
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

And Suddenly, It Was All Whites.


Kamala Harris has dropped out so the entire Democratic 2020 field is WHITE (shudder.) I don't see how Michelle Obama has a choice now unless she DOESN'T want to save the soul of America.

Nice going Tulsi and all you rich white guys. All blacks should vote for Trump now just out of spite; unless Michelle shows up, of course.


  1. Michelle is our only hope. Zhe will wipe the floor with Trump.

    1. "Trump" is not a cleansing product, and Michelle is not the black maid doing your kitchen floor. This is not the 1950's. Racist!!!! But I'm sure that if Michelle were to wipe the floor, she'd use a swiffer. She is a Princeton grad after all, you know.

    2. LOL! I don't think Jacob was saying that, but thank you for a laugh--we need this today.

    3. I could also say that Trump is the farthest thing from a "cleansing product," but I don't want to start an argument here...

  2. Who cares? I've written off 2020. We're stuck until the country gets over its demonization of well-qualified nominees in favor of candidates they aren't too careful to scrutinize regarding their ability to govern.

  3. "Try saying
    "I want to destroy Germany, but I'm not anti-German."
    "I want to destroy the USA but I'm not anti-American"

    See if you can fool anyone."
    David Collier

    1. Maybe you saw Bret Stephens' column. He made the same point.

      When there are other "occupation" controversies but only Israel's right to exist is questioned, it is clear. "Anti-Zionism" is antisemitism.

  4. Rep. Al Green (D-TX) blasted his own party’s impeachment inquiry over the lack of diversity in the selection of witnesses, declaring it “hurts his heart” and asking, “What subliminal message are we sending to the world when we have experts, but not one person of color?”

    1. What's the salary for a congressional House of Reps member again?

      I get the idea that different points of view isn't exactly what he had in mind.

  5. Since 1990s Armenia not only occupies ~1/3 of it's Muslim neighbor Azerbaijan, but also conducted a thorough ethnic cleansing of 800,000 Azeri people. Current Azeri population of Armenia + occupied territories: Zero. Anybody cares? I know super educated Progs can't find their own arses on a map, let alone Armenia. This is "whataboutism" and "we have to start somewhere". Usually "we" have to start with the Jews.

    1. The Brits use the term "whataboutery" which I prefer, possibly because I think we I'm up to here with "isms." Too heavy. And one might very well find some whataboutery after going though the looking glass. I like it.

      They don't really have to start with Jews. It's just force of habit, and an old Europeeing sport.

  6. Interesting. The Intellectual dark Web. I joined. Have a look.

  7. "Extra, Extra, read all about it!"

    Trump Thumps Euro Pajama Boys!

  8. Nancy Pelosi just blew up the country. It's not 1968, but 1861.

    She said that the President had disregarded the "founders vision," while the Dem candidates are screaming they'll confiscate everyone's guns. Orwellian.
    She is calling for articles of impeachment because there is "no choice." That can only meany they have some evidence of something no one has seen, or they have some internal polling, or the Democratic Party is now all "Palestinian" all the time.

    I've never seen anything like this (in this country). I thought impeaching Bill Clinton was a mistake, but I did understand that he broke the law. What the hell is this?
    This is a campaign that has lasted since mid 2016. The Democrats cannot accept the results of an election. Everything they say and do is projection. Just like the little authoritarian totalitarians they want to grow up to be.

    1. Pelosi is now officially an "as a Catholic." But will take Naral's money.

      I can't remember seeing as much hypocrisy, confusion, stupidity and loss of political memory as I see now. Vladimir Putin is some kind of genius.

    2. This, of course, does not mean that the President is totally innocent. He has behaved unlike any other president (including Obama). However, I am not convinced that impeachment is the answer, just as it wasn't during the Clinton administration.

      No, I don't believe that it's 1861. However, I think that the root of this problem started when in 2008 we elected someone without looking too carefully into his credentials (a backbencher state and U.S. senator). Eight years later, we elected someone without looking too carefully into his credentials (a businessman without any political experience).

      Yes, we've never seen anything like this in this country. Although I don't think this will result in secession, the country may be the most divided philosophically since the Civil War. I think the vast majority of the country doesn't want it to come to that. We need to be careful we don't become the extremists who are causing this problem.

    3. She had no choice, it appears now her son, Paul Pelosi Junior, has been 'serving' on a board of another Ukraninian oil company. He's probably a world renowned petrochemical engineer of Hunter Biden's caliber.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It seems to have taken the businessman outsider to show everyone how corrupt the post-WWII globalist system has become, and that others have been using America as their piggy bank. The corrupt on all sides are threatened by a person that is not afraid to say the emperor has no clothes. The knives have been out since day one, yet the accomplishments are wide. If 34% of blacks support, then this alleged racist must be doing something right.

      We have perhaps given the Ivy League crowd, that like to dictate the norms, too much credit. Over and over we see how unimpressive they are, and even illiberal. There is no reason a CEO must have the tradition pedigree. That does not translate to competence.

      Trump would not have risen, but for the corruption and ineptness of the professional class, who hate him so much that they will get him by any means and destroy the republic in the process.

  9. King Herod didn't rule a country called "ancient Palestine" or any kind of "Palestine" for that matter. The name represents an old tradition of denial still being found useful today. But I guess the propaganda value of calling it that AND copying a much older Jewish story about Jewish bondage in Egypt, this time making the Jews themselves the villain, is found useful by some Jesuits. It serves as a boilerplate for antisemitic bigotry. Just don't mention it, especially during Holiday Season.
    Anyone still wondering why Israel is necessary? I'll tell you what, it sure doesn't need to be any smaller.

  10. Around year 2000 many of then yet not unhinged future progressives were opining that that antisemitism is dead, and Israel is now a bad idea as it irritates nice people who's acceptance we crave so much.
