I am sometimes accused of using anecdotal evidence to make my case that there is an element on the Left that is virulently anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.
Guilty as charged!
The thing of it is, tho, that there is nothing wrong with anecdotal evidence, as evidence. As example piles upon example it should become clear that there is a pattern and a problem.
Here are a few more examples from the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) nonsense:
"Zionists" control Wall Street, eh? Well, that's pretty much classic Jew hatred, right there.
Nazi Bankers? Gee, who in this world could that be referring to?
This is fairly explicit. It's Yom Kippur and banks should atone.
In any case, there is plenty more anti-Jewish racism coming from the Left and while progressives are quick to point out perceived racism from the Right, they almost always downplay or excuse the racism and the anti-Semitism that has emerged from within their own ranks.
Until the progressive-left deals with its own racism they have no standing to condemn it elsewhere.
At the very last anti-war rally that I attended in San Francisco I saw Stars of David entwined with swastikas.
And that, my friends, was the last progressive action that I have attended.
The progressive movement, and the grassroots / netroots of the Democratic party, has made a home of itself for virulent anti-Jewish racists and, yet, many, many Jews will continue to support them. They will vote for Barack Obama despite the fact that Obama has snuggied up with the Muslim Brotherhood and they will support the progressive movement despite the fact that the movement is friendly with anti-Semitic anti-Zionists and complacent about the rise of radical Islam throughout the Middle East.
In this way the progressive-left cedes the liberal position to the conservative-right.
Although I do not come out of the conservative political movement, I am more than happy to acknowledge that they oppose genocidal Islamism, while the progressive-left is accepting of it.
And then they wonder why the Left is dead in Israel.
First and second photo is of this guy who was not part of OWS, but a crazy homeless guy who was wandering around with that sign way before OWS: http://is.gd/qOxHqS.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in that first photo, the guy is surrounded by people with signs condemning him. You can clearly see that the signs say: "This does not represent OWS," and "Who's paying this guy?" and "This guy doesn't speak for me or OWS": http://is.gd/kZldR5.
The third photo is of a Jewish woman who went to Occupy LA on Yom Kippur and was making a statement about the evils of banks, not the evils of Jewish bankers.
Finally, please stop conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Both are problematic, and sometimes they do indeed overlap, but to suggest that everyone who opposes Jewish nationalism's effects on Palestinians fundamentally hates Jews is fundamentally dishonest.
Anti-Zionism is the current iteration of anti-Semitism because it denies to the Jewish people (despite 2,000 years of pogroms and expulsions, all leading to that romping good time that we had in the middle of the 20th century) what it accepts for every other people on the planet, a right to national home.
DeleteFurther, one of the big problems of the progressive-left is that rather than accept the fact that it has become a home for anti-Semitic anti-Zionists, and therefore deal with that fact, it turns a blind eye and seeks to minimize this problem, just as you are doing.
So, sell it elsewhere, pal.
btw, just so people know,
DeleteMobius1ski seems to be a leader in something called "Occupy Judaism."
If you click on his name you can follow the links to his blog.
But, really, "Occupy Judaism?"
The Occupy movement has got to be the very lamest political sub-movement that I have ever seen.
They've been very active here in Oakland, marching around, yelling at the cops, throwing incendiary devices and paint bombs and their own feces.
What a tribute to the progressive movement the occupy nonsense is.
With any luck at all it represents the final death-rattle of the hard left.
DeleteYou wrote:
"...to suggest that everyone who opposes Jewish nationalism's effects on Palestinians fundamentally hates Jews is fundamentally dishonest."
"Jewish nationalism"?
What you're referring to as "Jewish nationalism" is the existence of the nation of the Jewish people.
Saying: "...to suggest that everyone who opposes Jewish nationalism's effects on Palestinians fundamentally hates Jews is fundamentally dishonest." is the equivalent of saying: "...to suggest that everyone who opposes Thailand's existence's effects on [so-and-so] hates Thais is fundamentally dishonest."
Furthermore, the people who are now called "The Palestinians" are simply the still living members of, and the descendants of, Arab refugees caused by a Muslim Arab racist self-proclaimed intendedly genocidal "Jihad" attack on Israel by the armies of several Arab states in 1948, which was a racist Muslim Arab intendedly genocidal attack that caused more Jewish refugees from Muslim states in the Middle East than it caused Arab refugees from Israel, and the Arab people who are now called "The Palestinians" began to be called "The Palestinians" as a racist, intendedly genocidal, conscious strategic tactic to destroy the nation of the Jewish people.
You wrote:
"The third photo is of a Jewish woman who went to Occupy LA on Yom Kippur and was making a statement about the evils of banks, not the evils of Jewish bankers."
Yom Kippur is a Jewish religious holiday. Yom Kippur prescribes the performance, on Yom Kippur, of the action attonement, for Jewish people, and for only Jewish people. The action attonement, on the Jewish religious holiday Yom Kippur, that is prescribed for Jewish people by Yom Kippur is observed, on Yom Kippur, by only Jewish people, and is performed, on Yom Kippur, by only Jewish people. Why, on the Jewish religious holiday Yom Kippur, would anyone demand for certain particular people to perform, on Yom Kippur, the action attonment that is prescribed, for Jewish people, by Yom Kippur unless they viewed those particular people as being Jewish, and unless they were implying that those particular people were Jewish? No one, on the Jewish religious holiday Yom Kippur, would demand for certain particular people to perform, on Yom Kippur, the action attonement that is prescribed, for Jewish people, by Yom Kippur unless they viewed those particular people as being Jewish, and unless they were implying that those particular people were Jewish.