Saturday, July 28, 2012

2 rockets explode near Sderot

Mike L.

Gaza-based terrorists fire two rockets at western Negev; no injuries reported

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in an open area near Sderot on Saturday evening. No injuries or damage were reported.

A 29-year-old woman was lightly injured when running to a protected space. She was taken to the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon shortly after.

Our friends on the left basically fall into two camps. The smaller of these camps think that the tiny Jewish minority in the Middle East richly deserve whatever Arab-Palestinian violence comes their way.

The larger of these camps think that whether or not the tiny Jewish minority in the Middle East deserve this violence, they have a moral imperative to simply take it without striking back... much as we did during the long centuries of dhimmitude.

Some friends.

Meanwhile on Daily Kos we read this:

It gets worse (5+ / 0-)

Per TPM.

It looks like Romney may state that Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. If so, that would be a rejection of both Democratic and Republican administrations. It will also alienate Muslim countries to a remarkable extreme. This is really, really, really bad.

"Empty vessels make the loudest sound, they have the least wit and are the greatest blabbers" Plato

by Empty Vessel on Fri Jul 27, 2012 at 03:03:44 PM PDT

Right because recognizing the City of David as the capital of the Jewish state shouldn't be done because it would further anger Muslim countries. That makes sense.

And we read this:

That is a $70 million waste (3+ / 0-)

I think it is long past time to stop U.S. funding of the State of Israel and their apartheid regime.....stop it for west bank settlements, 'border fences', military help, etc.

by LakeSuperior on Fri Jul 27, 2012 at 03:06:37 PM PDT

None of this is an anomaly. The progressive-left is absolutely crawling with people who despise the Jewish state of Israel, but what I find particularly sad are the ways in which "progressive Zionists" constantly make excuses for their fellow Israel Hating compadres.

Is there any other people on the entire planet that would embrace a political movement which is directly in opposition to their own well-being?

I do not think so.


  1. "Is there any other people on the entire planet that would embrace a political movement which is directly in opposition to their own well-being?"

    NO !!!!!!!!

    It absolutely floors me.

    We have a not-so delightful character here that leaves this 'person' for dead

    1. One of the saddest things, I think, is the truly vicious bigotry that comes out of the Jewish left toward Jews who election to live in Judea and Samaria.

      Every time some "progressive Zionist" whines about Jews living where Jews originally came from they legitimize Arab-Palestinian racism towards us.

      It's a disgrace.
