
Friday, September 30, 2011

Israel and Turkey Are Playing Footsie

According to Turkish media reports, Low-flying Israeli warplanes and helicopters "harassed" a Turkish ship exploring for natural gas reserves near Cyprus on Thursday night.

Today's Zaman, citing accounts in Turkish daily Vatan and Greek Cypriot daily Phileleftheros, reported that two F-15 jets took off from Tel Aviv and flew through the airspace of both Greek Cyprus and Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus. The jets reportedly ignored warnings from officials of Turkish Cyprus.

According to the report, Turkey sent two F-16 jets to track the Israeli F-15s, which subsequently returned to Israel.

The report added that an Israeli military helicopter flew over the Turkish seismic research ship the Piri Reis, exploring for gas off of Cyprus's southern coast.

Turkey said on Tuesday it was exploring for gas in an offshore zone where Cyprus started drilling last week, a step that could escalate a dispute over Mediterranean resources.


Should I lose any sleep over this one?

What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. Don't know....Turkey is acting really weird these past years; strutting round like a rooster. There was a diary about it at dKos and it gave weasel et al a chance to blame it all on Israel...what else is new. And of course it's alwys a stellar day for Israel haters when they bring up the USS Liberty

    Like The USS Liberty? (0+ / 0-)
    Well, we all know just how controlled Israeli aircraft can be when they're confronted by vessels they can't quite identify.

    "Love the Truth, defend the Truth, speak the Truth, and hear the Truth" - Jan Hus, d.1415 CE

    by PrahaPartizan on Fri Sep 30, 2011 at 06:24:59 PM PDT

    [ Parent ]

    Those progressives sure love their right wing antisemitic conspiracy theory accusations don't they?
