
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Reem's Oakland Protest of Rasmea Odeh Still Strong (Updated)

Michael Lumish


Some of you guys have asked who created the video below.

Matthew Finkelstein takes considerable credit as an organizer, inspiration, and a man speaking out on the scene at Reem's.

Susan George, who is a district delegate for the California Democratic Party, an actress, a non-Jewish supporter of Israel, and a Bernie Sanders supporter, wrote and delivered the narration.

Marc Garman edited video and was both tech and production.


  1. Today is September 17, so I guess she was put on a plane today. How long before she admits what she to an adoring Arab press?

    1. Reem's should put a mural up of her victims. If she's proud of Odeh she should be proud of what she did.

  2. In the baker's world, people pretend not to know the malevolence of people like Odeh. How sad for them all, or anyone, to have such a broken moral compass.

    1. I can't tell you how weird it is to walk by a storefront on my way into BART and having to pass by what might as well be a giant Nazi Swastika from within the restaurant.

      Shades of early-mid twentieth-century Berlin.

      It's just highly uncomfortable.

  3. I think tactics used by PETA are warranted here. Throw fake blood on the customers
