Barack Obama tells the world that al-Qaeda is the enemy of the United States, but that his administration killed Osama bin Laden and now has Qaeda on the ropes. The good guys are winning, Obama would have us believe, and this is mainly due to his vigilance in protecting American lives.
Political Islam is a fascistic movement that seeks to impose Sharia on local governments for the purpose of eventually installing a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Under Sharia women are the property of men, Gay people are murdered outright, and Jews represent some sort-of transcendent, cosmic evil that must be either obliterated or subdued under the system of dhimmitude. Some Islamists are "extreme" in the sense that they either advocate violence in the name of Islam or actually commit violence in the name of Islam. These people represent a minority among Islamists. The majority of Islamists would never dream of harming a lock of Jewish hair, but merely provide moral and intellectual and financial support to those who think that returning to 7th century standards of morality is just dandy and the Jews have it coming, anyway.
Political Islam, in its contemporary form, was born out of hostility toward modernity and western imperialism in 1920s Cairo. It was then that the Muslim Brotherhood rose to power and the Brotherhood is the big daddy of most other Islamist groups. Al-Qaeda was born from the Brotherhood, as was the Little Brotherhood in Gaza, i.e., Hamas.
Prior to the Obama administration political Islam was basically limited to the theocratic regime in Tehran and groups that harass Jews such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. Now, as a result of the misnamed "Arab Spring," political Islam is taking over country after country throughout the Middle East including, with direct assistance of the Obama administration, Egypt.
It is because Barack Obama, along with the rest of the progressive-left, refuses to acknowledge that political Islam is the enemy of the west, that Ambassador Stevens and his people were killed in Benghazi. The real problem was not some youtube video, but Obama's disinclination to understand that Islamists are not, nor should be, partners with the United States. The real problem is that because Obama does not understand this he turned US security in Benghazi over to our enemies. That was the real problem, the real misperception, and it led directly to those murders.
What exactly did Obama think was going to happen if we turned over American security in Libya to precisely those people who have been telling us for a nearly a century that they want nothing so much as to see us dead? In Iraq the US diplomatic corps is protected by the marines. In Libya the US diplomatic corps was protected by the ideological brethren of Osama bin Laden.
And that's why Ambassador Stevens is dead. He and his people were killed by Barack Obama's ideological incoherence. One cannot oppose al-Qaeda while supporting Qaeda's parent organization, the Brotherhood. One cannot oppose al-Qaeda yet refuse to acknowledge that Qaeda is just one small group among many ideologically related organizations throughout the Muslim and Arab world.
The problem is not merely al-Qaeda.
The problem is political Islam and this precisely what neither the Obama administration, nor the political left, can bring themselves to face.
{In truth, it could hardly be more obvious.}
One quibble -
ReplyDelete"And that's why Ambassador Stevens is dead. He and his people were killed by Barack Obama's ideological incoherence."
He and his people were killed by a savage mob, not by any sort of naivete.
DeleteThey were killed by a savage mob. There is no question about that.
But they were also killed by the fact that this president has failed to come to any real recognition of political Islam and that we should not be entrusting American lives to anyone other than Americans in places where that particular ideology thrives.
Am I wrong?
That sounds about right, though I'm far from an expert on embassy security procedures so I can't speak to any of that. I hope lessons were at least learned from this attack.
DeleteProof: Obama Refused to Call Benghazi 'Terror,' CBS Covered Up
"In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof--two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public--that President Barack Obama lied to the public about the Benghazi attack, as well as about his later claim to have called the attack 'terrorism' from the beginning.
"CBS unveiled additional footage from its 60 Minutes interview with President Obama, conducted on Sep. 12 immediately after Obama had made his statement about the attacks in the Rose Garden, in which Obama quite clearly refuses to call the Benghazi an act of terror when asked a direct question by reporter Steve Kroft:"
[Video Footage of interview of Pres. Barack Obama]
"KROFT: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya Attack, do you believe that this was a terrorism attack?
"OBAMA: Well it’s too early to tell exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.
"CBS News held onto this footage for more than six weeks, failing to release it even when questions were raised during the Second Presidential Debate as to whether Obama had, in fact, referred to the Benghazi attack as an act of terror before blaming it falsely on demonstrations against an anti-Islamic video. The moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley, intervened on Obama's behalf, falsely declaring he had indeed called the attack an act of terror in his Rose Garden statement, and creating the impression that Romney was wrong. ..."
Pat Caddell - former Democratic pollster -- says: Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American people"
Pat Caddell: "I think we're at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role that the media plays in whether or not we maintain a free democracy."
Tarek Fatah -- Pakistani Canadian, liberal democrat, "culturally Muslim" truly "moderate" Muslim (non-Sharia-proponent Muslim (non-orthodox Muslim)), on the background of personal aid of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and on the American media's responses to inquiries, by some U.S. Senators, about whether, in accordance to U.S. law, her background was checked in order for her to be eligible for the position in the U.S government to which she was appointed by the Obama administration:
Have you ever seen anything like this in the U.S.?
DeleteThese things are now happening in the U.S.
An Islamic "religious" (political) rally in a public space in the U.S. (it looks like the park-like area right outside of government buildings), and what happens when a filmer of that public rally attempts to question participants of that public rally about some points of Islamic doctrine
Keep in mind: This "religious" (political) rally is not in a private space. This "religious" (political) rally is in a public space OUTSIDE OF GOVERNMENTAL BUILDINGS IN WASHINGTON D.C. Anyone is allowed, by U.S. Constitutional law, to film any of this, and to interact with any of the participants of this rally.
DeleteBrigitte Gabriel of ACT! for America - MUST SEE!!!
"Speaking at an anti-Sharia conference in Nashville, TN. Pay close attention to just how severely the Islamists are already creeping into the curriculum."
An example of what orthodox Muslim leaders say to Muslim congregations and what they say to Western non-Muslim audiences:
DeleteOn the creation of an Islamic Megamosque in Boston, "The Islamic Society Cultural Center"
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and the Imam!
UK TV Channel 4 Documentary
DeleteDispatches - Undercover Mosque
Followup documentary:
Dispatches - Undercover Mosque - The Return
Part 1 of 5:
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5:
Ex-Muslim in Muslim country reveals that she is an apostate
"...I asked her a question which left her speechless. I said, Mom, how can you say Islam is a religion of peace when the first thing it says is to kill anyone who leaves it. Isn't that ample proof that it's a cult, an evil cult? ..."
Dan, while much of what you are posting here today is valuable, I also think that it is imperative that we hold a clear, bright line between political Islam and regular Muslims.
DeleteThe problem is not Islam, in general, but the political movement that wishes to impose sharia.
Do you understand: According to the official texts of Islam, the supposed founder of Islam, Mohammed, who, according to the official texts of Islam, is "The Perfect Man" and whose example Islam commands that Muslims follow, was, as the leader and founder of Islam, a mass-murderer, a rapist, a slaver, a thief, and a liar.
DeleteDo you understand what even just this indicates about the nature of Islam?
What kind of "religion" is such a "religion" of such a supposed founder?
And, furthermore, every verse in the official texts of Islam that is quoted by Muslims and Western non-Muslim excusers of Islam as being verses that advocate goodness, are verses in the official texts of Islam that, and excerpts of verses in, the official texts of Islam that, are verses that, and that are excerpts of verses that, are outright plagiarisms of Judaism and are canceled out by additional text in the official texts of Islam that contradict those seemingly "good" verses and seemingly "good" excerpts of verses, and are canceled out by additional verses in the official texts of Islam that, according to the official texts of Islam, abrogate those seemingly "good" verses and seemingly "good" excerpts of verses.
Again: According to the official texts of Islam, the supposed founder of Islam, Mohammed, who, according to the official texts of Islam, is "The Perfect Man" and whose example Islam commands that Muslims follow, was, as the leader and founder of Islam, a mass-murderer, a rapist, a slaver, a thief, and a liar.
3 Things You Should Know About Islam ما يجب أن تعرفه عن الإسلام
Islam was not for me - Amil Imani (Free Iran)
Taqiyya - Islamic Deception
Islam: What the West needs to know (full documentary)
Wafa Sultan: Islam Is Incompatible with Western Law
Islamic Conquests and the 'Dhimmi System'
The Islamic slave trade - The untold story part 2 of 5
"The real problem is that because Obama does not understand this he turned US security in Benghazi over to our enemies."
ReplyDeleteObama understands all this all too well. The real problem is that we won't face the obvious - that there's a political Islamist running the White House.