Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rabbi Michael Lerner Promotes an Anti-Semite

Mike L.

David Harris Gershon is racist towards his own people and Rabbi Michael Lerner should not be publishing his hatred.

That is the essence of my latest Times of Israel piece.

Please drop in and tell me what you think.


  1. Here is what I just posted. It will be interesting to see if they let it through:

    Yes, this author has adopted the Palestinian narrative lock, stock and barrel, all the while claiming to be pro-Israel.

    What is also egregious is that his postings bring forth the worst elements of antisemitism posing as anti-Israel or anti-Zionist. These people cannot comprehend that, by holding only the Jewish state to account, they engage in the very bigotry they claim to oppose. Their silence about far worse human rights violations than committed by Israel gives support that their moral outrage is feigned.

    1. FWIW, deleted already.

      What is wrong with the TOI people?

    2. Facebook just informed me* a minute ago that your comment has now posted, but I still don't see it there...

      (*Ten years ago, that's the kind of thing that only the guy mumbling to himself in the subway with a pair of underwear wrapped around his head would have said, right? Now it makes total sense. Heh.)

  2. Why on earth do we have to keep going back over and over the same thing, is what I wonder? This mainstreaming of antisemitic hate speech and historically deadly conspiracy theories, this time under the guise of 'human rights' and 'progressivism' and whatnot, is no different than when it comes from any other direction. I really don't understand how there are still any decent people (not including the bigots, of course) out there who are unable to see this.

    I suppose this is yet another clear demonstration of Jon Haber's 'Big Ugly' in action.

    1. In my opinion, it's because of the larger battle involving the Left trying to tear down Western society and impose their vision on the rest of us.

      The claim of dual loyalty is a farce, especially when they have no loyalty except to utopia.

      They think that utopia will result, but what will come is dystopia, and they will be among the first to be persecuted. They will mourn for the fallen Western civilization that gave them the liberty to express the hogwash they propound.

      By the way, my second comment at TOI also was stricken.

    2. And yet The Useful Idiot's comment came through there fine. (Yeah, he stopped by.)

    3. I swear, the parody version of the guy I sometimes joke about is essentially the very same thing as the real guy. The very first thing he does at Mike's TOI piece is exploit for his own purposes the horrific terror attack his wife suffered, and then the second thing he does is plug his book.

      The rest of his 'reply' leads me to believe that he fully, 100% buys into his own hype at the echo chamber of Daily Kos, and that he is absolutely not ready for prime time.

      I don't even wish the guy ill, to be honest. I'm too much of a liberal for that. ;-P

      I do wish he'd just stop pretending to be 'pro-Israel' already, though.

    4. Here is what I tried to say, but cannot get through:

      You try too hard to be progressive, like a caricature. Except when it comes to supporting Israel. Then, it's the Palestinian narrative you are wedded to, as it tries to extinguish Israel and Jews from the earth. Yes, yours is the voice of morality in an Orwellian sense.

    5. I swear, Jay, all his fans at dKos would be the suckers born every minute supposedly noted by a famous Circus owner. I wonder how many K-Tel products they own.

    6. School, they need to let your comments through!

      Mike, can't you do something about this?

      Doodad - and you know what the truly sad thing is, is that you know they'll turn on him in an instant if he ever 'steps out of line,' and that will truly be something to witness. Perhaps in a year from now, we'll read comments comparing him to you and me and Mike and VB.


    7. Feel free to cut and paste, with or without attribution.

      Just as he is free to use his voice, so are others free to use theirs.

      We do not seek pity, however.

    8. Jay, he will never step out of line. He's a leader of a pack. A pack of fucking Kapos.

      BTW, School, they zapped my comment there too. It was the first I ever made there so maybe it's a technical issue but.....

    9. Thanks, School. As one of the people who helped me specifically articulate many points regarding what I consider my own recent political maturation, I greatly appreciate that!

      I think I'm taking quite good care of the troll myself, however.


      If Mike would like me to stop (since Useful Idiot's intentions in the comments section there are clearly those of a turnoff troll), all he has to do is say the word. I'm even holding back a bit, which probably isn't warranted, but I feel it's best to be as respectful as possible in that venue, ev en toward those whose behavior clearly doesn't deserve it.

    10. Doodad - what kind of account are you using to post? I'm using my Facebook account (I've long since 'outed' myself, heh), and I've found that I have never had a problem posting there. Although I couldn't post prior to that, when I first tried using Yahoo months ago, despite everything seeming alright from my end, though...

    11. Jay, I used my facebook account too. It initially appeared and then when I refreshed the page it was gone. Who knows? Maybe I'll try again later. He's almost not worth the trouble.

    12. It's always good to hold back and make the point in a way that does not turn folks off.

      I also used my facebook account, although it is my alias there.

      I do not know what the issue is at TOI. It seems the only place that does not allow one to make anonymous comments, even if they are completely proper.

  3. One of my favorite diaries ever, and the greatest GBCW of all time.

    As Doodad said, we're certainly not fans of each other, but he stood the hell up for sure there. I had to log back in just to rec that as my final (this time for real!) act there.

  4. Everything else aside, good for him. Fucking great for him! You know, he tried real hard at that dark dank swamp. He really did try and engage far longer than any sane man would have. Gotta give him that. And, as a farewell gift he wrote a great GBCW. Wish my timing had been good enough to do one. This is what comes not from speaking truth to power but from TRYING to speak truth to scumbags. Good on ya, VB!

  5. I decided against one, and just left quietly instead. Well, not so quietly when it comes to sharing my thoughts about the place here, but I think you know what I mean. ;)

    The final diaries of fizziks and VB, along with our The Letter diary (which of course ultimately ended up changing absolutely nothing there in the long run) should be required reading for anyone who questions the reality of the ugly side of that site.

  6. Oh, I do remember actually that on the way out I tried to expose as many antisemites as I could find, and I did succeeded marvelously in pulling at least one from under her rock. So that was my contribution. Although nobody ultimately cares in the larger scheme of things. ;)

  7. I'm sorry that you guys are having such a problem commenting.

    I've never understood this about that place, but I feel reasonably certain that tomorrow, or within the next few days, School will be able to post.

    It hardly matters, tho, because I intend to bring the argument here within the next few days.

    1. FYI, there is no violation of the terms and conditions.

      Also, I see comments by Finally Free and The Sons of Liberty, among others.

    2. HOORAY, I just saw my comments there!

      Or maybe in my old age I am hallucinating.

    3. There's no rush to have this conversation with Gershon if he honestly wants to have it.

      I maintain that calling Israel an "apartheid state" is anti-Semitic for a number of reasons. One reason is that the many surrounding countries are truly apartheid, yet only Israel is called such by its detractors. This is a double-standard and the very essence of anti-Jewish racism is holding Jews, either individually or in the collective, to a different standard than one holds others.

    4. I just want to have my comments appear in normal course, no matter where I wish to comment there.

      I like to think I add to the discourse.

    5. I understand, School.

      When we contacted them earlier today it was already 10:30 in the evening there.

      I cannot imagine why tomorrow, or if they're busy, the next day, they would not fix this situation.

      I'm still not even entirely clear on what the initial problem was.

    6. I maintain that calling Israel an "apartheid state" is anti-Semitic for a number of reasons. One reason is that the many surrounding countries are truly apartheid, yet only Israel is called such by its detractors. This is a double-standard and the very essence of anti-Jewish racism is holding Jews, either individually or in the collective, to a different standard than one holds others.

      Yup, one of Sharansky's three "D"s, which brilliantly cut right through all the other crap and clarify everything. To call Israel "apartheid," while never murmuring so much as a peep about Saudi Arabia or so many other countries in that region (including demands that a future Palestinian state must be Judenrein), is as clear an example of bigoted double-standards as one can ever possibly come across.

    7. I like to think I add to the discourse.

      As someone who is now apparently a "Top Commenter" there, whatever that means, I fully agree. You absolutely do. The fact that Useful Idiot can comment there and you can't simply astounds me...

    8. Argh. And I still don't see your comment(s) there, School. Although I just went back and saw yet another Useful Idiot comment which for some reason didn't show up for me until now, and which I quickly handily dispatched. In my opinion... ;)

  8. More than antisemitic, it is dangerous. There are literally people who will kill Jews because they believe that accusation. De facto, that blood will be on Gershon and his fellow demonizers.

  9. Researching some commentary on Gershon I found THIS on Mondoshit regarding one of his BDS diaries a while back:

    "stopaipac says:
    July 14, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    This happens at Daily Kos, and we can see, with the very high popularity of this diary at Daily Kos, that we have already won over a large part of the *rank and file* democrats and other progressives. So the upper echelons of Daily Kos tolerates the occasional diary such as this, because, in a way, they have to, otherwise they would alienate their base. But they won’t let it happen often. They have banned too many of the pro-human rights in the Middle East contingent that discussion of Israel is not really happening much there. I do believe that the Democratic Party , of which Daily Kos is a part, is unredeemable in so many ways, not just its anti-Palestinian extremism, but its pro-corporate actions, etc…. but i do have hope for the *people* of the Democratic Party. Eventually we will create alternatives, not just a new political party but a real movement on the ground. In the meantime, i am appreciative for those who raising hell from “inside”, so to speak."

    Indeed, another part of the puzzle: "we have already won over a large part of the *rank and file* democrats and other progressives."

    1. What a precious username that fine example of a 'progressive' has...

    2. Excellent find. At the same time Kos is being played and disparaged by the mendacious.

  10. You know I hope it's not because School and I forgot to pay our Elders dues or something. I hate it when I'm not controlling Congress or the Media etc.
