I understand, naturally, that this is unfathomable to those who think that the great Arab majority in the Middle East has every right to kill us but I tend to disagree with that notion.
The truth of the matter is that the Jewish people are human beings and therefore have every right to live upon the historical homeland of the Jewish people, including even Judea.
I am deeply sorry that dictator Abbas, and his Palestinian-Arab constituency, along with the Arab world, more generally, disagrees. That is very sad for them, but the fact of the matter is that the Jewish minority has, after 2,000 years of harassment and persecutions and pogroms and massacres, decided against this ongoing, incessant, abuse by majority populations.
It does not matter if those majority populations are comprised of white Christian Racist Supercessionist Theologians, such as those in the Presbyterian church, or 7th-century-minded Muslim Supremacists, like those supported by Barack Obama among the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
What matters is the simple fact that we will no longer put up with it and we simply do not have to.
The Day of the Dhimmi is Done.
{Good for us.}
Who do you think the "international community," will blame for the breakdown? One guess. It rhymes with Misrael.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
DeleteAnd the community organizer can do likewise.
DeleteAbbas is already blaming Israel.
DeleteJonathan Pollard has already refused to take a deal offered by the US government. This was on my FB wall
"His waiver of the parole hearing shows who he truly is...he won't be a pawn at the risk of Israeli lives. I wish they would just reschedule the parole hearing, taking away the insane offer to Abu Mazen and let him go home....to Israel."
Don't know if anyone has seen this?
Fool Israel once; shame on Palestine. Fool Israel 600 freaking times; time to stop drinking the Koolaid.
Delete"The fear has always been that the Palestinians will negotiate only as long as they can extract territory or prisoners, and that they will then pocket what they’ve gained and walk away. Abbas’s moves seem set to confirm those fears.
The bait-and-switch – pocketing three releases and then walking away – seems to prove the point, and had actually been flagged as a possibility by Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon in recent days. Unilateral moves at the UN also by definition violate Palestinian commitments under the Oslo Accords, which prohibit “any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations.” Israel bought and sealed those obligations at the cost of both territory and other functionally irreversible concessions.
The upshot is that the Palestinians seem to be abandoning not just current negotiations, which the Israelis sought to secure with prisoner releases, but the entire Oslo framework, for which the Israelis gave up territory over decades. The result risks deepening skepticism toward the fundamental peace process framework."
Negotiomagating is hard work, and you just have to keep sittin' at that table, building good faith!
Delete(Yeah, I think this should be the last time any person with a working brain falls for 'negotiations' with whatever crook the criminal terror regime(s) of 'Palestine' put forth to run their next scam. Just declare borders already and be done with it...)
Various Fatah spokesmen have admitted it's all a scam to get prisoners released at no cost but a sore ass from all that sitting. They should get t-shirts made:" I went to negotiations and all I got was this sore ass."
DeleteAnd hundreds of criminals, and unearned goodwill and credit from an unfortunate number of dim dopes...
DeleteThe morans at dKos are going crazy over talk that Pollard might get released. I hope their tiny heads explode. I remember when Liberals were compassionate.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the antisemitic diarist there even sneaks in a Jewish Media Control conspiracy comment a day later, at the bottom of the comments. The direction of their impotent rage over the coming days should be interesting.
DeletePolitico readers were and are calling for his execution. BTW yesterday I was finally banned from Politico.
DeleteWell, you'll always have a home here, Trudy.
DeleteWell it's officially over. No release.
ReplyDeleteGood. Let them all rot in their current accommodations (in which they currently probably eat better and enjoy more comfort than a good number of America's urban and rural poor, but whatever), and let's end this silly charade, please?
DeleteDeclare borders, whatever they are (it's completely Israel's call now on everything, if you ask me). Toss keys with a note attached. If 'Palestine' ever grows up and forms an actual state, with all the proper components thereof, especially including a government which is more serious about governing than begging for international welfare and trying to kill Jews, then they can call up their neighbors in Israel and talk economic cooperation, etc etc, at any time.
If they use their given lands to continue to launch racist holy terror war, they will be a smoking pile of rubble.
What other options are left, realistically?
Even as recently as a few months ago I would have agreed. Now I don't. I don't believe there is any upside to creating yet another Arab state. We have plenty of those now and they're all pretty much the same. I think that engineering another state would require some level of conciliation and agreement by Israel to do that. And it would more importantly, require the Arabs to agree or just be silent on the offer. The first case is unnecessary and the second is impossible. Far be it for anyone else to establish so called facts on the ground FOR the Arabs.
DeleteBut all is not lost. My idea admittedly not entirely fleshed out is the "1+" program. Neither 2-state nor 1 state nor the status quo. Something else made up of Israel and "whatever" or "other". At the same time that Israel participates in this interminable charade of talks, proceed with a 2 pronged approach of building out the key areas contiguous to densely populated areas in Yesha now. Most of this can still be built up and out on existing areas w/o the problems inherent in newly acquired land. Simultaneously begin to unwind all the shared infrastructure with the Arabs; water, sewer, gas, electric and so on. Politically the PLO administered areas already have most of their own municipal services like roads and trash collection. No longer accept credit and non payment as the normal business. Pay or get out. Announce that no prisoners will ever be released because of outside pressure and create a tax surcharge on the 'salaries' paid to them in prison to cover their additional support costs. If it's unrecoverable then no enhanced privileges. The EU/UN can forward the payments directly to the Israeli treasury. If they want this imaginary blockade of Gaza lifted, fine. Do that. In exchange all ships will be stopped and searched for weapons w/o exception. They can run all the old angry anarchist Q-Tip flotillas the like as long as they don't bring any weapons with them. And not a single person who ever participates or is a member of any group or has given money to any group who ever has, will ever be permitted to enter Israel. For life. All work permits will be reduced 5-10% a year with a corresponding growth of shared economic development zones modeled after any other international free trade or shared prosperity initiative with Arab capital investment as an absolute necessity and the whole thing is subject o Israeli commercial and contract law. If no, then no. Simple as that. So in effect the whole thing is 1 state for Israelis and a 'something else' for the Arabs. They can make of it what they want. Or not. The likelihood that's it's worse that what happens today is low.