Friday, June 30, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Professors Spin Antisemitic Conspiracies at Cal State-Fresno
Michael Lumish
Cinnamon Stillwell, my Campus Watch and Middle East Forum associate, and I have a piece up for The Algemeiner entitled, Professors Spin Antisemitic Conspiracies at Cal State-Fresno.
Cinnamon Stillwell, my Campus Watch and Middle East Forum associate, and I have a piece up for The Algemeiner entitled, Professors Spin Antisemitic Conspiracies at Cal State-Fresno.
Here is an excerpt:
California State University, Fresno (CSUF) is the last place that one would expect conspiracy theories about Jewish power to proliferate — because Jews make up less than one percent of Fresno’s population. But leave it to the academic world to provide fertile ground for this ugly trope.This story represents the mood of much of the country, particularly the academic-left, when it comes to Jews and Israel.
It began last year, when CSUF sought to hire someone for an endowed professorship to be named after the late Columbia University professor Edward Said. When the hiring committee failed to appoint one of the final four applicants — all of Middle Eastern heritage — and CSUF canceled the search, an acrimonious battle ensued.
You should check it out.
Monday, June 26, 2017
This Week on Nothing Left
Michael Lumish

Because the J-Air studios are being relocated, no live shows are currently available until late July, so Michael and Alan are pre-recording a 1hr program each week featuring two new interviews.
This week speak with Avi Abelow, founder of Israel Video Network which produces many of the Israel advocacy video clips that surface on Facebook. We also hear part 2 of an interview with British political analyst and commentator Denis MacEoin who did some research on Bishop George Browning, head of Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network.
Isi Leibler is having some time off but will return when we resume live programs.
2 min Editorial: Islamic terrorism
7 min Avi Abelow, Israel Video Network
28 min Denis MacEoin, UK commentator on Bishop Browning
The podcast can also be found on the J-Air website.
Or its Facebook page.
NOTHING LEFT can be heard live each Tuesday 9-11am on FM 87.8 in the Caulfield area, or via the J-Air website www.j-air.com.au
Contact us at Nothing Left:

Because the J-Air studios are being relocated, no live shows are currently available until late July, so Michael and Alan are pre-recording a 1hr program each week featuring two new interviews.
This week speak with Avi Abelow, founder of Israel Video Network which produces many of the Israel advocacy video clips that surface on Facebook. We also hear part 2 of an interview with British political analyst and commentator Denis MacEoin who did some research on Bishop George Browning, head of Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network.
Isi Leibler is having some time off but will return when we resume live programs.
2 min Editorial: Islamic terrorism
7 min Avi Abelow, Israel Video Network
28 min Denis MacEoin, UK commentator on Bishop Browning
The podcast can also be found on the J-Air website.
Or its Facebook page.
NOTHING LEFT can be heard live each Tuesday 9-11am on FM 87.8 in the Caulfield area, or via the J-Air website www.j-air.com.au
Contact us at Nothing Left:
Friday, June 23, 2017
The Progressive-Left Needs to Move Beyond its Religious Prejudices
Michael Lumish
This is just something that I wrote on the Facebook page of a real world friend who also happens to be a self-described communist in San Francisco.
I am not trying to cause a shitstorm for the fun of shitstorms... although a good shitstorm can rattle around the marbles a little bit... which is sometimes necessary.
I come out of the left.
What motivates me is not some desire to piss on the progressive movement, but to encourage it to live up to its principles because otherwise the politics have no meaning. It just descends into toxic, divisive, Us versus Them, Democrats versus Republicans, manichean, self-righteous religious bullshit.
{And make no mistake, some of the most religious people that I ever met in my life were devoutly atheist.}
The truth, of course, is that the western-left is absolutely riddled with racism and prejudice and what raises my eyebrow is its general unwillingness to even acknowledge those prejudices. Instead, it all just becomes a sports competition in which we pat one another on the tush while booing the insidious Red Sox.
As for the types of progressive-left racism, there seem to be three.
There is western-left anti-white racism.
There is western-left "humanitarian racism" which is something akin to nineteenth-century notions of "white man's burden."
And then there is antisemitic anti-Zionism.
The task before you, if you wish to accept it, is to figure out how to reconcile the kind of economic justice that Kurt stresses - and for good reason - versus the kind of divisive and racist "idenitity politics" which gave the world the Great Orange Cheetoh.
Let me put it to you this way on a personal note:
It would be much, much easier for me to fight for economic justice if it did not also include Linda Sarsour and antisemitic anti-Zionism as the price of admission.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Saturday, June 17, 2017
The Moulitsas Discussion
Michael Lumish
This started out as a comment here, but when I dug up that old Docudharma thing I figured it could stand on its own.
I never saw Markos as a hateful guy, though.
Early on he made a dumb comment concerning the war in Afghanistan. I don't even remember, exactly, but it was callous concerning the loss of American mercenaries in battle.
As you guys know he never said "boo" about the Arab-Israel conflict, thus it is not reasonably possible to make an objective judgment on his thoughts on the matter. What I suspect is that his sympathies were not particularly with Israel, nor particularly with the Palestinian-Arabs.
What he knew for certain was that the issue was a potential threat to his livelihood so he stayed the hell away from it. I certainly don't blame him for that.
As I was chewing over this comment I found this satirical piece that I wrote for the hell of it about Moulitsas for Docudharma 10 years ago.
I reference Francis Holland at the end. My guess is that none of you guys will know that name. If I am wrong let me know.
But does anyone remember the name buhdydharma?
Markos Moulitsas, I am here to tell you, is one of the finest examples of humanity that I have ever witnessed.
He is a gentlemen, a scholar, a philanthropist, and, when he is not helping little old ladies across busy streets in San Francisco, he can usually be found at the local orphanage handing out presents to the poor.
Some have said of Markos that he is a combination of Martin Luther King, Jr… Mahatma Gandhi… Mother Theresa… Albert Schweitzer.
Others have noted that, in person, Markos fairly glows with the sublime, transcendent radiance of a thousand suns; a radiance normally attributed to holy men and bodhisattvas.
A mere glance of his divine countenance can heal the sick and gladden the heart.
Yea, verily, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, because Markos Moulitsas walketh with me.
And Daily Kos?
They say of Daily Kos that it is a mere blog, but it is not. It as an ashram comprised entirely of gentle souls and seekers after lost knowledge.
With Hunter on his left and Pastordan on his right, Markos walks among the children of Daily Kos and blesses them with his wisdom, his compassion, and his heart-breaking insight.
There is only one word that can really describe Markos Moulitsas.
It is Love.
The Divine Energy which is the source of Life is the Stuff of Markos.
And, remember, each of you, my friends.
His nature is that of forgiveness and in His magnificent heart… he cries for us all.
You Lie, Karmafish!
Moulitsas is Evil!!!!
He is the source of everything diseased and poisonous in the American political landscape.
He is the darkness that consumes the darkness.
Anyone who gets involved with Moulitsas soon realizes that behind that boyish face lies the mind of an evil genius who seeks nothing less than world domination!
Anyone who opposes him soon finds himself crushed beneath the Fascist Boot of his nefarious intent.
He will stop at nothing, I tell you. Nothing!
He will destroy anything that gets in his way.
Before he is through the streets of San Francisco will run red with the blood of 1000 baby harp seals.
Good people throughout the land will flee in terror before the terrible onslaught of his crazed Orange Minions.
Entire cities will be consumed in fire and the land will be laid waste.
Markos Moulitsas is a foul and loathsome creature who, as an El Salvadoran Death Squad commander, delighted in torturing his victims with the ingenious cruelty of a maniacal psychopath.
There is only one man who can stop him!
There is only one hero to whom we can turn.
Our savior from a far-off land.
Francis L. Holland.
Yes, it’s Francis L. Holland – strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.
Francis L. Holland – who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend the will of Congress with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Armstrong Williams, mild mannered reporter from a great metropolitan newspaper, fights the never ending battle for…
Truth, Justice and the American Way!
Friday, June 16, 2017
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Calling Pro-Israel "Kossacks"
Michael Lumish
This morning I received the following note from cecrops@sandwich.net.
Looking for Kossacks who kept notes when they banned the JewsI do not know "cecrops" but the name is vaguely familiar.
From what I can remember, there was an organized PR campaign to promote Hamas and Hezbollah by publishing their propaganda every day and getting rid of their opposition. Someone found Meteor Blades on a published list of the PR team. Talking Points Memo had a guy publishing the same propaganda. I don't remember the details. Did anybody save this information?
I also do not recall any "organized PR campaign to promote Hamas and Hezbollah...".
There were antisemitic anti-Zionists who enjoyed promoting violence against Jews by spreading the idea of Jewish guilt to naive, but well-meaning, "progressives" but I was never aware of much of an organized effort on their part.
Sure, they were more coordinated than the pro-Israel contingent, but it was not as if Meteor Blades (an anti-Israel Daily Kos administrator) was organizing an effort against the Jews at that joint.
Cecrops sent a second email:
I was not able to find contact information for most people.
dhonig@indy.rr.com is running a wine blog http://palatepress.com/about/publisher/
Shane Hensinger has gone places. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/shane-hensinger/100/aa6/469 https://twitter.com/californiafirst
Adam B
AmbroseBurnside went net.dead in 2009 https://twitter.com/AmbroseBurns https://web.archive.org/web/20090904193254/http://www.theproverbialtundra.com:80/
another American
Borat Sagdiyev
DemocraticLuntz - possibly jacob.alperin-sheriff@nist.gov
Eyal Rosenberg - quit, could not find the same user
Flash Savior of the Universe - net.dead since 2009
Jay Elias
Keith Moon
Krissy McD
leftynyc - net.dead in 2009 http://progressivezionist.blogspot.com/
Paul in Berkeley
Red Sox
Red Tulips stopped blogging in 2009 http://cultureforall.blogspot.com/ but has appeared in the comments in Israel Matsav
ZionistYoungster has not blogged since 2007 http://zionistyoungster.blogspot.com/ may have been involved in the defunct Revolutionary Zionism / Zionist Freedom Alliance movement
Possible friendlies:
Captain C
Steve Love
Borat Sagdiyev
buckhorn okie
The Raven
Sagebrush Bob
Possible neutrals:
Marisacat and Madman in the Marketplace have appeared on Breakfast In The Ruins, but neither of them has been active for a few years. https://breakfastintheruins.wordpress.com/I find it a little surprising that he sent me this email without putting "Karmafish" on that list of eminent pro-Israel Daily Kos advocates.
Sad for me, really, but I guess I will sleep tonight, anyway.
In any case, if any of you peoples have any information that could help this guy out, you have the email address at the top of the page.
Those of you who are my friends from the "bad old days" should consider contacting this guy.
The name "cecrops" sounds damn familiar.
It's probably one of you assholes!
Friday, June 9, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Responding to Joely Cohen
Sar Shalom
If for no other reason than the potential for her ideas to infect an even larger portion of Jewish youth today, Joely Cohen's blog post at the Times of Israel needs a response. Many responses focus on the myriad peace offers that Israel has accepted and the Arabs refused, the fact that the Jews would have been annihilated if they had lost, or that the real tragedy for the Palestinians is that the Jews are no longer dhimmis. It is altogether proper that such sentiments should motivate opposition to Cohen's case, but we must not confuse what motivates us for what might convince others.
Take as an example the fact that we accepted compromise and the Arabs did not. Good little dhimmis like Cohen could turn around and craft a parable of someone who completed medical school and scored in the top 5% on the board certification, but was then told "Because of your ethnic background, you're not fit to be a doctor. You can be a nurse, however." Very few people, certainly not from Cohen's target audience, will accept an argument that someone put in that position should accept the compromise. We should not waste our time arguing that such a compromise should be accepted, we need to demonstrate that the compromise offers to the Arabs are different.
One response would be to take seriously her request at the end of her post.
If for no other reason than the potential for her ideas to infect an even larger portion of Jewish youth today, Joely Cohen's blog post at the Times of Israel needs a response. Many responses focus on the myriad peace offers that Israel has accepted and the Arabs refused, the fact that the Jews would have been annihilated if they had lost, or that the real tragedy for the Palestinians is that the Jews are no longer dhimmis. It is altogether proper that such sentiments should motivate opposition to Cohen's case, but we must not confuse what motivates us for what might convince others.
Take as an example the fact that we accepted compromise and the Arabs did not. Good little dhimmis like Cohen could turn around and craft a parable of someone who completed medical school and scored in the top 5% on the board certification, but was then told "Because of your ethnic background, you're not fit to be a doctor. You can be a nurse, however." Very few people, certainly not from Cohen's target audience, will accept an argument that someone put in that position should accept the compromise. We should not waste our time arguing that such a compromise should be accepted, we need to demonstrate that the compromise offers to the Arabs are different.
One response would be to take seriously her request at the end of her post.
Invite an uncensored Palestinian speaker into your youth movement...My suspicion is that Cohen does not want Palestinians coming to speak without censorship. What she want is Palestinians coming to speak without Zionist censorship. However, for the likes of Cohen the only authentic Arab is an Arab who parrots the Palestinianist narrative, thus requiring that the Palestinian national movement (PNM) censor any Arab voices that might address the impressionable children. In the interest of exposing Jewish youth to Palestinian voices without other-than-Zionist censorship, here are a few speakers who could address them:
- George Deek. The grandson of Arabs who left Israel during the 1948 and returned. Currently works in the Israeli foreign service.
- Alaa Waheeb. Major in the Israel Defense Forces.
- Mohammad Zoabi. Cousin of anti-Israel MK Hanin Zoabi, but staunch supported of the State of Israel.
- Khaled Abu Toameh. Journalist who started in Palestinian media but left to work for the Jerusalem Post because Palestinian media only allowed him to produce propaganda.
- Christy Anastas. Arab-Cristian born in Bethlehem who faced death-threats after making pro--Israel arguments.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
This Week on Nothing Left
Michael Lumish

This week we start by discussing the relationship between Israel and New Zealand with communal leader Juliet Moses, and then we hear the latest on the British election with barrister and writer Jeremy Brier.
We speak with Christian Copt Raymond Ibrahim and then catch up with Isi Leibler in Jerusalem who has some thoughts on President Trump's waiver on moving the US embassy.
3 min Editorial: The Occupation
12 min Juliet Moses, New Zealand
51 min Jeremy Brier, UK commentator
1 hr 14 min Raymond Ibrahim, Coptic Christian
1 hr 35 min Isi Leibler in Jerusalem
The podcast can also be found on the J-Air website.
Or its Facebook page.
NOTHING LEFT can be heard live each Tuesday 9-11am on FM 87.8 in the Caulfield area, or via the J-Air website www.j-air.com.au
Contact us at Nothing Left:

This week we start by discussing the relationship between Israel and New Zealand with communal leader Juliet Moses, and then we hear the latest on the British election with barrister and writer Jeremy Brier.
We speak with Christian Copt Raymond Ibrahim and then catch up with Isi Leibler in Jerusalem who has some thoughts on President Trump's waiver on moving the US embassy.
3 min Editorial: The Occupation
12 min Juliet Moses, New Zealand
51 min Jeremy Brier, UK commentator
1 hr 14 min Raymond Ibrahim, Coptic Christian
1 hr 35 min Isi Leibler in Jerusalem
The podcast can also be found on the J-Air website.
Or its Facebook page.
NOTHING LEFT can be heard live each Tuesday 9-11am on FM 87.8 in the Caulfield area, or via the J-Air website www.j-air.com.au
Contact us at Nothing Left:
Sunday, June 4, 2017
After London.
Of course, there is still the same old silliness that comes from politicians being unable or unwilling to name the real enemy. “It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth,” she said. “Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone.”
So, I suspect these posts of mine may become a regular feature...After (insert name of British city most recently attacked.)
I recently posted "After Manchester," to discuss what happens after that horrible attack. Who knew what followed would be this most recent London attack? Rhetorical question, I know. We don't know much about the actual attackers; police will release names etc when it is "operationally possible." But there are some disturbing details leaking out.
- One attacker had twice been referred to terror police
- They had done nothing about it.
- He was radicalized by an American Hate preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril from Dearborn Michigan over YouTube
- He had tried to convert local children
Of course, there is still the same old silliness that comes from politicians being unable or unwilling to name the real enemy. “It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth,” she said. “Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone.”
So, I suspect these posts of mine may become a regular feature...After (insert name of British city most recently attacked.)
Thursday, June 1, 2017
On the Road
Heya guys, I am traveling this week, but intend to get back into regular participation within a few days.
Oh, and as expected, Trump signed the embassy waiver.
{Shocking, I know.}
Oh, and as expected, Trump signed the embassy waiver.
{Shocking, I know.}
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