Friday, July 20, 2012

American Dhimmi


Who would have thought it would get to the stage that the only true friends the Christians of the Middle East have in the West are the atheists and the Jews?

Instead, in Europe at least, the Christians respond to Christian persecution by religious fanatics and Nazis by attacking Israel and the Jews. They call this "speaking truth to power".   I'm glad I'm not a British Methodist or something. If I were I'd be feeling  pretty unmanly about such brazen moral cowardice.

At least we have the United States to stand up to it. Or do we?

It seems that will depend on who the American people vote for in November.

Pat Condell says it straight in a way no one else can match.

cross posted Geoffff's Joint Bar Grill

1 comment:

  1. "In short, the new Egyptian president is a Jihadi, which is a word that the Obama administration can't even bring itself to use in case somebody gets offended... you can't help but wonder it's possible to trust this person's judgment or their word about anything at all."


    Is Obama less popular than George W. Bush in the Muslim world?

    In any case, if the American president refuses to stand up for western values the rest of the western world has a right to say so.

    Thanks for this post, Geoffff.
