Progressive-left defamers of Israel are, essentially, parrots.
Much like the president of the United States, himself, progressives listen to what anti-Semitic Arab propagandists say about Israel and then they tell one another the same thing. Anti-Semitic Arab propagandists claim that Israel is an "apartheid state," thus progressive-left defamers of Israel claim that Israel is an "apartheid state." It doesn't matter that Israel is the least apartheid country in the entire region. It doesn't matter that Jews and Arabs share hospitals and restaurants and hotels, and so forth, in Israel. Truth is entirely irrelevant. What matters is dragging the Jewish state through the mud on a daily basis in order to soften it up for its eventual dissolution or destruction.
This is what the progressive-left does in regards Israel. The political right tends to defend Israel, while the political left, at the direction of anti-Semitic Arab propagandists, tries to tear that country down.
Yet Jewish dhimmis still vote for Democrats and progressives.
Anti-Semitic Arab propagandists claim that Israel is a racist, colonialist state, thus progressive-left defamers of Israel claim that Israel is a racist, colonialist state. It doesn't matter that Jews have been living on that land for something close to 4,000 years, long, long before Muhammad was even born. It also doesn't matter that the Jews of Europe migrated to Eretz Israel, not out of some imperialist project, but because they were escaping persecution. But truth is entirely irrelevant. What matters is dragging the Jewish state through the mud on a daily basis in order to soften it up for its eventual dissolution or destruction.
Yet Jewish dhimmis still vote for Democrats and progressives.
Anti-Semitic Arab propagandists claim that Israel is in violation of international law and persecutes the "Palestinian" minority, thus progressive-left defamers of Israel claim that Israel is in violation of international law and persecutes the "Palestinian" minority. It doesn't matter that Jews in the Middle East have been a persecuted minority under Muslim imperialism for 1,300 years and after gaining their freedom, subject to one-hundred years of Arab and Muslim war against them. But truth is entirely irrelevant. What matters is dragging the Jewish state through the mud on a daily basis in order to soften it up for its eventual dissolution or destruction.
Yet Jewish dhimmis still vote for Democrats and progressives.
Sad, really.
"I would say that if this is one's point of view, that the voter who feels this way is living in the wrong country."
ReplyDeleteListen my authoritarian friend, you do not get to say who is worthy of being an American and who is not.
Ok... now where in that comment does it say who is worthy of being an American?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you need to read the whole thing where it says you have every right to vote any which way you choose for any reasons that you choose.
That said, It is my opinion that if American priorities ARE NOT your first priority then why are you living here? It's an honest question. It doesn't mean you have to leave or anything else. It's just like when I question "Nuclear Nate" and the rest of the IDS'ers, when they write their screeds about how America is "Teh Ebilz". If this is so bad then why are they here?
Don't confuse a question with a statement.
Speaking of "authoritarian" - who the fuck elected you "Melech ha-Yehudim" (that would be King of the Jews in Hebrew)? Who are you to tell any of us that we can or cannot be "trusted" regarding the future of the Jewish People. You have far less cred. than either Mets or I wrt Zionism, you are way out of your league here and your simple accusations of us supporting Jihadists or parroting Arab Propaganda or being "dhimmi's" is laughably hyperbolic (oh and my Israeli friends think so as well - I shared some of your older stuff with them).
So... Cut it out and stop lying about shit. You want to be a Republican... hey knock yourself out just don't lie about what we believe.
Hey btw, you realize that called your pal oldschooltwentysix a DHIMMI since he says he is voting for President Obama and says he is a Democrat. Right? I know he will be in here post haste to correct the generalization found here:
ReplyDeleteYet Jewish dhimmis still vote for Democrats and progressives.Sad, really.
Way to go man....
School has class.
ReplyDeleteSchool is interested in open inquiry.
You should read his stuff more closely.
Actually, I had thought of doing so, but decided that it applies to those that parrot the anti-Israel positions, which I do not.
ReplyDeleteThe first sentence here refers to "Progressive-left defamers of Israel."
Your reaction seems as if you may consider yourself included?
In any event, I am not as concerned with Obama as others here, and have said so. I believe that he recognizes the American consensus that supports Israel, even though he and some around him may not fully approve.
I AM concerned enough, however, by some of his decisions to say so. I have offered examples of where I believe he falls short. Even friends can make poor decisions.
I am also concerned by those who parrot the anti-Israel line, and by those, such as yourself, who castigate the people who raise these concerns, treating them as virtual enemies, just like the parroters do, when they are not.
Perhaps you should spend more time distancing yourself from the parrots, many of whom also call themselves progressive Zionists, and other so-called progressives that align with and seek to empower forces that are bad for all democrats.
I think that would be more significant than throwing sand from a sandbox as if that serves a purpose.
Physician heal thyself
ReplyDeleteNo... see oldschool, I don't have to prove anything about being Pro-Israel. One would have to be as stupid as a sack of hammers to not see that in my diaries, articles and general writings.
ReplyDeleteI attack the other side plenty (even getting banned from DKos over calling out people making Nazi/Israel analogies) apparently for all of your commentary at PZ and other sites you must have missed those many articles.
Oh and don't forget in my personal life and my involvement in many Zionist programs including living in Israel for a year.
Are there some progressives that align with the crazed anti-Zionists. You bet, but not most. On the other hand One out of every five or six Republicans are voting for Nazi Friend and Israel Hater Ron Paul. I mean, 15-20% of Democrats that vote for President Obama are not "radical, genocidal Jihadist. Think about it.
Maybe rather than screeching about "Progressive Zionists" you might consider actually, simply supporting Israel for all that it represents, rather than yearning for and trying to revive the Crusades.
Perhaps if you were not so prone to misrepresent, then I might take you more seriously. At this stage I do not.
ReplyDeleteI am not the trying to revive the Crusades. That just shows how you misrepresent! That said, I am not blind to what goes on either.
I do not screech about "Progressive Zionists" either. Another misrepresentation.
On the other hand, you screech often about the "deranged" and you did, in fact, suggest that some American Jews were "Israel Firsters" and perhaps should go live in Israel. Among other things.
Perhaps you might consider dropping the pejoratives you regularly use when dealing with people have the audacity to differ with you. I watched how you deal with anti-Zionists and can detect little difference in your dealings with me.
Well you hit one thing on the head:
ReplyDelete"I watched how you deal with anti-Zionists and can detect little difference in your dealings with me."
That's right. You know why - because in my opinion you and the crew here are the flip side of them.
You guys portray a hatefulness to all Muslims and Islam along the same lines that they screech about Israel.
I have no tolerance for bigotry ON ANY SIDE.
One of the reasons I support is Israel is not only is it the State and National Homeland of the Jewish people - but that it really is place that was formulated with ideals that I hold close to my heart.
It seems to me that you are more concerned with demonizing the other side rather than taking a hard honest look at our own side, and while supporting it, working towards a place that those who worked so hard and sacrificed so much to found it could look with pride at what they wrought.
The other thing that gets me about you is that while your collegues here spew venom you just sit back and say "Hey, it isn't me"... But that doesn't cut it. You are a contributor here. You are all over these threads so you have something to say. But you don't say anything in the face of things "Democrats are G-dless" and other such nonsense.
That is always good advice, Volleyboy1.
ReplyDelete"You guys portray a hatefulness to all Muslims and Islam along the same lines that they screech about Israel."
ReplyDeleteOkay, I wondered when that other penny was going to drop. I knew it was probably going to when you referred to us as a hate site the other day at your site. All I can say is bullshit. No one here hates Muslims. And the Islam we criticize is the genocidal, murderous, Jew killing, Christian killing, honor killing, supremacist, Caliphate seeking, gay hanging, etc, kind. It DESERVES to be criticized...all day long and then some.
Shame on you for trying to be the Jewish Simone Daud in this regard.
Wow.... really???????
ReplyDeleteOh and up above - you were called a Dhimmi (or were you????)
Your rationalization failed miserably - Karma was NOT talking just about those with IDS and you know it.
Yes, really. To you, anything that does not agree fails miserably. That is why you are no less a bigot, despite your lofty proclamations.
ReplyDeleteI was not called a dhimmi. You read with biased eyes. I speak against those who seek to oppress me. What more can I say?
The very last thing in this world that School is is a parrot.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that this is why we both tend to get grief, even while disagreeing with one another.
Karma - we care very much if Iran gets nukes, but I don't favor an all out strike.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think it is inevitable that they will get them and while I don't think they would use them, I think there is a chance they might. SO... what do I suggest?
I support continued covert warfare. Stuxnet, the assasination of scientists on the project, low level sabotage on everything from buildings to nuclear supply depots. Working with the Iranian opposition to overthrow the regime, full sanctions.
I also understand that there would be retaliation - wouldn't we do the same? HOWEVER, I think a full out bombing raid would invite at the minimum a Regional War. Israel cannot afford that at this time. If there is a Regional War - Haifa and the North will burn. Hizbollah has 40,000 missles. The Syrians are looking for anything to distract from the current uprising. Don't forget with the Israelis focused on the Northern Border the MB has control of Egypt.
It is not a positive situation. Also, remember if they go w/out American support - Our poplulace may not support this much less the Administration.
I am just being realistic. Is there an instance that I would support a Strike? Absolutely, but right now I don't think it is prudent.
FYI the reply function is messed up here - my response printed as a comment above.