
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Never Ending Toxic Hatred

Michael Lumish

It is tempting to compare this moment in American history to the mid-late 1960s and early 1970s.

There were riots then, too, but they tended to last only a night or two versus the one hundred days and counting that BLM/Antifa have been torching buildings in the streets in Portland and Seattle and Minneapolis and Chicago.

{They are, after all, just doing their part to ruin the economy of this "systemically" racist, colonialist, imperialist, militaristic, very bad country which is led by the Great Orange Evil.}

But in the mid-late 60s and early 70s we had tens of thousands of American kids dead in the Vietnam War, not to mention God Only Knows how many Vietnamese. We had a Klan that was still active in the streets. And we had millions of husbands who still expected their wives to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

Between 1967 and 1969 there was a grand total of 12 women in Congress. Today there are 127.

As for police violence toward black people, the Wall Street Journal tells us:

"The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015."

9 out of 45 million black people.


Yet BLM spreads fear and hatred throughout the black community in the United States to such an extent that many feel "hunted" by cops.

Today is nothing like the bad old days, yet the hysteria is considerably worse.

One would have to go back to the early 1860s to find this much vitriol and ideological toxicity driveling out of the mouths of the American citizenry.



  1. Why? Because they have been working very, very hard. They hadn't yet infiltrated our universities, schools, and popular culture anywhere close to this extent, back in 1968.

    1. Jeff, I have an old buddy from high school weighing in on this question on my FB page. Steve Kennedy. He's a good guy. In fact, we drove across country from Connecticut to San Francisco together and lived in a tiny one bedroom in the Central Haight when we were around 20 years old.

      Steve is one of those who seems to think that the riots are justified due to "systemic racism." He doesn't put it directly in those terms, but emphasizes anti-black biases throughout the judicial system and elsewhere.

      What I tend to think is that we so often see things through ideological lenses. Steve would probably never refer to himself as someone influenced by Critical Race Theory, but I believe that he is.

      We have tens of millions of Americans who are convinced that the US is a terribly racist country typified by White Supremacy and they seem willing to destroy the village in order to save it.

      We know that the BLM leadership is self-defined Marxist. What they have done -- with a little help from the Frankfurt School, Postmodernism, and the New Left -- is trade-off Bourgeoisie verus Proletariat for white people and "Zionists" versus everyone else.

      In any case, there is little question that the US has done more to fight racism since Martin Luther King, Jr., than probably any other country on the planet.

      Americans need to give ourselves a little credit.

      It is long overdue.

    2. Send him this and ask him to watch the video.

    3. Here's more for your friend:

  2. We live in a world of virtual reality, which makes the virtual experience of reality much more intense. We live in a world where things go "viral" and there is no vaccine.

    Back in the day the protestors (except the revolutionaries) claimed American liberal and Constitutional principals. Thus, the civil rights and anti-war movements and the pinnacle of individual expression.

    Today, the "resistors" have become mainstream, and they see America in as a bad place, now and always. They do not like the Constitution and liberalism is passé. Their beliefs are based on false premises and some kind of unhealthy guilt based on a racist approach to minorities.

    There are so much else. But technology has disassociated masses from real life and made it much easier to control consumers of information. It allows too many people to pretend and believe that the earth is flat.

    1. They would rather believe the earth is flat than Trump helped bring peace to the ME. I had one yesterday saying that recognition of Jerusalem has caused us nothing but trouble. Meshuga.

    2. School, "We live in a world of virtual reality, which makes the virtual experience of reality much more intense."

      Interesting, isn't it?

      Much of this constructed virtual reality depends upon the manipulation of language. And the more the progressive-left insists upon inserting new language into the culture the more culturally disoriented people become. The more disoriented we become the more prone we are to emotional manipulation.

      This is why I ended up in a bit of a confrontation with another real-world friend of mine over the word "cisgender."

      Anyways, I cannot wait until the evening of November 3.

      I make my popcorn via wok.

    3. Language matters, but so does video. It can create a misleading or false impression that leads to absurd, yet now predictable, results.

      It's easier today to escape reality that was not possible back in the day, when there were not as many diversions and tools of manipulation that create virtual reality that can become more real in a sense than actual reality.

  3. Apparently, after Zoom and FB refused to go ahead with the Leila Khaled terror talk, they tried on youtube which blocked it after the first 20 minutes, before Khaled had a chance to speak.

    1. I was frankly astonished that pro-Israel/pro-Jewish organizations had the will to act!

      They never did with my thing with Reem Assil... which ended up with me berating the crap out of some guy from Stand With Us.

      Thankfully, Mitch Danzig and his firm filled the gap.
