Michael Lumish
Hating on white people is not liberal. Hating on "Zionists" and, thus, Jews is not liberal.
Supporting Socialism is not liberal.
Hating cops is not liberal.
Supporting Antifa is not liberal.
Supporting Black Lives Matter is not liberal.
Supporting Hamas or the Palestinian Authority is not liberal.
Supporting dictatorial theocratic regimes, as Barack Obama did with Iran, is not liberal.
Supporting race-based hiring or admissions is not liberal.
Opposing freedom of speech on college campuses, or anywhere else, is not liberal.
Cancel Culture is not liberal.
Black-Only college dormitories or graduation ceremonies are not liberal.
Despising the Western Tradition as "white" is not liberal.
And, obviously, using United States tax-dollars to pay the Palestinian Authority so that it can finance the random murder of innocent Jews in Tel Aviv or Haifa or Jerusalem, as the Democratic Party will do once they regain Executive Power, is not liberal.
If you are a Democrat, are you sure that you are liberal?