Thursday, February 27, 2025

Unless, of course, you think that "Zionists" are evil

One of the truths that almost no one ever discusses is that the Arabs we call “Palestinian” threw away a golden opportunity with the arrival of Israel in ’48.

It was right there at their feet, and they pissed all over it.

If they had simply made nice with the Jews, they could have built great lives for themselves and their children.

Arab citizens of Israel have greater freedom and economic opportunity than do regular Arabs throughout the entire rest of the Arab and Muslim Middle East.

The infant mortality rate among Israeli Arabs is 5.1 deaths per 1,000 live births. 

In Yemen it’s 44.6 deaths per 1,000 live births and in Iraq 18.7.

The “Palestinians,” and the Arab world, more generally, had a beautiful opportunity and trashed it out of theocratic hatred towards Jews.

Meanwhile, the western-left despises “Zionists” because they view the Jihad – and thus the beheading of Jews and the strangulation of Jewish babies -- as justified resistance to racist, white, western colonialism. 

I tell ya, man, it doesn’t get more fucked up than this.

People think that Nazi ideology was twisted, but it had nothing on this shit.

Oh, and btw, the image above?

It has nothing to do with anything beyond the fact that I conjured it and it represents my feelings toward most everything at this point.

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