
Thursday, December 27, 2018


  1. Victor Rosenthal explained:

    “Israel’s greatest weakness is her lack of strategic depth.

    There is nowhere to fall back to, and an invasion from Lebanon or Syria would quickly reach populated areas.

    Israel is no Russia, which on several occasions has been able to count her enormous size and bitter winters as her greatest allies.

    This is one reason why 2-state-solutions are unacceptable…”

    Our Iranian War by Victor Rosenthal 2018/12/27

  2. Very true. But the international community WANTS Israel exposed to hostile genocidal neighbours and everyone knows why. The UN especially; the proof being the latest chance to label Hamas a terrorist organization failing and a security council discussion of Hezbollah tunnels ending in no actions taken.


  4. About Alice Walker

    1. Yes, we must remember there are good Nazis and bad Nazis. We wouldn't want to be bigoted and non-inclusive, would we?

      What blew me away were some of the BTL comments. It's a "tribute" to people's ability to rationalize pretty much anything.

      Of course, there are smart people and stupid people. Again, I want to be inclusive. We can keep the smart ones, but obviously we will have to notify the stupid that they are not welcome in our community! Join our rally in San Francisco. (sarcasm)

    2. Exactly Trudy. She would gladly hold the oven door oven but refuse to light the flame. Dime a dozen.

    3. Does Alice Walker pass the Israel Test?

  5. Walker is a sad person. She cannot acknowledge her own advantage. As if she is not privileged.

    She knows full well what she does. Mistreatment from her Jewish in-laws does not justify spreading hate for Jews overall. She should have married Roger Waters. Both engage in rank antisemitism in guise of human rights, a personal affront to actual human rights and cover for human rights abusers.

    Walker's hate extends beyond her antisemitism. Much seems rooted in a hate of the white system that puts her down. But even with the racism here, where else could she have succeeded as she has with such fame and a platform. She gets full opportunity to show everyone what is in her heart, and it's not a pretty picture.

    Sometimes these controversies are overblown. Maybe this is an example. Content for people to argue about. PC in the other direction. Why wouldn't Walker choose to recommend antisemitic authors? Perhaps other things deserve more oxygen and don't get it in all the back and forth.

    1. Maybe this is the only way she could control her hot sexual passion for Jewish men.
      Roger Waters is already married to his own sexually charged, pornographic hatred for Jews.

      I'm perfectly content for Ms. Waters to waist away privately in her pathetically paranoid pathology as a Jew hater. But, it is the NYT that insisted she had something relevant to say, and then did some piss poor damage control for not pointing out that Icke's ravings are those of an antisemitic looney tune by using awful (non-)analogies.

  6. Put this on your must watch list:

  7. PA sentences American to life in prison with hard labor.


    1. So the PA arrested a foreign national for selling land it doesn't own and which isn't within its jurisdiction? Am I getting that right (without even getting into the rest of it)?

  8. Start with Tlaib. She says she will always speak truth to power. which is a time worn yet trendy way of inflating one's importance, not to mention the exaggerated claims contained within the phrase itself.

  9. Jeff, even J Street withdrew support from her after she LIED about supporting a 2 state solution AFTER winning the Dem nomination. Some truth from the foul mouthed attention grabber.

  10. "Democratic leaders late Sunday evening vowed to derail a vote on a package of pro-Israel bills despite those measures having received broad bipartisan support in previous Congresses, essentially ensuring the partial government shutdown continues."

    And so it continues. Dems make me sick.

  11. "The shutdown is not the reason Senate Democrats don’t want to move to Middle East Security Bill.

    A huge argument broke out at Senate Dem meeting last week over BDS. A significant # of Senate Democrats now support #BDS & Dem leaders want to avoid a floor vote that reveals that."

    Marco Rubio.

    Hope they release the Jew haters names.

    1. Thought it's just the right wing Charlottesville crowd that we should worry about.

      Good that Tlaib & Co. are forcing the issue and exposing the dirty little secret of where the danger actually lies.

      Not just for Jews either.

    2. This seems to be untrue and without any supporting evidence I would support some anti-BDS legislation, but the question of constitutionality of others may be questionable. I tend to oppose loyalty oaths of any kind.

    3. Just because Murphy would support some sort of legislation does not mean that multiples of other Democrats would also.
      Maybe Murphy says "really dangerous to play politics with support for Israel," because he is afraid Rubio will be proved right. Democrats never play politics, so Rubio must be. Perhaps it's a good idea to find out where everyone stands.

      The law apparently applies only to state contractors, not individuals. But what would you expect the Democrats to say? Along with J Street and the usual suspects. Freedom of expression in peril. Apparently a diversion, a cry of wolf.

      Democrats are the party of Tlaib, AOC, Sarsour, Farrakhan, etc., and many are now owning it. It will be interesting to see how many crumble in the onslaught.

    4. oldschool,
      I suspect you have it right, unfortunately.

  12. The only real question of any concern here is not about free speech but WHY Dems want to help kill Jews. BDS empowers Israel's enemies who want to, and SAY they want to, kill Jews. Why Dems, why? And why are so many Dem Jews ok with this crap?

  13. “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Eric Hoffer

    I would suggest that applies also to non-great causes such as BDS. Certainly it applies to the fake Palestinian cause. How many pockets have been lined; how many books sold and lectures paid for?

    1. How many people believe that the "Palestinian cause" is the quest for a state, 'human rights', etc?
      I am posing this question because I read a Melanie Phillips piece the other day criticizing some Labour MP cautioning against antisemitism in an address to Labour supporters, and saying something like, "I know we all support the Palestinian cause, we all want to recognize a state", you get my gist. So, how many people now have this idea that the Palestinian cause is merely about establishing a "Palestinian state," i.e., an Arab State in Palestine west of the Jordan River? Clearly not all Labourites in Britain believe this and support the cause anyway because they hate Israel, but how many have been confused into believing the fairytale narrative?

  14. "Mecca’s Grand Mosque plagued by swarm of locusts"

    heh 9 more to go

  15. Tlaib reminds of Zoabi, but has a much stronger base of support. Will anyone have the courage to challenge her ethics as a member of Congress? She deserves sanction for conduct unbecoming. Hopefully, she will be marginalized as the extent of her antisemitic and anti-American ideology is seen.

    1. Well, she and AOC both lost high powered committee seats they were after so....

    2. Have run across many kids the same age as AOC that seem more intelligent and grounded. That she is so popular is a sad testament. Such a lightweight, like Beto and so many of the rest. Few, if any accomplishments. One must question the wisdom of supporters. Tlaib, however, appears to operate with actual malice. It would not be surprising to see the bunch hurting Democrats in the end.


