
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Jordan Peterson and the New Center

Michael Lumish

I find myself increasingly interested in the work of social media people such as Dave Rubin and academics such as Jordan Peterson around what is sometimes referred to as "The New Center."

Jordan Peterson, along with neuroscientist Sam Harris, is among the trend's most significant figures. The point of this emerging sensibility is to outline a rational political balance and to promote freedom of speech, particularly at the universities.

Peterson, out of the University of Toronto, is a clinical and evolutionary psychologist who is influenced by Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell. Campbell became famous in the late 1980s through the PBS documentary, The Power of Myth, with Bill Moyers. In the last few years, Peterson came to prominence due to his opposition to Canadian legislation mandating the use of non-gendered pronouns among certain professional types, such as university professors.

Some have even accused him of being "alt-right"...  whatever that is supposed to mean, exactly.

In truth, Peterson draws much from the hippie-counterculture inspiration of the twentieth-century that goes to scholars such as Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell and Timothy Leary.

If you listen to his discussion below, concerning psychedelics, you could easily mistake his sensibilities with the early careers of 1960s counterculture academicians like Richard Alpert, out of Harvard, who later became Baba Ram Dass.

To confuse someone like Peterson with a hard-line, right-wing political viewpoint is, from any reasonable historical view, simply mistaken.


  1. "To confuse someone like Peterson with a hard-line, right-wing political viewpoint is simply wrong." As well as sadly mistaken.

    1. I think Dave Rubin is doing important work because he seems to be the focal point of this conversation.

      I like Rubin a lot, actually. Y'know, he came out of the Young Turks. He's clearly an intelligent and, to my mind, a fair-minded guy.

      So, I am keeping an eye on these guys because I hope they can help cool the current high-pitched American nonsense where the Right sees the Left as Communists and the Left sees the Right as Fascist.

      By the way, I am still waiting to meet my first self-identified American Nazi or Klansmen or White Supremacist.

      Hell, I will give the guy an open invitation to my home and will serve him porridge.

  2. Media Whitewashes Anti-Semitism Around the World
    by Sean Durns:

    Anti-Semitism Is Still a Serious Problem in Churches
    by Noah Summers:

    Associated Press Covers-Up Arafat’s Gun at the United Nations
    by Tamar Sternthal:

  3. hey Mike, gonna write about Hussein Obama endorsing Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the anti-Semite??

    1. In this case, it's also true the other way around--Ocasio-Cortez being endorsed by an anti-Semite.

    2. It is interesting, since she is opposed to so many of Obama's domestic policies. What's left?

  4. Occasional-Cortex wants Foxnews punished and forced by the government for the crime of.....reporting on her. After it was pointed out that Congresspersons aren't inaugurated and that Congress doesn't sign legislation into law, as she claimed she will do day one, she lashed out that pointing out her apparent lack of knowledge of what congress actually does, warrants government suppression. It would be funny if it weren't plausible that these lunatics are driving straight towards a Soviet hell with all the seriousness they can mount. You don't have to love or hate Foxnews to be worried that someone in a position to make laws is advocating this sort of thing.

    1. Two things: 1) the strongest 'mainstream' advocate of Nazis, neo Nazis, white identity and similar far right racist movements in the US is Glenn Greenwald, erstwhile gay Jew antisemite, 'progressive' hater of America and self professed 'free speech extremist'. But oddly the only free speech they ever defend is Nazi speech. Beinart is in the same boat as is Mondoweiss and Greta Berlin and Medea Benjamin. And second, far right wing hate groups are a fringe everywhere they make a public appearance. Stormfront, Veterans Today and the occasional Ernst Zundle website are the same 3 dozen losers screaming about the same thing. Whenever they mount protest they're always outnumbered 10:1 by left wing counter protesters, who, ironically hate Jews almost as much but don't have the silly robes and uniforms.

    2. And Greenwald manages to do it all from Brazil.

    3. "Occasional-Cortex..." Hey, hey, that's not fair. It's Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.

  5. These are liberals, actually. The ideas they espouse are liberal.

    Those that espouse progressivism are not liberal and never were. Unless you think Marxism is liberal.

    Liberals are not authoritarians. Progressives are not loathe to use authority or the state do do their bidding.

    It's not that liberals prefer conservative policies, but they understand the dystopia that progressive policies will bring.

    At least liberals and conservatives share an American perspective, something the progressive does not.

  6. Not the new center:

  7. Kind of like Trump threatening NBC's license.

    1. Trump talks, but he has silenced no one. Everyone gets their say. Can you point to one instance of suppression? It was Obama that actually prosecuted and spied on journalists. And now it appears the abuse of power was widespread. The threat comes from those you support, yet some are too woke to stop pretending.

  8. Whataboutism is the last refuge of a ...something. But first of all, Obama was case specific about going after journalists, Trump is systemic. Second, when called out on it, Obama issued new guidelines, Trump has simply ignored those guidelines and expands on the excesses of Obama. His treatment of Ali Watkins is way worse that Obama's treatment of Rosen. The Justice department is going back weeks, as in the case of Rosen, buy years in the case of Watkins. The goal of Obama was to find leakers, the goal of Trump is to silence the opposition. We've had bad presidents in the past, James Buchanon, Warren Harding, and Andrew Johnson for example, but until now we've never had a narcissistic sociopath in office. All the past bad presidents at least thought they were doing the best for the country, Trump simply cases only about Trump.

    1. Actually, whataboutism is a way to show a person practicing double standards.

      Trump squawks and people act like he's done it. Unlike others, he has deprived no civil liberties. Can you name one example of where he has denied anyone their right to call him any name in the book? If he was like you say, that would not be the case.

      On the other hand, it looks like he was the one targeted by high government officials under Obama, before and after the election. Sad when Democrats pretend there is no corruption by their leaders when it is rampant.

      Wasn't Watkins involved with someone actually charged with a serious crime, who actually leaked classified information? Maybe involved with sex to get info? Should they not loook closely at her? What was Rosen's crime? Get real!

      The Democrats are more now corrupt than the Republicans because they are no longer pursuing a liberal agenda.

      Appear so sure about Trump yet know so little about him or what he says or what he does or why. Diagnosis him as a "narcissistic sociopath." Shows ignorance and the type of bias so predictable among his critics, who are predictably wrong about most things they predict, and predictably willing to cross the lines into bigotry and incitement to authoritarianism. Nice group of people, so tolerant that they will silence critics at the drop of a hat.

    2. "The goal of Obama was to find leakers, the goal of Trump is to silence the opposition. "
      Funny stuff.
