Monday, October 1, 2012

Free Gaza endorses Holocaust revisionism


From Harry's Place

The Free Gaza organisation, whose supporters include Desmond Tutu and Noam Chomsky, has recently posted this on Twitter, a video with the caption “Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews”.  The speaker begins by asserting that the word Nazi is derived from an alliance between National Socialists and Zionists which was forged secretly in 1923. It doesn’t get any better. Apparently Zionists were directly responsible for the Holocaust.  Will any of the organisation’s many endorsers think again, in the face of this naked bigotry?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Wait long enough and the antisemitism will come out in ALL these groups. We have seen it happen again and again. It's a built in component.


  1. "Will any of the organisation’s many endorsers think again, in the face of this naked bigotry?"


    1. Little known fact!

      In the spirit of their sick nazi game... my internet name is actually an anagram for "A Allah Hippy In Jedi."

      Totally. Peace!
