
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

FDR did nothing

Michael Lumish

Mike Williams is both on-target and concise:
For all my 73 years I've known that if I wanted to start a political fight with a Dem/liberal all I had to do was complain that FDR knew about the Holocaust and did nothing.

Bombers dropped bombs on Germany day and night for years, but never was the infrastructure like the railroads to the work or death camps targets. Not even as secondary targets.

Now, we see that it was more than a presidential myopic view where he didn't want to be seen fighting a world war for the Jews. He actually went out of his way to derail anything that would have slowed or stopped the mass killings.

In the last few years embarrassing letters and official documents have surfaced that showed that the Brit's didn't want the killing to stop, or to see the German's use the Mideast as a dumping ground for Europe's Jews.

Or the fact that after the war Britain worked to destroy Israel even before it declared itself to be the one and only Jewish state....Germany certainly deserves the world condemnation for its war crimes, but there is enough guilt to go around that the Western allies like the US, France, and England didn't do anything to stop the destruction of European Jewry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not only was US president Franklin Roosevelt perfunctory about rescuing Jews from the Nazis, but he obstructed rescue opportunities that would have cost him little or nothing, according to Holocaust historian Rafael Medoff.

    FDR’s role in preventing the rescue of European Jewry is detailed in a new book called, “The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust.”

    The bigotry is astounding. From all sides, but especially from those that claim to be liberals and humanists. In any event, the Jews posed no threat. Today the proper question is whether the "refugees" are similarly fleeing with a well founded fear of persecution, which Jews before the Holocaust surely possessed, or is it simply a desire to migrate, which does not afford protection.

  3. “There was little controversy back then regarding
    the Law of Return in the immediate aftermath
    of the Holocaust, but now there are those
    who see this law as racist.

    Many other countries, with no history of genocide
    and exclusion, have similar laws that are
    not subject to similar criticism.”

    SOURCE: Defending Israel (chapter 2, page 30)
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, year 2019, All Points Books,
    ISBN-10: 1250179963 * ISBN-13: 978-1250179968

    “Not only was Israel’s existence as the nation-state
    of the Jewish people at risk [in the Six-Day War of 1967],
    but the lives of its citizens were also in danger.

    Arabs were threatening another Holocaust,
    just 22 years after the end of World War II.

    SOURCE: Defending Israel (chapter 3, page 44)
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, year 2019, All Points Books,
    ISBN-10: 1250179963 * ISBN-13: 978-1250179968

    In 1970, King Hussein of Jordan said to his people, in Arabic:

    “Kill the Jews wherever you find them.
    Kill them with your hands, with your nails, with your teeth.”

    The audience gasped.
    They had never before heard the suave, gentle,
    smiling King of Jordan speak in such genocidal terms.

    SOURCE: Defending Israel (chapter 4, page 64)
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, year 2019, All Points Books,
    ISBN-10: 1250179963 * ISBN-13: 978-1250179968

    “The fighting [in the 1973 Yom Kippur War] was ferocious, both in the Sinai and on the Golan Heights. The Syrian front was far more dangerous for Israel, because the Syrian Army was in close proximity to Israeli civilian population centers --- and the Syrians made no distinction between combatants and noncombatants.”

    SOURCE: Defending Israel (chapter 6, page 89)
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, year 2019, All Points Books,
    ISBN-10: 1250179963 * ISBN-13: 978-1250179968

  4. “Documents discovered by Israeli troops during the [1973 Yom Kippur War] war showed that Egyptian General Saad el-Shazly had distributed written orders to kill Israeli soldiers even after they surrendered.”

    SOURCE: Defending Israel (chapter 6, page 90)
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, year 2019, All Points Books,
    ISBN-10: 1250179963 * ISBN-13: 978-1250179968

  5. Ilhan Omar has come out for Bernie. The spectacle of these to on stage together simply illustrates the connections between Marxism, Islamism, and antisemitism. Way to go Democratic Party! Make no mistake, they are building an anti-Zionist, and therefore, antisemitic base in the Democratic Party. And it certainly is democratic on the "two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner" sense of the word.

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  7. Mike,
    How do you find these people? I went to Mike Williams' FB page but didn't see that particular piece.
    Anyhoo, I do remember reading a while back that FDR had plans for taking the remnant of the surviving Jews of Europe and dispersing them to the four corners of the earth. It seems that there has been a lot more published on FDR's role in enabling the destruction, i.e., wholesale murder, of European Jewry that I have missed.
    Back during those years of WWII and even afterward America was a whole lot more antisemitic than today. Certain crazies are trying to bring it back, and their name definitely ain't Trump.
    It's more like the mafia. They send someone you've trusted in the past.

    BTW, is there anyone left in the room who doesn't yet recognize that Bernie Sanders is bereft of good ideas and is really more like the guy Woody Allen described in Annie Hall who shows up at a cafeteria with a shopping and drool running downing his chin screaming about Socialism?
    "Here, in the 21st Century!" we actually elevate nut jobs spewing warmed over Marxism and the antisemites they walk with, and promote them as " ideas people."
