
Saturday, June 13, 2020

2020 Says, "You can run....


But you cannot hide."

Stay safe and talk about whatever.


  1. My town has escaped much of the danger. Only 117 recorded covid cases and only 3 related deaths. That may change as Ontario has started reopening a bit. Gas is up 36 cents a litre from the lowest values and traffic is right back to normal, maybe higher.

    We had a protest the other day. Maybe 200 peaceful people walked from Lowes to the Police Station (about 4 long city blocks,) and made some speeches. No looting, no riots. We are Canadian after all lol. Haven't seen any graffiti around although we went to Guelph, a university town yesterday and it is full of nasty graffiti about the police.

    And so it goes.

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    2. Statues are being toppled al around the country and our leaders allow this to happen. That's another in a series lately of monumental mistakes. Never let a mob dictate policy. You're only inviting more and bolder moves. It's one of those lessons from WWII forgotten. Also forgotten is that Marxism failed miserably. We have a big Marxist revival problem here, and they seem to be winning right now.
      I can't believe that polls have Joe Biden ahead. Democrats are not even promising a program. They're not even promising a better economic future for you children anymore. They and the colluding media have promised that getting rid of Trump will bring forth nirvana. Careful what you wish for. Trump is nutty but at least he wants to revive the country, not manage its decline.

  2. Never thought America would come to this; course, it ain't just America although it's worse in America where despite being enshrined in the constitution, free speech is now dangerous to your health and your wealth.

  3. Speak truth:

    Even if what exists sucks, BLM, Antifa and cancel culture are not the answer. Without cops it's even worse. Unless perhaps you can afford private cops? But in the end it will come for you, and what's left will be another actual dictator.

    1. By another dictator, think Germany, Russia, China, that type. The type that many have no clue. So easy to turn your back on free expression. It's that repressive tolerance thing at work. No thanks!

  4. Whatever happened in Atlanta today, where the black man was killed by the police, it's best to let things become known. Was it racially motivated? Are blacks actually being targeted? Is the standard of policing in decline or just more transparent. Who would want to be a cop these days when seen as evil persons?

    The Hodge Twins have another view, if the narrative engulfing society accurately reflects the entire picture in context. It's hardly ever as absolute as presented, especially by social justice warriors who have difficulty seeing anything right.

    Comedy with a bite. Of course, this is not to condone illegal police conduct of any form, even if done by the head of the FBI and his immediate underlings, among others.

  5. The Atlanta thing shows a guy who had a death wish, stealing a taser from a cop, running away and pointing the thing at the cop. This is not rocket science. Pointing weapons at cops while fleeing will get you killed or at least badly hurt most places in the world; not just old racist America.

    1. As I watched the video I thought to myself how I, or most people for that matter, would never do what that guy did. It's sure way to get yourself shot. But no to the "enlightened" mob with its mass hysteria. They know it's all just racism for sure, therefore must have power relinquished to their steady hands immediately.
      In the meantime Robert Reich has a piece running in the British paper Der Guardian entitled "Trump stokes division with racism and rage - and the American oligarchy purrs."
      Does he know the Guardian is the numero uno English speaking anti-Israel newspaper in Britain and that its support for the antisemite, Jeremy Corbyn was whole-hearted. They carried water for him. This is the Left today in all its glory. It only took some years to cross the ocean. Of course, Reich, after spending around 20 years now in Berkeley must have figured it out already.

  6. The Left Couldn’t Care Less about Blacks
    by Dennis Prager, 2020 June 2:

  7. Jews Should NOT Help ‘Tear It All Down’
    by Jonathan S. Tobin


  9. The great threat to America and to American Jewry
    by Caroline Glick

  10. Palestinians do not honor or respect human rights
    by Mitchell Bard, 2020 March 26:

  11. Taibbi, worth the read:

    Just imagine the actual progress that could occur if there was less fear.

    The traditional view of the press was never based on some contrived, mathematical notion of “balance,” i.e. five paragraphs of Republicans for every five paragraphs of Democrats. The ideal instead was that we showed you everything we could see, good and bad, ugly and not, trusting that a better-informed public would make better decisions. This vision of media stressed accuracy, truth, and trust in the reader’s judgment as the routes to positive social change.

    With so much slant to the coverage and so much misinformation within the coverage, it creates ignorance. Woke is ignorant.

  12. No.

    This has been another in the series Simple Answers to Really Easy Questions.



  14. If you have nor seen or read this, it's worthwhile, especially for those who are silent at liberal values are flushed down the toilet.

  15. "In the past 24 hours, Jameela Jamil, Chelsea Handler & Jessica Chastain have shared on Instagram a video of vicious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan discussing racism."

    1. I don't live in LA so I never got the whole Chelsea Handler thing. She's supposed to be some sort of comedian, but with the admittedly scant exposure I have had to her, I never heard her say anything remotely funny nor prescient, as I get the impression that people out there think of her as "hip" and "with it." So I wasn't convinced she is so smart. Now I know that she isn't. Just another trendy, staying on top by being in sync with the zeitgeist of the ever present present. Farrakhan is a race hustler who sees a more traditional and subservient role for women and would probably throw gays of rooftops as those he admires do. He'd also like to see violence against Jews. Anyone who says otherwise is not fit to be recorded, i.e., not news that's fit to print, as the saying goes. And if the Minister...oops, did I say minister? I meant Sinister Farrakhan had a massive stroke tomorrow, I think I get over it.

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  17. They're trying to cancel Bill Jacobson at Cornell Law. He's the proprietor at Legal Insurrection. Despicable. He may be the lone conservative and even that is too much. He advocates for Israel and has the audacity to examine BLM, starting in 2015. Now they want to boycott his classes in case he is not silenced and fired.

    Woke social justice warriors are afraid that people will be persuaded if they hear the other side.

    As much as these new social justice warriors criticize the boomer generation, at least boomers understood the fundamental goodness of America as the point of departure. They respected civil rights and free expression, with some exceptions.

    The new generation who have taken to the streets are so poorly educated they never learned the good of America. They only learned the bad, a litany of Zinn tales. Their ideas are built on a sliver of knowledge and understanding, and should not be taken seriously. It's sad they cannot see the obvious, that America and Western culture have proven best for individuals and people as a whole to prosper, and is worth the effort to save.

    By tearing down institutions and culture, most of which they are ignorant about, they are initiating a society that is much less tolerant and accepting and less beneficial to their emancipation and human rights, until they have none. They are too woke to understand what they’re throwing away.

    If you ask who has created our divided country, there is your answer. It is the woke, not the Trump bumpkins, most of whom are living life, compared to practicing wokeness like a fundamentalist or fighting fascists. And in their first acts affecting the nation as its predominant group, they project a totalitarian future.

    This does not even speak to their racism, to which they appear oblivious.

    1. Jacobson is tenured, no? Wouldn't that make it difficult to fire him? Wouldn't be more about harassing him until he leaves?
      When are so-called Jewish liberals, and other liberals for that matter, going to see through this totalitarian thought control? Does anyone out there really want to live in a country where people's livelihoods are endangered by not repeating the Party line? How much longer will they stay in denial about what is going on? Does it really need to bite them hard in the ass? Maybe I'm impatient because I have been watching this for so long. It's like watching paint dry, but in this case, once it does dry things will be very difficult.

    2. Yeah, he's probably tenured, but he is up against a tidal wave of intolerance and harassment. He's got a pretty strong constitution.

      We don't hear much from Jewish progressives. Perhaps too busy kneeling and shaming others for refusing to adopt their racist line. More likely they are scared to come forth. We see what happens if one strays from the party line.

  18. Had to share this:

  19. Black Lives Matter, eh?
