Thursday, July 23, 2015

Latest Piece for Vocal International

Michael L.

Vocal International is a news magazine out Brussels, Belgium, that I have joined as an analyst, writer, and a member of the Academic Board of Trustees.

My latest piece is entitled, Donald Trump: Israel, Iran and the Jihad Bomb?

Here is a tid-bit:
At the beginning of this political season, however, we are seeing Hillary Clinton challenged from her Left by socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, while former Republican Florida governor, Jeb Bush, is challenged somewhere from his Right by famous, billionaire real estate developer and entertainer, Donald Trump.

While the American mainstream media gives Sanders some credence as a sitting Senator, almost the entire media landscape – left, right, and center – denigrates Trump.  This is not true for everyone writing on American politics, however, because Trump is now driving the clown-car of sixteen potential Republican nominees.  According to a recent FOX News poll Trump is actually leading among likely Republican primary voters.
Check out the rest from the link above.


  1. If nothing else, the last 15 years of presidential politics should teach us there's little observable difference between success and failure. It may not matter who is President or even if there is one. Obama sees himself as a quasi monarch, Congress is a ceremonial body at best, and the Supreme Court seems to abandoned the fundamental principle of Judicial Review in favor of social activism. Whoever is president next will see themselves as free to do whatever idea pops into their head over breakfast. And no one will stop them.

    1. "Whoever is president next will see themselves as free to do whatever idea pops into their head over breakfast. And no one will stop them."

      As the song lyric says, "It ain't necessarily so."
