Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why I Don't Really Worry About Israel


 (found at Bookworm Beat)


  1. Against all reason, common human decency, or historical accuracy people tend to think that it's the other way around.

    They are mistaken.

    Good one, Doodad.

  2. I love it.
    Good thing you don't teach college. You'd be in trouble.

  3. I have to admit I'm less optimistic, because it's not just Arabs. It's Iran and its (coming) nukes. It's the spectacle of Europe (and America?) being flooded with MENA invaders. Will the world - or much of it - unite and invade? Just wondering.

    1. Randall,

      if "the world" gangs up on Israel, it will not be in a military fashion.

      It will be through the demoralization of the Jewish people through incessant, anti-Israel progressive-left propaganda combined with Palestinian-Arab violence, leading to mass Israeli emigration and economic collapse.

      I don't see it happening anytime soon, but that doesn't mean that our enemies are not out for blood.
