at a Jew and she will most definitely mean it.

  4. Y'know, for the life of me I have no idea why she refused that request.

    I understand that of all things that I do not understand, this is just one.

    But I do understand that if I received such a request I would have happily reciprocated.

    Hell, I used to cook for a living myself!

  5. Possible reasons

    She hates Jews
    She's profoundly clueless
    Her 'people' told her not to
    She wants the drama

    1. I wonder if her food is any good?

      I guess that I will never know.

    2. Sometimes I kid Laurie and say, "Hey, we should go down to Reem's for dinner."

    3. As one of them recently said "'s beneath our dignity...".
      Why would she meet the subhuman Yahood?

  6. I don't get the basis for a lawsuit. Your letter was perfectly reasonable, polite, and non-threatening. She clearly was hoping for a reaction in such a way that she could force a confrontation. I'm sure she's hoping to turn an unfounded personal legal proceeding into a circus about Israel's "oppression" of Palestinians. Hopefully the judge will keep an appropriately narrow focus. Good luck!!

    1. The basis of the court action is my participation in two protests.

  7. Last but not least, if her family discovered that she met with a Jewish man, then the only way to remove the unbearable shame from her family would be to perform an “Honor Killing”, where she gets killed by the members of own family, for the purpose of restoring their family’s honor.

    This sounds crazy to American ears, but it is perfectly normal for Muslims, who often practice “Honor Killings” in their native lands.

    Amazingly, the Feminists and Liberals NEVER criticize Muslims for “Honor Killings”, or for continuing to practice slavery, or for failing to produce nations ruled by democracy.

    Pro-Israel Articles from Aish HaTorah:


  8. Being covered in Bay Bloggers now, Mike:

  9. I guess what bugs me is that she must have refused the offer because she thinks that I am malicious. I am not.

  10. A few reference sources for dealing with political warfare on the left

    "Unrestricted Warfare" - Published by the PLA (PRC Army) and available online for free

    "On Guerilla Warfare" - Mao Zedong, also available online for free

    "People's War People's Army" - Vo Nguyen Giap, again available online for free

    This is the war they are fighting. It's a total war in the sense that it is fought in every dimension all the time nonstop. We've all heard about Alinsky's Rules for Radicals but those are micro-tactics not objectives. The objective, the goal is win by never backing down one inch. They are fighting you because they will never back down to you or anyone about anything, ever.

  11. And this is why I didn't buy into Mr. Cohen's description/narrative, whatever. Nazism is specifically anti-Jewish. She can make whatever claims and believe whatever, but it's not on the mark. Go ahead, build a narrative, teach it in school, that Nancy Pelosi is a Nazi and any contact with her must be shunned, denounced, and condemned. It's just more delusional bs, as is "really believing" that Mike is a Nazi when Odeh was the one with Nazi modus operandi and objectives.
    Even poor downtrodden Nazis are Nazis. Given the power to do so, they would implement their program.

    And now this:

  12. In the study of ethics you're confronted with complex difficult choices not easy ones. If everything was choices between cannibals and puppies you'll choose puppies. That's really the issue of free speech. Protecting speech everyone loves and agrees with isn't hard. That's not a challenge. The challenge is protecting loathsome things you personally object to. If you don't have that you have no business in this discussion

  13. In the study of ethics you're confronted with complex difficult choices not easy ones. If everything was choices between cannibals and puppies you'll choose puppies. That's really the issue of free speech. Protecting speech everyone loves and agrees with isn't hard. That's not a challenge. The challenge is protecting loathsome things you personally object to. If you don't have that you have no business in this discussion
